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NJ teen suing her parents

Newimprvmodel's picture

I told dh that this brat must be another daughter of his ex.. What a piece of work!! Obviously I have strong feelings about this case given my own baggage with dh's clan of crooks.
I saw video of her sitting across from her parents with a look of defiance. Can I go out on a limb and say she is a budding sociopath? Using stolen credit cards? I no longer think SHE is being manipulated by the friend's parents, it is the other way around. Who knows? Maybe she is screwing the friend's father???
Anybody else have thoughts? I do think that if NJ allows ALL parents to be forced to pay for private college, they are so freaking wrong. They are creating more monsters I guess to continue to fuel and drive the court system. Very ugly business ......

Newimprvmodel's picture

I was reading some of the court transcripts.. She left a foul voicemail for her mother, saying "I wanna shit all over your face.." She was drinking and having bulimia her father got her drunk? And was inappropriate kissing her on the cheek?
Oh dh has been there......I remember the awful court motions.........his ex and the daughters claiming they were afriad of my dh at times?? What utter bullshit!!! I am sure that many of our dh's exes were the ones to be afraid of, no? I think many of our guys are too mid mannered, that is why we are here.

Orange County Ca's picture

She's delusionally naïve.

Maybe she's one of those people who are so smart she's her own worst enemy. I'll guarantee this - she never expected her parents to disown her like they did. Stopped high school tuition, OMG no allowance and no milk money.

I'd really have to think twice about having a kid today. Latest statistics say its a quarter of a million to raise a middle class kid and I'll bet a lot more was spent on this one already. It's no wonder that white, Asian and higher educated people are not having enough kids to replace themselves.

Newimprvmodel's picture

I just got a great idea! Lol........I will not rehash my story, but I do worry that dh's last remaining peach of a dsughter will not go quietly away after college graduation. She intends on going to grad school, and since she and her sisters sued dh for private colleges who thinks she won't try for grad school?
So.......ALL this family 's skeletons came tumbling out of the closet..........someone alerted the media. If this happens to dh, I will
Threaten to alert media........and ALL of ex and her minions shit will be laid out.. She works in management for very exclusive company.....image is everything and I doubt she would want HER shit in the news.
Do I sound terrible?? I just can't sit back and see another 50k pissed Away..

Dizzy's picture

This kid is nuts. I wonder what happened to make her this way? I feel so bad for the whole family.

joan mary's picture

Her family made her this way! They gave her everything she wanted. Nothing was denied. They treated her like the little princess that they knew she was! The problem with treating children like a prncess is that they turn our more like Cinderella's step sisters than Cinderella herself!

I hope that the judge does NOT make her family give her the money that they have saved for college. They should give it to a homeless child before they give it to this selfish little brat.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Here is another link to the same story:

"An intense discussion of the case is underway at the Asbury Park Press, where the top-rated comment came from a woman warning Rachel Canning that she was putting her future at risk. When people learn about her past, reader Emily Ruman warned, "they will most likely put on you on their 'she was crazy then, she is probably still crazy' list of people that they don't hire, date, befriend or otherwise associate with."

Another comment reiterated a time-honored rule: "If you don't like the rules here, move out."

Newimprvmodel's picture

I think she likely is extremely manipulative, with no qualms about the end justifies the means. Her smirking in court said it all. Here her parents sat in tears and she seemed to be enjoying the attention.. Can we say a star is born ?

Newimprvmodel's picture

And I now know my plan. If dh is sued for grad school, the media will be notified. An 18 year old suing gets this press .....what will a 22 year old college grad story get??

SugarSpice's picture

emancipation means getting off the bosom. period. no money and on ones own.

spoiled brat wants to have her cake and eat it too.

