Help for SD who stuck with grown convicted felon narcissist
Looking for help for my stepdad who can't get my codependent mom to stop letting felony convicted drug addict brother move back in. Afraid will turn into elder abuse . My stepdad doesnt know what all he can legally do in his own home to make him leave if my mom wants him there. I bought nest cam for dad so he can see who comes in and out of his home. Told my stepdad to take guest door off the hinges , but he doesn't know if can do that legally. Oklahoma prisons are full and my brother has been twice, been in rehab too many times to count, been arrested for physical abuse towards exgirlfriends and strangled me in parents kitchen in 2012, but my mom lied to cops about seeing anything to keep him from arrest. I disowned him then. He has been arrested for distribution of meth and other drugs but even though he gets busted with meth every 3-6 months, shop lifting every 3 months, and has tons of open charges, they dont take to jail when busted, they just fine him to point of having no paycheck after his back child support , and his previously leagal fines come out, so he cant afford to get own place and no one wants to live with the narcissist bipolar a$$h@le!
Any suggestions?
Can you dad sell the house
Can you dad sell the house out from under everyone so they have no place to live? Its his house so why couldn't he take the door off the hinges??
Who is in charge of the financial stuff? Anyway to set it up so brother can't get control before he tries? Take step dad to lawyer and see what he can do to protect his money/assets.
Agree. Legal advice is needed.
Aside from protecting assets, it's crucial to make sure your stepdad is protected physically! Your brother obviously has violent tendencies. If your mom is codependent, and your stepdad tries to limit brother in any way, it would not be unheard of for your stepdad to find himself at the top of the stairs with a hand pushing him down. Money is money and people will do anything to get control of it.
Besides the lawyer, find out if there are senior citizen services in their community and get your stepdad to go there and find out if there are counseling services for both him and your mom. I am sure there are professionals who know what resources are available for elderly couples/people who have grown children who may abuse them or take their assets. Maybe a restraining order could be used to at least keep him out of the house.
Good luck. What a sad state of affairs when you reach this stage of life and have to worry about this kind of stuff.