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DNA test shows stepchild is not biologically his

mpantoja0526's picture

I married my husband about 1yr ago. He has three children from his previous marriage; 1 male that is not biological but he considers his own (he met the mother when the child was 3mths old) & two biological (16yrs old male & 12yrs old female). I have one 6yr old from a previous relationship & we’ve managed to blend the family & make it work. I get along with his boys perfectly well but the little girl somehow doesn’t seem to accept me completely which I completely understand (his dad & mom divorced 4yrs before I even came into the picture). She’s the only that comes over every other weekend & I try to make her feel good by buying her things & being attentive to her…etc. Yes, there are several times I feel bad that she puts a nice face to me but tells her mother other things (she has a cell phone & since I pay for it I sometimes monitor it just to make sure she has age appropriate things there). I’ve seen several times messages she sends her mother about me that are not true but I just ignore it as I’ll like to think it’s just a phase. Recently, we did a DNA test on the little girl & found out she’s not my husband’s. The reason we did that is because he said that throughout his marriage she would cheat on him but he will continue forgiving her due to the children. He always had his doubts about the little girl but was scared to do a test. Somehow he finally got the courage & did it which I respected his decision & we found out the truth. I completely understand that he still wants to be part of her life as he still considers her his child but I’m having mixed feelings about the whole situation & I’m trying to be supportive. The mother likes to party & just would like to take off on trips & leave it up to my husband to figure out how to take care of the little girl (sometimes we both had to switch & figure out our schedules on seconds notice). I just feel like we both or even myself should not have to struggle with figuring out my schedule to accommodate the ex-wife’s needs being that the child is not his. I don’t even have issues like that with the father of my child as we keep up with the schedule on the dot. We are all forced to accept the situation for the sake of the girl (she doesn’t know that the father she thinks is her father is really not) but what about our feelings? It feels like the ex-wife still wins regardless as she got to do her thing, have the truth come out years later & still continue with life as if nothing happened without taking responsibility for her actions. She claims the DNA test is wrong & even said she will do one herself but doesn’t seem like she’ll be doing one. Things appear as they’re going to continue as normal which is frustrating. I’m feeling confused as to what to do as I don’t feel like I should take care of a child that is not my husband’s but I’m also trying to be supportive of him. I really need help and/or advice as I’m having tons of mixed emotions.

mpantoja0526's picture

I'm not saying the father needs to be ripped from her life. I have no problem with him still being involved & providing the basic necessities. The only thing I feel somewhat upset about is the fact that she still expects him to go above & beyond as before. For example, if she wants to go out & eat with her friends after work she expects him to pick up the little girl despite him working 2hrs away. She works in the same school as the little girl & lives about 10mins away from the school. It's mush easier for her to just take her home & then go out to dinner. On top of that, she expects him to also take her boyfriend's children home as they go to school with the little girl & live in the same household.

mpantoja0526's picture

I'm not sure if I'll be able to live with this as the news is pretty new to us & I'm still trying to figure out my feelings, his feelings & the rest of the family feelings. I don't resent the child, I just don't like that she acts rude with me when I've been nothing but nice to her.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Paternity fraud. Wasn't I just complaining about this? This is so cruel!

The laws need to be updated, and paternity testing should be mandatory for all newborns. Kids deserve to know their real fathers and medical histories.

CatchyUserName's picture

Can I ask why you decided to do the test? I'm convinced my SS is not my husband's bio. Not only am I convinced but pretty much everyone who knows us, even my husband's parents strongly suspect that he is not my husband's (and have been very open with me about their suspicions). Early on I suggested the DNA test but stopped after a while as the kid is 16 and has only known his dad as his dad. I figured it would be more harmful to him to know the truth at this point and wouldn't change the child support. While I would love to throw it in BM's face that we know and call her a lying hag I figured we just might never know. (And honestly I could call her a lying hag for a ton of other things so it works out if I want to take that route... Wink I thought maybe if skid-mark was curious as adult that would be his prerogative.