Amber Miller's picture

I showed this story to my 15 year old last night. He was disgusted. He said he would never date a girl who acted like this. I think my son has a good point. What he was saying was if she is willing to treat her parents this way who is to say how she will treat her friends, boyfriends, future spouse, employer, professors at college, etc. Now everyone knows who she is. Good luck finding anyone who will want anything to do with this brat. My son also pointed out that if she wanted to be helped with financing her education that she should've kept her big mouth shut and then her parents would've most likely continued to help her. I also read my son the letter that she wrote to her mother. He said once you do something that horrible that you can forget ever being supported by your parents ever again. It was interesting to discuss this case with my 15 year old son. It was interesting to hear his perspective. I told him that I would be devestated if he or his brothers treated me like that. He agreed that once you hurt your parents like this that you can forget about them supporting you after you turn 18.
This princess brat is a product of her upbringing. Just like my SD30, they think they can abuse their parents and still have their undying love and support. It's sad and this brat is pathetic. I hope the judge rules in favor of the parents. If he doesn't than this will set a scary precedent where adult brats can sue their parents to have them continue for paying for them forever.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

I did the same with my two boys and got the same responses, Amber. Nice to know that normal people have a normal response to this kind of thing -- disgust.

They seem all to be reading from the same scropt: cookie cutter entitled brats, who dish out abuse and expect undying love. They are just awful - i live in fear of one of my sons marrying someone like that unwittingly.

I do not think that she will be hurting for suitors any time soon though -
she may yet end up on the Housewives of NJ!

Pilgrim Soul's picture

That would really be priceless! Where are all those admissions people who profess to care so much about character!!!

She is a student at a parochial school, too - why doesn't the archdiocese send someone to assign her to re-read the 10 commandments? Or to pray for her soul?

Calypso1977's picture

she's probably not catholic - many in catholic schools today arent catholic, including the teachers. she probably thinks she's "above" following those rules too!!!

3_steps_ahead's picture

My 11 year old daughter caught this story on Good Morning America the other day when she was getting ready for school. She rewinded the DVR and started yelling "Mom! Mom! Who does this remind you of?!" It's pretty sad, but it is a pretty similar story to what my SD (the 11 year old's half-sister) did to us.

I agree with Newimprvmodel that she's probably very manipulative and I'm sure she's got all of the people that are backing her completely convinced that her parents were the ones to blame and that they kicked her out of the house for little to no reason at all as opposed to her being an out of control, spoiled brat of a young woman who walked out of the house on her own because she wasn't getting her way.

I really hope that in the long run this woman continues to not get anywhere with the courts. If she decided that she wanted to walk out and be an adult on her own, then that's fine, but she needs to do it ON HER OWN. I hope that she gets stuck with all of the legal bills and her parents stay strong through this and refuse to have anything to do with her again unless she can prove that she's completely changed (although I doubt that will happen). Bottom line is that this young "woman" needs to understand that if she wants to be considered an adult and move out of mommy and daddy's, then she needs to be responsible for herself and be held accountable for her choices.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Honestly, she represents the start of severe personality disorders.........she is very pretty, and likely uses it already. She reminds me of my dh's ex. She started wheeling and dealing at about the same age. She even was kicked out of her parents home. And got my dh and his family to even pay for her college!! And she was dating others while my dh as her boyfriend paid her tuition??!!! Sound similar?? Amazingly so........narcissists are a dime a dozen..

dara1's picture

The 18-year-old has problems, but the biggest problem is with the adults who enable her. I read some of the court documents. Her parents allowed her to party with little punishment for years. Then when they said not in their house, her boyfriend's parents let her stay with them until she turned 18, then her best friend's parents let her move in, and loaned her money to sue. It's incredible, because it's not as if they felt she was unsafe in her parent's home.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Yes, people with narcissist personality disorder do not just drop off a turnip truck! They start out like this family, and they become master manipulators. I do think that there likely are major issues in this girl's family of origin. I heard inklings that the parents had separated this past she is a survivor, I really sense that. She will go far, but at what price?

