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Dont "judge" my (biological) adult child

Other Dad's picture

Depressed / therapy avoidant / antidepressant fuled SD19 

Cannot be "judged"

BM says "dont judge her"

Er..... I pointed out that humans make judgement every few seconds of the day.

Pot handle may be hot - use pot holder glove to pick it up

Dont slip on that bannana skin 

Old person is walking very slowly - perhaps help them cross the road and keep an eye on traffic untill they get to the other side

SD not making eye contact and just swiping away at Instagram saying "MmmmHmmmm" as she makes a crapppy pretence of listening or careing everytime BM shares personal thoughts or important information with SD - is F***ING RUDE

Waking up at 3pm every day - is F***ED UP.

BM wants SD to be under some Harry Potter "invisibility cloak" so she can glide through life with her F'ed up behavior unchallenged.

Anyhow - as part of my new disengagement I now make very few verbalisations / comments on SD19's shortcommings but her continued therapy avoidance REALLY pisses me off. 

Thanks for reading..







justmakingthebest's picture

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck- It's probably a duck!

Sounds like SD needs to be living with BM and your DH can see her when he sees her. Clean out her room and consider her launched... Right into BM's "loving" arms! 

justmakingthebest's picture

Oops! I get so used to SM's I didnt' catch that this was a SF!!!

Although my advice isn't too different- she can launch right into her Biodad's arms or SD and her Mom need to move out. 

I would be over living like that. 


Rumplestiltskin's picture

"Only God can Judge me!"

Almost every time i see someone post that to social media, their life is a mess lol. 

hereiam's picture


Yes, God has the final judgement but until then, do stupid crap, get judged.

Rags's picture

Sounds like your DW needs to recognize her abject parental failures and grow TF up.  Infantile moronic adults raise abject failures and it is worse when those abject failure semiSkidult spawn are the progeny of a failed family reproductive coupling.

Good luck with this marriage OD.  It has to be a living hell for you.

StepUltimate's picture

You're in the right place.