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Need advice about 3 grown rude SDs

WendyStep's picture

Hi all!


New comer here,I apologize for the long post but I want to provide details.

 I’d like some insight and advice about my adult stepdaughters. They are 31, 33 and 37. Their bio dad has dealt with a lot when it comes to them ( they were /are rude to him, disrespectful , he was paying for expensive therapy sessions over a**** he didn’t cause etc .)

They were raised by a toxic bio mom who brainwashed them to believe their dad is the bad one and she is the victim.  They’ve been divorced for 24 years. Their mom is a diagnosed narcissist. She is also a piece of work and likes to gossip and spread false rumors. She convinces people that her stories are true though. She also quit the therapist sessions because the therapist pointed out that she is the problem. Stepdaughters worship the ground their mother walks on, they even call her “ saint” , “angel with no flaws” etc. 

Ex messed up the oldest daughter by constantly criticizing her and nitpicking at her,  she did some of the same to the middle daughter and alienated the youngest daughter from her dad. Their mom never required them to actually start acting like adult women, and they unfortunately turned into their mom- being emotionally manipulative, immature, extorting their dad financially , being two faced, snarky, rude etc. StepDaughters refuse to see their mom as a flawed human being . They praise her at all times and get mad if anything good is said about me by my husband. 

Me and my husband have been married for seven years , we love each other very much, we spend our spare time together. When he married me, all three of them said to him that they won’t talk to him again, but they came back weeks after to ask for more money. They were not invited to our wedding because my husband said they are troublemakers and he didn’t want them to ruin our wedding.

I’ve been talking to him more about freeing himself from the mental shackles placed onto him by the ex wife who made him believe that it is his fault the daughters are not doing the best in their lives because he divorced her and that he needs to pay for them and the grandkids whose father walked away from their lives.

The stepdaughters (31,33,37) are still getting their phone bills paid, their car insurances paid, grocery allowance, he bought them cars, phones, pays for their gas , misc expenses, tires etc. He also pays the expenses like food , clothes, preschool etc for the two grandchildren. He’s also paid several college tuitions, rents for different places , utilities etc.

They are not grateful for anything, they expect it.

Me and my husband feel drained by them.

They just send their unpaid bills over , and expect my husband to make a payment . He’s been slowly stopping that too.

We’ve asked the SD who is 31 to take over the gas and car insurance payments, she is dragging her feet, suggesting we should continue to take care of it. She never paid a cent for the car.  She is also getting her dad to pay for college payments, and he was paying her rent for years while she was in her 20s. This same SD made a hurtful post on her internet blog how she wishes she had influence and control over who and whether her dad remarries. She called her dad a liar and made her bio mom to look like a saint and made herself look like a victim of our marriage.

They have been rude to me and excluded me from day one. They call themselves “Family “but they never call me that. I was very naive and I thought they’d see me for the person that I am and will accept me as I was willing to accept and love them. 

SD 37 is emotionally unstable so she plays double minded games. She uses the phone bill that her father pays for, to be very rude to him. One day she is for me, next day she is trying to ask my husband to tell her what’s wrong in our marriage . This is so she can run and tell her bio mom. The ex got involved and was trying to manipulate my husband into paying the 37 year old’s rent, he refused to. This SD is very bad with money and has a history overspending . She is also always telling him if you love me you'll do this , you'll do that etc. 

SD 33 is passive aggressive. She acts one way in front of my husband and another way behind his back. She disrespected me multiple times by the way she addressed me , she wanted to probe into our finances many times and feels entitled to do so ( the other two feel the same way) , she invites herself over to our house , she shows signs of jealousy when anything good happens to me , she was rude to me in my own home and I didn’t know how to react so I just smiled and went away without calling her out on it. She too never paid a dime for either of the two given cars. She has manipulated her dad to buy her another car which me and my husband agreed is going to be the last car bought for any one of them and it is going to be a used car at that. 

I was confused about her rudeness in my home because I gave her her own room, washer and drier and bathroom in our house, as well as bought her gifts, took her to buy clothes she can’t afford for her and her sisters , bought her her fav food , drinks etc.

