Not sure why this bothers me.
Found out last night that BM bought SKID 24 a brand new car. 2 years ago skid got into an accident, hit another car while she was drunk. She ended up with 2 felonies out of this, one for blood alcohol level and 1 for dui accident. Anyway it cost BM and SO EACH about $35,000, this was for attorneys, fines, rehab, etc. She still owes $55,000 restitution that SO and Bm have been making payments on. This money does not include the cosmotology school she just graduated from that was one of the top schools and most expensive in our area. This skid has never seemed to have any remorse or appreciation for anything they have done for her. this skid just broke up with a BF of 1 year and she has been very depressed, I knew there would be some shopping trips for her by both SO and BM, this is their way of handling their children's depression, but never thought there would be a new car given to her.
SO bought the other skid 18+ a brand new car when she was a senior in HS. She is finishing up her first year of college, completly paid for by BM and SO and this skid has never worked a day in her life, and she has no plan of working during summer to save money or even have summer spending money.
Both of these skids have attended private schools all their lives. Obviously you can see that they are enabled brats.
My DD 32 on the other hand has had some difficulties along the way, her dad died 3 years ago, her BF of five years died when they were 24, and she just recently broke up with a guy 2 year relationship who had 2 little girls that she loved dearly. My daughter doesn't complain about anything always has a great sense of humor works very hard training to be a dog groomer. This is the first time she has ever lived alone and paying her entire rent which is not cheap in southern california. Anyway she is doing it, but barely has any money leftover for food. I have helped her when I could and she never asks for anything. she is driving my hand me down car which has 140,000 miles on it.
This whole car issue bothers me tremendously. It shouldn't I know. We keep our finances separately. I pay part of the rent, buy groceries and spend my money occasionally when we go out, so I do contribute to my living with SO. We moved in together 2 years ago.
These girls even had the nerve to say to SO when we moved in together that they had issues with me because they felt my lifestyle improved by living with him. Believe me I've taken care of myself since I was divorced 14 years ago with no problems and have helped my daughter out when I could.
Anyway...I'm not sure why this is bothering me so except these spoiled enabled skids have had their lives handed to them on a silver platter and neither one deserves it. They have no clue what life is really about or how hard it can be.
I keep saying to myself 'not my business'...'not my business'...but it's not helping.
Would appreciate some advice on trying to get a different attitude about this.
So, but no way in hell I
So, but no way in hell I would spend all that money on legal problems that my kid created for herself. Your DH and the BM are BOTH enablers.
Two words: NO FUCKING
Two words: NO FUCKING WAY...oh sorry that was 3
Yes, we did talk about it
Yes, we did talk about it finally. He said something 'like well, Hanny, we ALL enable our kids". I said "NO, I don't, I help my daughter with necessities like gas in her car and some food". I found out yesterday that BM's BF's son is having some issues. He just moved back in with BM and her BF. He's out drinking and getting in trouble. BM called all weekend about that because she is going on Wed to pick up youngest SKID at college, and will be gone for about a week. So her BF might not go along because he is worried about leaving his son. I feel sorry for this kid, it can't be easy living in a household where 2 out of 3 kids get everything their little hearts desire, but his father doesn't do the enabling that BM does. Would be hard for anyone to sit and watch that going on.