So, if you aren't telling the daughter and it isn't changing the visitation or cost...why did you get it?

mpantoja0526's picture

He actually wanted to do the test I guess to bring closure to his life. The ex would cheat on him on & off throughout the marriage & he stayed for the children. When the little girl was 2 days old his best friend's wife contacted him to tell him that the ex was cheating on him with the best friend. Of course the ex denied everything. As time has passed, he's notice that the little girl looks nothing like him & somehow just wanted to know the truth once & for all. I don't know if they'll ever tell her or they'll wait till she's a bit older. As far as costs, he still has to pay child support regardless since he was married to the ex when she was born so in the courts eye he's the father regardless. I do feel like he was also getting tired of the ex taking advantage of him so he just wanted to have something to throw in her face. Once he found out the truth, he told her but she denied it & she has stuck to her story so I'm not sure he's gotten completely the closure he was seeking.

tessa12's picture

Look, I understand your concern about basic fairness. What BM did was cruel. But what's the alternative to keep things just as they are? Telling a tween the only father she's ever known isn't her dad? Your DH has confronted BM. Either way, you're still helping to raise a child that isn't biologically yours. That doesn't change for you. I would try to support your DH and work through your own feelings about this. Good luck to you. And also, twelve year old girls may be just the most difficult people to "win over." Don't try so hard to get her to like you or "accept" you. Hopefully she will come around on her own.

notasm3's picture

My DH's late father never believed that DH was the father of DH's oldest son who conceived during a ONS when DH came home from overseas for a weekend. She was the town bike and he was a horny 19 or 20 year old who'd been in the military overseas. He just wanted an easy lay.

He ended up getting ordered back to the states to go marry her (decades and decades ago - Viet Nam era). I sometimes wonder if that might be part of the reason that BM did not tell DH when their son died.

I have my doubts as to SS30's paternity. DH and BM and all of their siblings are very short. SS is about 6'3". DH and BM have dark hair and eyes. SS has blue eyes. SS was also conceived from quickie. They were not a couple. Yes my DH was STUPID - but nobody used condoms back then.

I don't bring it up. Doesn't really affect me. DH is doing the DNA test (23 and me) about his heritage. I just hope he doesn't suggest it to SS.

Maxwell09's picture

In this case curiosity killed the cat and by that I mean y'all decided to dig up an unnecessary truth. Does it suck? Of course! But you already knew it wouldn't change anything once you found out for sure. I think the disappointment you feel is because you had hopes something would change when realistically nothing was going to come of getting it done. I know a lot of my own exasperation in the beginnjng came from the hope BM would finally one day just man up and admit what she's done to us and how her consequences are from her own actions but it won't happen. Ever. These BM's have a different perspective than us, they see things the way they need to to keep their life the way they want. But I do wonder, now that you know she is not your DH's child, will you be able to keep that from the girl until her mom is ready to tell her the truth-which will probably be never, by the way! Can you handle the resentment that's going to come from those snide SD comments until she is 18 or BM tells her the truth? Personally I never would have tested knowing it wouldn't change anything, that a huge secret to burden you and to do it for someone you hate/loath is something I would never tempt.

That being said, I did initially pay for my DH to get SSthen8months tested. BM was nasty then and would say things to upset DH like "you only think he's yours" or crap like that to hurt him. We had just started talking then so I told him if I was going to get involved with him he needed his ducks in a row and there wasn't a snowballs chance in hell I was dealing with her if I didn't absolutely have to. He tested, repaid me quickly after, and SS is his. BM had the nerve to act offended when DH shut her down mid-threat with the results. The difference between my situation and yours is that 8months is still young and it was before custody or a judge got involved.

Acratopotes's picture

Simply disengage from the girl if she's rude to you, even if she was his bio.... you are not responsible for her.
Stop buying her things and stop paying her cell phone your DH should.

DH can inform BM, I'm not doing you any favors anymore, we will stick to CO, you will only get CS from me for this child and not a dime more. If you want more money do your own DNA testing and take me to court. I don't think a judge will be kind to BM.

I don't need DNA tests to know Aergia is not SO's.... it's a simple thing of blood groups not matching. SO still does not get it.... I'm not going to say anything, Aergia is almost 18... it's not my place to say anything and well he raised her, The father is not the one who gave the sperm it's the one who raised the kid

Acratopotes's picture

thanks for the lecture lol....