She is in law school and expects us to pay for that as well, even though she has bachelors and masters. 

All three are extremely entitled. They entangled their dad in a bad property deal with an ex so he can buy them a rental property (they feel he owes them money, even though there is no legal proof of such a claim) and so that he can give them extra cash from the house equity as it builds up over time . The Ex has her own business and is not strapped for cash, she was just doing this out of greed.  We went to court to nullify the agreement after several years of him paying for a bad property deal. 

The property is essentially worthless and distressed , ex still lives there , she is paying for it and we are down tens of thousands of dollars.

This has affected our credit score , retirement and we’ve been walking in darkness in our house due to broken light fixtures for three years and malfunctioning bathroom faucets because we couldn’t afford the electrician and plumber due to them constantly feeling the need to manipulate my husband for more money. Plus all the attorneys expenses. 

SD 33 wrote me a list of things she wants me to buy for her (including gold Jewelry) because she says she wants to receive more benefits from me, Meanwhile her gifts to us are a can of sardines this Christmas or some other cheap things like that.

They feel entitled enough to say me and my husband’s money is their money.They have no empathy towards us and expect my husband, who is working very hard, as am I, to be their cash machine forever. They’ve invited him to hang out with them, without me, he denied their invitations. 

I’ve talked to him and he says he hates giving them money,  he wishes he cut them off long time ago,  we are slowly making progress to quit the money giving . He first got into giving them money out of fear that if he stops , the ex will badmouth him even more to the daughters and he was guilt tripped into enabling them . He is a reliable trustworthy guy and they have been milking it for all they can, it really makes me sick. 

He realizes they are ungrateful, undeserving of his help and expect too much but he finds it hard to fully cut them off.

Any insights or advice how I should handle all of this ?

Am I being unreasonable?

Are they being unreasonable?

How do I protect myself even legally if I need to?

I feel like nothing I do ever gets appreciated, I never get a thank you for my contributions .

My husband is not very good at setting boundaries with them, he feels that he can’t tell them the truth or they’ll get really mad, he talks to them on the phone but he doesn’t want to see them in person anymore.

He says he feels compassion for them because they were ruined by their mother. I don’t think he has fully grasped yet that they are adults and they are responsible for their own behavior and choices in life. ( I was severely traumatized by the mistreatment and the a**** I’ve suffered from my family for two decades, and I’ve never used that as an excuse to treat anyone poorly or take someone else’s resources or be lazy.)

All of this has affected our marriage negatively , due to stepdaughters and ex's hostility, public slander, being an emotional and financial burden. I have considered divorce few years ago because of all the stress they’ve put us through but we love each other and want to make our marriage work. This has been a nightmare that I’ve never expected to happen in my life.

Any advice helps , 


AlmostGone834's picture

Haha what? At first I thought your husband must be independently wealthy if he's paying for all this for adults in their THIRTIES. Then I got to the part about the broken lights and fixtures....

So first, they are adults in eeeeeevery sense of the word and your not wrong to think this is bananas.

Your husband is spending all your money and retirement security on them because they were "ruined" by their mother. Nope, they able bodied adults capable of living within whatever means they work for. 

He really needs to cut them off like yesterday or at the very least give them 2 months to figure something out then cut them off. But if he's unwilling to do that then you need to lay down the law. Split the joint bills 50/50. He pays for his half you pay for yours. Depending on your plans maybe also set up separate retirement funds for each of you. Anything left over can be his "spending money". 

I doubt there will be much left over once you pull your money but too bad. If he can't pay the bills first and also save for retirement, he has no business funding his grown a- daughters. If he insists on sinking the ship, don't go down with it. 

Winterglow's picture

I'd see a lawyer about this to be absolutely sure that neither of you has any obligation to pay for any of their stuff. Then have the same lawyer send them each a letter detailing the end of your payments towards their responsibilities. Have the letters hand-delivered by whosoever is the official person to do so (the point being to ensure they cannot say they never received the letter). Then contact each of the suppliers to set the date of your last payment.

