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Her we go again!

Bethany's picture

35 year told SD, who has been furiously trying to get pregnant by man who ALREADY has a 1 year old and a 4 year old...both of whom he does not suppor.t The latest is this. She asked my husband for a loan to pay for the LOAN he co-siged for a car. She requested CASH. He gave her a lot more. Then , she cals 24 hours AFTER being "robbed at gunpoint". BS! She has claimed money stolen before. She has her BF's heroin addicted sister LIVING with her. Mind you BF does not work! Sorry, I do not BUY this...Oh, she REFUSED to report the to the police. WHY?????

Acratopotes's picture

:jawdrop: and what does your DH say about it.....

I would cut him off his finances and say, I did not marry you to support a druggy... I would be furious. DH should simply get that loan off his name, and then stop the money train.

sammigirl's picture

YOU cut the purse strings, if your DH will not do so. YOU tell SD "no more" and stick to it.

This is what I did with YSS53, when he was 20 years old. YSS also borrowed money, ran up our phone bill, wrecked our vehicles (more than once), drove without a DL, sold stuff we loaned him (claimed it was stolen); YSS even borrowed $50 one day for a bus ticket and used it to take some gal to a steak dinner that night. The list grew longer and longer, before I stopped it.

You are on target with the lies and if I were you, I would stop it NOW! I am now the mean SM, but our $$$$ don't go to this loser any longer and has not for years. YSS is not allowed to live here either, ever again. Now he lives with BM at age 53, because he spent 15 years in prison for fraud, writing bad checks, stealing equipment from an employer and selling it, renting furniture and selling it, on and on....Part of his probation is he has to live with a person that will take responsibility for his actions; not happening here. KARMA for BM anyway, she enabled him, as DH did also.

Seriously, you will be the bad guy, but DH gets over it; my DH was actually thankful that I did stop it, because he didn't want to say "no" to his kids. So I did! BM and SD56 still enable YSS53; their problem, not mine.


Bethany's picture

Received a text from boyfriend stating: I have no respect for you. You say awful things about me. YES, I have as SEVERAL of SDs friends contacted me about him that their house is filthy, he has no license and he continues to have no job (unemployed for YEARS). Claims my grandson is his SON and told me I am NEVER to speak to his son again. I am now blocked from my grandson's FB. He told me SD told him I "single handedly destroyed her emotionally and psychologically". Mind you, I'v meet this man ONCE. I am the one who sees through her manipulations and calls her on them. She knows when I know she is making something up (like being robbed at gunpoint).

She never reported the robbery saying they'd never find the robber. She also asked DH NOT to tell her mother as I am sure she has used this excuse before with her mother.

At a loss, other than to completely disengage. I feel for my grandson. But, they have him brainwashed that I am the bad guy. I can't help but feel for him. Social Services HAS been called on her before by neighbors, so maybe this is an option as the BF seems to be isolating my grandson.

sammigirl's picture

You can disengage now; BF opened the door for you when he texted you. Go for it. Stay out of it. Don't talk about them to anyone, don't think about them, and let it go.

Move forward with your life. You will be in a continuous battle if you don't walk right now. Let your DH handle his part of it, don't comment, ask, and most of all don't care. The door is open for disengagement, walk thru it and keep going.

Because I cut the purse strings to my YSS (33 years ago), my SD had told everyone that will listen that I am the bad person; who cares, SD was going to say those things anyway; she just used YSS as an excuse to begin her hate and drama. This was 33 years ago and SD hasn't stopped yet; guess what? I don't care, seriously.

I'm guessing BF is mad because you have him pegged. :? Hang in there, stay here, and everything will be ok with the grandson, you can't force it, believe me.


Bethany's picture

So, we hear from a colleague who works in a facility in which SD works that SD ran up to this colleague and raged that her stepmother (me) "stole all of her inheritance" from her grandfather. He had put it in trust and my husband handled it. My name was on nothing. She blew through about 75,000 in 3 years. NEVER saved a dime for her now 12 year old. Now, 7 years later, her boyfriend convinced her there MUST be more money and I must have stolen it. Now, they are screaming "lawsuit" It's almost comical as they have NO money as she only works 4 days a week and he hasn't worked in YEARS!

He is lawsuit happy as when she miscarried (yes, they are tying to have a baby despite him having a one year old and a 4 year old--neither of whom he supports!)--after the miscarriage, his FIRST words were: can we sue the hospital for the miscarriage?


sandye21's picture

As SMs we have to accept the notion that whatever we do - or not do - is our fault. What did the colleague say when you told him/her the truth? Yeah, your SD and her boyfriend sound like a piece of work.

I know someone just like SD's boyfriend. Always had a high and mighty ideas on how to get money fast and without working for it. Funny how retirement came upon him faster than he could have ever imagined. He didn't pay in enough social security to get anything so he's living off of his wife's disability.

I sincerely hope you are disengaged from SD and her boyfriend. People like that tend to mooch off one person until they run dry, then move onto another sucker. Eventually everyone can figure out who is lying but you won't really care.

Bethany's picture

Thanks for your response. I have told my husband this is it. No more Ms. Nice Guy for me. I have disengaged. She and BF screamed that I am the "cheapest bi^&* alive"--after I JUST took my grandson to the Cape, bought him a lobster dinner in an expensive restaurant and an expensive pair of sneakers as she never buys the kid any clothes. I've taken the grandson many times. But, he asked me when I would take his mom and BF and I was honest, telling him the BF didn't have a job, therefore I would not be taking them.

Sad as it is..I must disengage from him. He believes I am a thief and stole his mother's inheritance. Husband supports me in this 100%.

SacrificialLamb's picture

I disengaged from DH's grandchildren two years ago. I was upset about it at first, but it is worth it. They were young enough that the youngest would not remember me by now.

notasm3's picture

SS and Miss Baby Mamma have said some horrible things about me. Yawn - I so do not care what opinions those two pieces of trash have about anything much less their opinion of me. I know her family has been led to believe that I have red glowing horns on my head. Meaningless.

I have a ton of Disney Vacation Club points- which means that I can stay at many of the deluxe hotels for as low as $60 a night vs $450 and up a night. They were begging DH to take them and the GC who LOVES Mickey. I am the HORRIBLE person that denied the GC a trip to see Mickey, and it's not fair!!!!! I bought these contracts before I ever met DH - I have no interest in sharing any of my belongings with them.

But to hear BAby Mamma's whine I have prevented DH from taking them to Disney world. Just not my problem. They also assumed that as I have no children they would inherit these contracts. Not happening.

Ignore all the whores.

sandye21's picture

"They also assumed that as I have no children they would inherit these contracts. Not happening." When one of DH's SILs mentioned that she assumed I was leaving my assets to SD, who was known to be openly hostile to me by DH's family, it took me by surprise. I answered that I was leaving it to charity. Later on, I explained to the SIL why. She admitted that she had seen the blowfish, eye-rolling and SD's negative attitude toward me. I didn't have any birth children either. So I guess the SIL assumed this was 'standard procedure'. But I can not imagine this same SIL willing all she owns to someone who hates her with every fiber of their body. The nerve of these people who expect SMs to live with this ridiculous double standard is just amazing at times.