I researched it myself, I do not have to tell you the exact blood groups of the parents, but I know for a fact that those 2 together will never ever have a O group child... no way in hell, it's impossible. i also did ask my doctor lol...

bit regardless it's not for me to inform SO about this, if he can't see it so be it..

Tuff Noogies's picture

curious mamazen - dumb@$$ has blue, so do both her parents. dh has brown like his bio, but MIL's are blue. oss and kaos have blue eyes. lurch has green (strangely enough, the exact same shade of olive green that mine are!)

is there an explanation for that based on dominant/recessive genes?

Tuff Noogies's picture


dh likes to say that lurch got the green from me, but God knew i wasnt ready to incubate him yet - lol!!! Wink

still learning's picture

I substitute teach and we did a lesson on Mendel's peas and eye color. When we got to the part about dominant and recessive genes and eye color a student said, "I have blue eyes, both of my parents have blue eyes but my sister has brown eyes. How did that happen?" I wanted to ask the kid what color the mailman's eyes were but restrained myself.

Acratopotes's picture

why question this.... both my parents have blue eyes... but my gran mothers both have brown eyes, same as me...

this is more genetics girl..

Jcksjj's picture

Theres more than one type of gene for eye color so it's possible for 2 parents with light eyes to have a darker eyed baby, it's just way less likely. I dont remember exactly what it is but something about one gene controls the color and one controls the amount of pigment so you could have a parent that has the color gene for brown but the amount of pigment might make the eyes appear lighter. Something along those lines but I'm probably somewhat off on specifics.

Acratopotes's picture

dammit I wonder how many more kids are mine, I knew I should've kept my legs close all those years, lol
How man more that I do not know off....

well don't care she will be 18 in a couple off months thus no one can sue me for anything Wink

Acratopotes's picture

Danielle - it's hard keeping my mouth shut...I'm scared shyt of Karma lol......

I might say something when she's 21.....

mpantoja0526's picture

The whole situation is just complicated. The real reason he got a DNA test is for closure. Let me just give you a little bit of more background about the whole thing & why I feel like my husband should just stop letting the ex take advantage of him. I'm not saying he needs to stop seeing the little girl or anything, but he can stick to still being around & buying necessities instead of having the ex make him do more than he has to.

They're divorced but don't have a visitation agreement or child support order in place; he just brings the little girl every other weekend & buys her things that the mom tells him to buy.
He married her & accepted the 1yr old child she had as his own. Four years later they had a son (which is my husband's biological son). Things were rocky but one day she said that maybe having another child would fix things & he went with it, they had the little girl 5 yrs after the birth of the 1st one. He has always provided for all three children regardless. When they divorced, they didn't do much about the house he bought under both of their names as the financing is ONLY under his name but the title is under both. She couldn't get her own financing as she has bad credit or else he would've transferred the home over to her. The agreement was that he will pay 1/2 the mortgage & she would pay the other 1/2. He agreed to this as he still wanted the children to keep their home & feel comfortable. 1 month after the divorced she moved her boyfriend in as well as his 4 children. His children have been forced to share their room, clothes & all their belongings as the other children's dad doesn't have much money to buy them many things. So technically everything we buy the children gets split into the other children too. The ex likes to take vacations & just notify my husband to pick up the girl from school the same day she leaves & to make sure she gets to school & back. At first I was ok with the 1st time but as time went on she kept doing it constantly which made me feel bad as both of our schedules need to be moved around whenever the ex wanted. She also expects my husband to make sure her boyfriend's children are driven to & from school as they go to the same school. The mortgage payment for the home went up but she refuses to pay the additional amount & just gives him the half from before leading us to take a cut in our budgets. Now, that the truth came out by husband does feel as if he should not have to pay completely for two out of the three children that are not his more than the basic. She recently also just said to my husband that he needs to buy a new bedroom set for the little girl as the current one needs to be used for her boyfriend's daughter. I honestly feel like she doesn't seem to care about anybody else's feelings around as long as she gets what she wants. I'm not sure if I'm expressing myself correctly.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Good grief, what a mess and what a sucker your SO is.