As for you, stop buying them anything.  You have no legal obligation towards them. About the rental property... why doesn't your DH force the sale? If they want to continue living there, they can buy him out.

You must be firm and determined about this. They've had things too good for too long.

WendyStep's picture

DH has been so out of loop and negligent that he never bothered to check the title to the house, he was just " trusting" the word of a known pathological liar and he was just sending her money thinking she's investing to give it to the SDs who are all grown and I told him he's been scammed and and we both found out that the title and mortgage is in the ex's name. Of course I was livid And we had tremendous arguments over this. He took her to the court and just removed the one sided contract from existence but that didn't help get our money back. He was passive and almost caused us with his stupidity to lose our entire retirement . I said if anything like that happens, I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm suing his daughters and ex to get my money back. He grew a pair some and we won in the court and he reported her to banks etc so yeah he was an idiot and these SDs have encouraged him in this enormous bs.

Rags's picture

Stop with the self delusion of "we are slowly.....". Until he grows a pair of balls, a spine, and can put a hand between his legs and grab a big hand full of testicles rather than just hair and air, you are doomed.

These are not young children. For F sake these are middle aged adults.

Time to go full in their faces cut them off from all support.  Block them. Tolerate no bullshit from your DH who has no spine and zero testicular fortitude.

Where are your lady balls BTW?  You need to grow some and stop wasting your life on this completely shallow and polluted gene pool. Your DH is the cause of it. He is the one who facilitates it and finances it.  Even worse, you  tolerate it.

I am beyond amazed by your situation. 


There is zero chance of you living your best life while coddling this dumb ass failure of a man, father, adult, and partner. All wrapped into the noxious package that you married. 

WTF are you thinking?

Elea's picture

Lol, love your bluntness as always Rags. Agreed. This has gone on so long. Not much hope for change.

Trudie's picture

...I agree with Rags.

WendyStep's picture

I totally agree with you. I've said these things to him before and I've been demonized for it. Made to feel like I'm in the wrong and that I have no empathy for how badly they've been raised by their evil mother,  but since last year , I've refused to allow them or DH to gaslight me. He's agreed to allow me to word a document that will be sent to each SD that will inform them to be prepared to be fully self sufficient because four months from today, there will be no more goodies and no more expenses paid , they are fully on their own. The buck stops here and the buck won't drag them on any longer. I predict they will get whiny but I don't personally care if they have to live on rice and beans , I've had enough of this insanity .I also found out two years ago that their BM has outright refused to pay a dime for her daughters, she's never paid a penny , she's been using all of that saved up money to fund her plastic surgeries. I will make sure this is done right . I totally agree that I've been too lenient and too kind against my own good. But that stepmother is gone.

Winterglow's picture

It doesn't matter how badly they were raised because that period is OVER and has beenfornearly half their lives. He had his chance to do better but didn't. Please note that he's making you the bad guy by expecting you to give them the bad news. HELL NO. These are HIS daughters, HE gitells them that he's had enough.  If he doesn't,  kick the useless apology for a husband to the kerb and take you life back. He has 7 days to tell them and the gravy train ends 31st January.

Please consult a lawyer to protect your rights 

WendyStep's picture

I will definitely consult the lawyer to find out how I can protect myself more. I told my husband he is going to have to deliver them the reality check himself, -without me,- he's agreed to do it within seven days. I don't honestly ever want to talk to or see SDs ever again. They've had their graduate degrees since 2016, there's no more sympathy left in me for them and I regret ever having it in the first place to be honest, they certainly weren't worthy of it in the least.

Rags's picture

I truly hope that your DH has the character and testicular fortitude to actually enforce the forthcoming document.  I highly doubt he does.

If he doesn't, immediatley rekey the locks, file for divorce, take it all, and put him either living at the local highway overpass homeless camp or couch surfing with his spawn and XW.

Your best life journey cannot happen with the boat anchor of this non man and his failed family baggage hanging around your neck.

Take care of you.