LONGTIME SM's picture

I think the key here for children of divorce to consider is that while the father may have paid IF he had remained married to the bio mother, the very fact that they are not married changes a lot of father's financial situations. What looked like a lot of money while daddy was married to bio mom may have quickly turned to a bunch of debt after attorneys fees, child support, alimony, separation of property and debt from the original marriage. In fact the financial hole may be so deep that it takes years to come out of it far after a child turns 18. So while dad may be making decent money just on the appearance of it- looks can be deceiving. Enter a new Sm into the mix who is working and she may feel that she is under no obligation to pay for a step child's higher education especially if she is and has already been subsidizing the family income due to heavy financial obligations the husband has to his first family and or debt incurred from first family. Who can blame a SM for not wanting to take on the cost of higher education?

You also have to consider SM's different family values. Anyone who paid for their own education or a large part of it will not be too sympathetic to an adult child 's education costs if they themselves handled a part or all of their own costs. Therefore there is no reason to resent that a SM doesn't want to fund these costs. As everyone on here states repeatedly. She is not the mother and shouldn't overstep her boundaries. Sm has no voice then SMs hard earned money is also off limits. You can't have it both ways. This even goes for SM having to support the household so daddy can fund college educations for adult children. SM should be within her rights to say NO more.

Adult children may think they know what their parents financial situation is or was but really they don't -especially if their parents are divorced and remarried. Too often adult children want to believe that everything was provided to the new family by daddykins but quite often that simply is just their assumption and doesn't represent the true facts. So unless a adult child handles all of a parents financial affairs they really don't know and should not be so quick to make assumptions about who is supporting the new family. That hourly wage job of SMs may be most of what pays that new family's bills as all of daddy's money is mired in debt and support payments the adult child knows nothing about.

I also wonder why if college support was in the divorce decree why your mother is blameless in this? Why didn't mom pursue this for you and why aren't you mad at her for not doing so. Why blame the SM? She owed nothing. It just seems to me that adult children in most of these similar type posts are always looking to dad for clollege funding yet mom seems to get a free pass.

LONGTIME SM's picture

Sorry I had one other comment. You stated and I paraphrase " people who just shaft their children because they are selfish could probably use some legal intervention,,,,,". ????? I was not aware that not paying for an adult child's education amounted to shafting them. If parents have always stressed to a child that it was their responsibility to get and keep scholarships, jobs etc to enable them to attend the college of their choice, then the child is raised knowing they bear that responsibility. That teaches a child responsibility and gives a child self respect and self reliance- all good qualities that will serve them well the rest of their lives.

It is not the end of the world for a child to have to pay to better their own future and most financial advisors will tell people to put their money into retirement funds as opposed to saving for their children's educations. Why? Because there are so many ways to pay for college and No alternatives to pay for your living expenses and care when you can no longer work. This is a hard reality and in no way indicates that one is selfish -cause if it does then the majority of financial advisors are telling the american pvublic to be just that -selfish.

sandye21's picture

I supported my DH while he paid for SD to go to college a few years after we got married. If I had not supported DH during this period SD might have had to find another option. SD insisted on going to an expensive 4-year school instead of going to a community college for the first two years. She did not apply for scholarships or grants, did not work to contribute to her education. She was entitled to it through the divorce settlement before I ever met DH. I had no say in the matter what-so-ever, and I had no problem with that. But I have never heard the words, "Thanks for your help."

When I graduated from H.S. I was kicked out of the house. I worked for minimum wage 8 hours a day, attended college at night and did the best I could but never obtained a degree. A few years after SD graduated from college, while Daddy wasn't present, she spouted off that people without degrees were scumbags.

Years later I was having problems at work and wanted to quit but DH let me know he would not support me so I continued on in a terrible work environment until I was able to retire. As a result of what HD paid for SD's college and support after college DH now has a very limited retirement and limited savings. This means if anything serious comes up he will probably not have the funds to handle it. If this occurs I have decided rather than placing my own retirement in jeopardy I'm going to be 'selfish'.