He needs to lawyer up and stop being BM's ATM and servant. You guys need a to sort out custody, a visitation order, CS as determined by your state's guidelines, and the house needs to be sold ASAP.

Hopefully once your SO understands what his rights are, he'll stop the gravy train. His grifter ex can get a j.o.b. and do her part to support her kids. Sheesh.

still learning's picture

This guy just keeps getting shafted by BM over and over and he keeps taking it. It's past time for you to step away from this losing situation. You can still be married to him but let him carry the burdens and drama that he chose. If he feels he needs to drop everything for BM and raise all her children then let him do it, not you.

The relationship w/the sd is going to blow up once she finds out that DH is not her real father, and she will find out. I would avoid being the target for that drama by disengaging now because we all know that it will somehow be the wicked step mothers fault.

Rags's picture

Personally I consider sticking a man with a child that is not his biologically to be fraud and should have major financial and criminal penalties involved for the woman. A woman knows if there is any chance that a child is not her husbands and should be legally required to step up in a proactive way and address the situation with her partner. If she fails to do that then the non-bio-dad/dad should be able to recoup every penny of cost incurred in supporting the child and the mother with penalties and interest, be able to assume immediate full custody, and the extorting BM should have to pay an insane amount of CS until that child is out of a doctorate program.

I have no tolerance for this crap and the fact that the courts not only tolerate this crap but facilitate it makes me want to puke.

Conversely.... a man should have to support his BKs... Period.

In the event he voluntarily chooses to accept a non related child as his own with full knowledge of the situation then and only then should he have any enforceable responsibility or obligation.

I understand that a whoring BM is not the kids fault but a man should not be forced to support a child that is not his. Particularly considering that the BM knows that she was whoring around when the child was conceived.

I am a bit sensitive to this since I could have easily been in this situation during my first marriage as my XW was pregnant by her geriatric fortune 500 executive sugar/baby daddy while we were still married and she was still in our marital home.... unbeknownst to me. Fortunately I am not a complete idiot and understand that 8mos of no sex would make me not the dad... had she even tried to stick me with her whoring activity spawn.

mpantoja0526's picture

Update to this story, it's been quite a few hectic weeks since finding out the truth. I never asked him to stop talking to the little girl, or see her. All I said is that I needed time to process everything. I feel uncomfortable living a lie & I stop to think what about the day I have a child with him. Is my child supposed to live a lie too or if my child would find out one day, would my child resent me for not saying anything. I guess I'm the type of person I like to think ahead & every scenario & my husband wants to live in the moment & pretend like nothing happen & just move on. I proposed to go stay at my parents the weekends that the little girl is with him so that I can gather my thoughts & not feel weird like there's an elephant in the room. Apparently this whole situation is too much & he doesn't agree with my proposed plan for a few weekends that he has decided to end the relationship & leave the house. I understand that it's difficult for him & wants everyone around him to see things his way but other people sorrounding him also have feelings & have the right to have time to think & feel things. Don't know what to do with this situation.

Acratopotes's picture

:jawdrop: he simply ended it with you and move out -

I would say good riddance Hon, file for divorce if you are married, get CS for your children and move on with your life, if this man can simply just walk out on you like this he's not worth it.

mpantoja0526's picture

At first she denied the DNA test & then 2wks later said "well you already know the truth it is what it is". I don't get how that woman can be that way.

mpantoja0526's picture

At first she denied the DNA test & then 2wks later said "well you already know the truth it is what it is". I don't get how that woman can be that way.

mpantoja0526's picture

Unfortunately I do have to still deal with it. I'm sooo overwhelmed & since finding out the truth it's non-stop fighting for us when before we hardly ever had an argument. He doesn't seem to realize that it's this situation & just likes to say that the fighting is about me getting my way over things.

