How to tell DH politely that he is an idiot?
I'll start off by saying adult SD (20) is a wreak. I've known her since she was four years old and I probably don't have to go into what she's like. It sounds like you guys already know the whole manipulative, evil, her family thinks she's the best step kid issue most of you seem to have.
I have always been indifferent to her and she has been in different to me. It doesn't bother either of us. We can be in the same room not talk to each other and just seem like everything is fine. Her temperament is not an issue.never has been.
Now this is not to say she's been the best kid. Like I said she's manipulative mostly towards her father ( my DH)
He has always been so blind to it and I have ignored it, however today I decided to stick to my guns and now he's blaming me.
The argument: SD is on welfare. Now I have nothing against people who need welfare, such as the elderly and disabled, however she is perfectly capable of working . To be honest she's 20 years old and she has never had a job. I got her jobs and she's quit before the first day, saying she doesn't have to work, daddy will pay her way .in case your wondering , her mother who she lives with is also on welfare. She is 39 years old and has never worked a day in her life either.
Now with this said I find and stepdaughter's wallet not one but five credit cards. None with her name on it. I ask her what's up with the credit cards since she's on welfare and shouldnt have them ( I don't mention that her name is not on any of them. Only because I want to see what she'll say.) She says to me well welfare doesn't pay me enough so I just Google peoples names and SS numbers and get different credit cards.
Great she's into credit card fraud. To be honest not very surprising.
I tell DH and want to know what he says to me? Well what would you do if you had to go on welfare? To him which I replied I would not go on welfare I would get a job. I've worked ever since I was 14.
I finally say I've had enough I packed up a few things and our four-year-old son and I've taken him to my mothers house. I said when she leaves your family (us)will come back home. Lucky we only have to see her once every two months as she lives four hours away. Again only comes to ask for money. When my husband says no she just steals it. I'll get to that in another post.
I say to my husband I'm basically cutting her off. Every time she comes over our son and I will stay at my parents house until she leaves. He thinks I'm being unreasonable. I just don't want to be around that girl. Nor do I want my son around criminals. How do I tell my husband he's an idiot? I honestly feel I am doing him a favor by not being there. Because I swear the next time I see her I'm going to slap her in the face and kick her out the door. ( not literally but you get the point LOL)
Thanks all
Thought I would add her
Thought I would add her mother supports this. She wasted her welfare money on a $500 software to harvest peoples names and SS numbers. Then again her mother is a literal drug head.
I'm in exactly the same
I'm in exactly the same situation.. Bm is a drug addict, never worked a day in her life and is on welfare. We got the ss a job but he couldn't be bothered to walk there or cycle (15 minutes) so he just didn't turn up..the mother is in to fraud in a big way. Her eldest child sells drugs from the house. Dh feels sorry for ss all the time saying ' he's not a bad kid, I cannot tell you the money that's been given to him..oh and he steals money from both of us..why won't these men see it. ?
So you guys think I should go
So you guys think I should go to the cops? I was seriously thinking of it, but thought that would be " wicked stepmom" of me. Hmmmm I will definitely give that a thought! I will sleep on it and let you all know in the AM:)
@melody oh no worries she
@melody oh no worries she tried that when she was 15 with her then 17 yo bf lol. Lucky I saw her trying to open my safe box...
@dtzy u are pure genius! I
@dtzy u are pure genius! I didn't even think I could bust two of them in one shot! Her mother always leaves her crap lying around the house. Shed def have a shocker when the cops showed up .
@ghostflower sorry i didn't
@ghostflower sorry i didn't comment earlier, i didn't see your post. And yes when I say my DH is manipulated by her i really meant it. She could literally shoot someone in the head right in front of him and he'd deny and defend it. When she was a teenager as young as 13 wed have to grab her at the cop shop many times. she already has a record. The last time was for stealing at sephora some nail polish last year. The cops had a great time with my husbands denial, even when they showed him the video tapes and he still denied someone set her up lol.
Oh god this sounds so
Oh god this sounds so familiar.. My ss has been filmed by the police kicking and stamping on someone..the dh says he was trying to defend his friend so it was self defence ..the ss was on top of him ..I don't thinks so
I think your right… FBI is
I think your right… FBI is probably more like it…. but Ill go the cop route
and I'm not sure how big of a secret it will be. MY DH would know it was me right away hahaha
act like my SD… now THATS
act like my SD… now THATS awesome advice! lol And I guess your right, maybe I've been watching too much cops on tv hahaha. I just figured if i went like tomorrow he'd know it was me. like I know when she leaves that all the money in his wallet will be missing, but hell probably blame the cat
I do agree with waiting til
I do agree with waiting til she goes back to her mothers as well. Puts a bit of time and distance between you
sorry meant to say ** denied
sorry meant to say ** denied it**
Agreed a million percent!!!
Agreed a million percent!!!
OMG and maybe shell get a
OMG and maybe shell get a job!!! I guess shell be more productive to society in jail lol
LMFAO DTZY you literally just
LMFAO DTZY you literally just made me LOL hahaha

Well my DH isn't bad, he's an
Well my DH isn't bad, he's an excellent father with our son and we do a lot of family things together, Like I said SD thankfully isn't over much. So we have a wonderful life when she's not there. She is the only problem. Its like his brain goes on vacation when she's around.
and If i did that wouldn't they think I stole them? Although I think the copies would be a good idea to hand to police!
He truly doesnt, i know. He
He truly doesnt, i know. He just brain farts every time she's around. Believe me when our son does something wrong he's right on it. I don't think we need a divorce but I do think he needs counselling. problem is he won't go. He says that they will just blame him.
