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High School Graduation Party / Drinking

LindaKjl's picture

My 18 year old stepson has graduated from high school. My husband of 3 years and I had a party for him last Saturday. I work full-time. Thursday after work I stayed up cleaning the house until 11:30. Friday I left work early at 3:00 and ran around to numerous stores purchasing food / party supplies and was up until midnight preparing. Saturday morning (the day of the party) I woke up at 7:00 a.m., ran to several stores for things I had forgotten, came home mowed the lawn, vaccumed the swimming pool, prepared food, set up, etc., etc.

Kids start coming over about 2:00 / 3:00 swiming, eating, and all is well. Adults start coming over around 5:00.

It is now early evening and when the adults start the festivities we do have beer set aside for our "adult" family and friends.

I purposely bought clear see through cups. I start noticing all these kids drinking out of other solo cups that are not see through. Then I see kids getitng into the beer coolers. Then I see my stepson's friends (minors) with their own case of beer that they brought in. THEN I find out the my stepson's friends (minors) brought in a bottle of Jagermeister and they are mixing it with Red Bull (caffine drink).

At the beginning when I saw them getting into the beer coolers I went up to them and politely said if you are not 21 you are not to be drinking here to no avail. It continued. Then I starting becoming more vocal telling them to shut it down and cease. They continued to ignore me and defy me and continued on. My stepson, for whose party it was, even raised his hand to me in a I'm not listening to you / don't talk to me motion. My other older (20) stepson told me "you can't tell me what to do". At one point my husand came around the corner and I told him I didn't like what was going on with the underage drinking and, in front of the kids, he told me to "shut up" and don't "discipline his kids".

15 minutes later when I discovered that it has escalated to the Jaegermeister I confiscated the bottle and dumped it and then I dragged the beer coolers to a location and me and a couple other moms sat on them so the kids could not get in them.

I am now the big evil stepmother. My one stepson even posted a comment on his Facebook page "Fine, I will just go somewhere else to get drunk. F YOU!"

Eventually after some of my husband's buddies went and told him this was right letting these kids drink, he FINALLY, told them to stop it. They then all left. (On a side note, my oldest stepson who is only 20 was allowed to came back to our house 3 hours later with his own beer and proceeded to drink his beer and 4 Locos with his girlfriend at our house after we just went through this situation at the party -- thus flaunting it in my face that he was allowed to do this).

I am GREATLY hurt over this whole mess. I put a lot of time, energy and money into this party and I feel like I have gotten spit on and slapped in the face.

Then on top of it all, after days of party prep, a long party day, I just wanted Sunday to be quiet and recouperate because I am right back to work early Monday morning. I was out laying by the pool and then about 2:00 both boys come over with their friends and it's THEIR restful pool day with my husband having to cook for them and make sure they are well fed. I can't even have the courtesy to be allowed one day to recoup.

Any thoughts.....

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Never do a thing for them again. Start pushing them to "party" elsewhere. Your home isnt a frat house.

I can tell you that if my SO disagreed with me, i would not be living with him. I want quiet.

Willow2010's picture

in front of the kids, he told me to "shut up" and

This is close to a deal breaker for me. (So is letting underage kids drink at my house) I would at least advise some type of counseling to see why he treats you like that and why you put up with it.

I would also not do A THING for those kids again.

Jsmom's picture

There is no way I would let this one go. He told you to shut up in front of friends and then encouraged underage drinking. He put both of you at risk and demeaned you. Honey, I would be in his face about it and not let it go. Then I would start making the kids so uncomfortable that they don't come around....Stand up for yourself...

LindaKjl's picture

The liabilty aspect of the whole situation is a given. I know this and that's was why I knew it shouldn't be allowed. That being said, putting that aside, it's just the blatant TOTAL disrespect of these kids thinking they can bring this kind of booze into my home and being allowed to party. THEN when an adult authority figures asks them to stop and they blantantly DEFY you.....that's what I have a problem with.

As for my husband staying I should not "discipline" his kids, I don't discipline his kids....that is his job. However, when minors are under a roof I live in (even though my husband owns the house) are doing something wrong I will speak up. That is not discipline. That's a right and wrong issue.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Yes you are absolutely right. It sounds like your DH and his kids treat you like it isn't your home, which is why I said earlier I would not live there.

lucy51's picture

It's a very classic stepmonster story. You do all the work to give a great party. They disregard your authority and dad does nothing but be abusive with you. How long as this been going on? Have you tried couples therapy to work out some of these issues of disrespect? I would try that first. If he's not willing, go yourself and work out a plan to get out of an awful situation.