mpantoja0526's picture

UPDATE; my husband is back home now after apologizing. I agreed to compromise with him in the part where I would be a little more understanding. Now things got a little more complicated for him as the day he left he was fighting with me & my son who is 6 years old heard the whole thing; he now knows the girl is not his. I explained to my husband that he should not be mad at my son if he tells her the truth when she's over as he's the one that let it out (I've told him before not to fight in front of the children as they don't need to know what's going on). He should be prepared for her to know the truth sooner rather than later. The BM had a conversation with him & said that she hopes the girl never finds out (yes, she plans to keep it a secret) & if she does she'll rather tell her that he's dead. Like what is wrong with this woman? How can she pretend his dead with one child but needs to keep him alive for the other as they do share one biological child. Makes no sense! I'm still feeling very weird & uncomfortable with the whole situation & he basically makes me feel like I'm crazy for wanting some time apart from the little girl when she's over to sort out my feelings. I never said anything not to bring her over but I basically suggested I can go spend a bit of time with my parents (she only comes over for one night every 2wks). Now, I'm basically being forced to feel uncomfortable in my own home when she's around as he doesn't like my idea & feels like I should just deal with it. I'm sorry, but it's not easy for me to just deal with it as I've never had a connection with her like he has & haven't really spend much time with her (she'll come sleep over but most of the time he takes her the following day to spend time with his parents & then takes her home). He's basically saying that it's his daughter regardless & I don't have to love her or anything but just deal with it. This just feels very weird to me. When I married him I knew the oldest wasn't his (he raised him), the middle child & the girl were his. Now everything changes as our (his income & my income) have to go for supporting 2 non-biological & 1 biological. For instance, Saturday morning around 2:30am the oldest (which is not his) called & said he needed an Uber. So of course there we go arranging an Uber to have him be picked up after hanging out with his friends & be driven home. The following morning by husband asked him why he didn't call his mom & he said that he did but she told him to call him as she was out with her friends. I don't understand this woman!!! She gets to do whatever she wants & still throws the responsibility our way. Maybe I'm being difficult or I don't know anymore.

Acratopotes's picture

separate finances.... take your income out of it..... honestly I would not take him back, he keeps on choosing other people ahead of you... IMHO

mpantoja0526's picture

I don't think precisely he chooses other people as I understand he's diving himself among everyone. I just don't like the fact that he's basically forcing me to have a relationship with the little girl. If anything I feel like the little girl would be happy to not see me when she comes over as she's made it clear before that she doesn't like me. I just don't understand why he wants to force me to deal with her or force her to deal with me (he doesn't want to accept she doesn't like me despite me showing him messages). It's like I want to say, you deal with her or have whatever relationship you want as nobody is even telling you anything about that but don't try to force people. He doesn't want me leaving to my parents one night every two weeks but also doesn't want me just staying in my room. I feel like a prisoner in my own home. If anything, he should be happy to spend time one on one with her without me around.

Tuff Noogies's picture

OP, this kid is legally your dh's daughter, whether they share biology or not. your dh learned of this long after his name was put on her birth certificate. yes bm was wh0ring around, but sd is still your dh's child.

she (sd) did nothing to deserve this and does not need to have her whole world turned upside down. i hope your son keeps his mouth shut for as long as possible, i dont think she needs to know anything as a minor.

just my two cents.

mpantoja0526's picture

I can't count on my son keeping his mouth shut as he already told his day, his grandma & the whole family. He went & told everyone that my husband was screaming at me & the reason. I understand it's not the little girl's fault & that's why I'm not telling him to keep away from her or stop seeing her or anything like that; how he handles that situation is completely up to her. The only thing is that I feel like I'm being forced to take on that responsibility when I shouldn't have to. Like last year the mom decided she wanted to take a trip with her boyfriend & just threw the responsibility to us. I took off work to stay home with her & have my husband continue working & doing his thing. Now, that we know the truth, my husband can do whatever he wants with his relationship with her but shouldn't expect me to do the same. I'm not sure if I'm expressing myself correctly. I never once said that the little girl's life should change as far as taking her "father" away; I'm not taking him away, I'm just removing myself from the situation as either way she doesn't like me so it should not matter if she hangs out with me or not. If anything I feel like the little girl would like it a lot better if I wasn't around as she's made it very clear to me that she doesn't like me.