Well maybe I won't wait for
Well maybe I won't wait for tomorrow… Ill put lil man to bed and have my parents watch him. Ill head to the cop shop tonight since its not that far. Ill update when I get back
She asked me to. she wanted
She asked me to. she wanted me to get her credit card ( like which one?) so she could buy something on ebay. SHe didnt want to get off the couch.
I agree that she should be
I agree that she should be prosecuted primarily to stop what she is doing to people. But her imprisonment would cost us all more, so do we really win overall? I'm more for vigilante justice where you take the freaking cards out of her wallet and break in her mom's house if necessary to take the computer and remove their capability of harvesting more info. And going forward, pay a thug $20 every once and a while just to stop her on the street to check the cards in her wallet. It would certainly be way more fun...
I didnt want to photograph, I
I didnt want to photograph, I thought maybe i would be just as guilty as her since i would now have access to the card numbers.
and no worries on our son. The stupidity is only with his daughter. Were both very strict with our little one.
I didnt want to photograph, I
I didnt want to photograph, I thought maybe i would be just as guilty as her since i would now have access to the card numbers.
and no worries on our son. The stupidity is only with his daughter. Were both very strict with our little one.
I certainly would report her
I certainly would report her and I would want to do it in a way that did not put the spot lite on me. I do have one question and please do not take it as accusing you of anything but "what were you doing going through sd wallet?" I can only assume that when you know you have a thief among you that it puts you into a snoop mode. Since your dh is so quick to defend your sd I am surprised he did not turn the table on you and make you the bad guy for going through her wallet.
She wanted me to grab her
She wanted me to grab her credit card ( like which one? ) so she could buy something off ebay. She didnt want to get off the couch.
Wow! that almost sounds like
Wow! that almost sounds like she wanted you to know.
Call the cops like yesterday.
Call the cops like yesterday. Also put in an anonymous tip on her for welfare fraud.
The taxpayers thank you.
YW lol. I had tried calling
YW lol. I had tried calling welfare on them when SD first applied, but they didnt find anything fraudulant. Shes just lazy. Unfortunatly lazy doesnt cut it.
Thought Id leave an update.
Thought Id leave an update. SD has been arrested and currently in custody. I guess the cops pulled up her file and went right away based on all of her previous theft charges. DH is mad but luckly when he asked the cops if i turned her in they said no. Turns out ALL of those credit cards where maxed out and reported.
I did mention her mother. They did not find any previous charges against her so they said they will have to investigate, that was until they spoke to SD who tried to give a sob story that she was a thief because her mom was on drugs. :S Basically trying to go on pity to get a lesser charge. Cops didnt buy it, are now charging her mother as well , and SD is being charged with identity theft, fraud, and something else...... Either way cops told me if she was convicted it will be up to 18 years in prison since she had previous charges.
I actually do feel better now. TY guys!!!
That.Is.AWESOME. I'm so
I'm so happy to hear the cops actually took it seriously and DID something! And I'm glad they had enough that they didn't have to sell you out to your DH. Who is RIDICULOUS being mad at YOU instead of his daughter! SHE IS THE CRIMINAL for god's sake! Stupid man....grrrrr......
INCREDIBLE!!! DH is mad! DH asked the cops if you turned her in? It just amazes me how these dads misdirect their anger.
Me too. Maybe the cops knew
Me too. Maybe the cops knew hed be pissed?
Me too. Maybe the cops knew
Me too. Maybe the cops knew hed be pissed?
Me too. Maybe the cops knew
Me too. Maybe the cops knew hed be pissed?
She won't. She has 3 theft
She won't. She has 3 theft charges (as an adult) prior so I'm sure the courts won't be easy on her. Her child criminal record i think gets erased?
And he did lol. He tried to say to the cops that the person on camera wasn't her. He's still saying she was set up. He's pretty grumpy right now lol
I know he knows his daughter is scum. It's the only reason why I can think he would be in such denial over her. It's been this way since she was small. Even as young as 6 every time she would come over our money in our wallets always seemed to grow legs and walk away. She would even steal from our friends when they came over. I'm sure it was a result of being raised on welfare by her mom, but still no excuse.
Problem was even back then he would deny it was her.... Even when his brother , her own uncle said he caught her stealing out of his wallet.
Im sorry I didnt meant to
Im sorry I didnt meant to offend.... I certainly do not look down on welfare to those who need it. I worded it wrong. Her mother has been on it for 20 years, able to work but doesnt want to. Add the drug factor and it doesnt make it any better....
Lmao!!! U have it bang
Lmao!!! U have it bang on!!
My dh is somewhat indifferent. He pretty good as long as no one asks how his daughter is doing. I think he's a but happy that we actually have a lot of extra cash now since we're not giving SD any.
Awesome!!! Thanks for purging
Awesome!!! Thanks for purging this trash from society. Maybe SD can be her own mother's soap bitch in prison. Now that would be Karma at its finest. }:)
Your son is now protected from the shallow and polluted elements of his gene pool, your DH no longer has any say in interfacing with his toxic spawn or excuses for her behaviors, and you are now free of having to deal in any way with your DH's history for hopefully the full 18 years.
Please update when the trials happen and both BM and SD are sentenced.
I certainly will right now
I certainly will
right now they are still in custody awaiting trial. I get to testify. Not sure how I'm feeling about that though. Half of me feels bad for dh the other want to tear a hole in SD butt!
Time for some mail fraud,
Time for some mail fraud, identity theft, conspiracy to commit..., etc.... charges for SD and BM. ....never mind. I just saw that you already engaged the authorities.
Thanks for stepping up to protect society from this trash.
Anytime! Lol
Anytime! Lol
"Well what would you do if
"Well what would you do if you had to go on welfare?" - not the man of my dreams in any way shape or form. I'd be gone!
Good for you got reporting
Good for you got reporting this jerk!!!
Good on you for turning that
Good on you for turning that dirtbag in.