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SD determined to destroy relationship

Quietlyconfident's picture

SD  age 32 of my SO has returned home from overseas around 2 months ago. She moved straight in with Dad and then started manipulating him to not spend time with me- telling him he was nothing but a "doormat" and just does whatever I want.  2 weeks ago I tried to connect with SD through inviting her out to a trip to local markets.  All was ok although conversation revolves around her- until we sat down and she proceeded to tell me that "she would always be the most important person in daddy's life, and that he had told her that and that I better know it"- she also told me that she wished to ensure my relationship (of 3 years) finished with her father and that this is why she had moved back in with him and intended to stay until the relationship was destroyed. I told her that our relationship is strong and would continue so she will just need to accept it.  She also went on to dex robe herself as "the smiling assassin" and said she would not be "bullied" into playing happy families.

Anyhow, she proceeded to go home to daddy and tell him I was aggressive and lied about nasty things I had said about both her and him


hebelieved her!  And came to my house calling the relationship off - I can't believe he lets this daughter manipulate and control his life!  I told him that she had fabricated the entire conversation but I don't think he believes me-we are back seeing each other but truly how long can this continue with her living with him!

i have disengaged from SDs ongoing dramas (always dramas) but is there any hope for this relationship or should I just give up now?

Winterglow's picture

If that was all it took for him to break up with you, I'd say that you dodged a bullet. 

He is going to be a very lonely man because she will destroy all of his relationships in the same way. 

Quietlyconfident's picture

But he believes it is only because of me- and is my problem- but I think you are right- she will ensure no one "takes her place"

Kes's picture

It's a pity you weren't recording the conversation with SD on your phone!  Personally, if my partner was unwilling to believe me on anything, I think I'd think twice about being in a relationship with him - quite apart from the SD issue.  She is a sad, twisted person if all that matters to her at age 32 is being her father's one and only.   I'm presuming you don't live with him, which is frankly good.  He is showing his true colours and alliegances to her - and it doesn't show him in a good light at all. 

If I were in your position, I might continue the relationship, but in a looser fashion than before - maybe start dating other people and be perfectly open with him about it - tell him that it's not worth your while investing a lot in it, emotionally, given that his daughter is doing her best to break you up and he isn't seeming to have an actual backbone and is showing you zero loyalty. 

shamds's picture

idly by while she acts like daddys mistress minus the sex.

her dad is going to grow into a lonely old man and celibate for the rest of his life. Sd will ensure it remains sexless!!

heck any issues with skids hubby trusts my word even when he isn’t around to see with his own eyes... why does that happen?? Because he trusts me and doesn’t trust his 3 ferals because they are just like their mum

if this sd had been talking like that to me, i’d be telling her to worry about her own sex life instead of sabotaging her dads because it says alot about the sad life she has that she is so bored and pathetic that no man in their right mind would want a woman like her so she gotta sabotage dads love life

i have 2 kids with my husband aged 3 & 4, i already saw warning signs over 2 yrs ago of sd’s being miniwives and acting on command from hio mum to sabotage our marriage. Ss is no better and has done everything to end our marriage in a subtle way because he doesn’t have the balls to do it full force although he did tell his dad last year to choose between him and me...

i made sure last year hubby protected me and our 2 kids financially because I didn’t wanna deal with 3 arsehole skids and their psychotic bio mum... hubby bought a house in my name because he doesn’t trust his kids to be ethica in handling hubbys estate in providing more for us now since his eldest 3 are 14.5, 22 & 24.5 whilst our 2 are 3 & 4

hubby knows financially he has to provide more for ours as his eldest 2 are adults and the youngest will be an adult in a few yrs time.. he doesn’t trust them to follow his wishes that our kids need more financial assistance ss minors as they are yet to start school so if anything happens now, we are protected from crazy...

Its sad and messed up how step family life is at times that people actively are trying to end your marriage because they are such bitter toxic dysfunctional people 

ldvilen's picture

Geesh!  Be.atch 32 YO SD is bound and determined to be the alpha-female in the home, like any wife would be, and her pops is letting her do it.  DH needs to be able to tell his own daughter she is not his wife and that she is his daughter.  You, on the other hand, are his partner or long-term SO.  As such, you and he get to determine your life together.  You and his daughter are not equals.  To a SK, what is a marriage or partnership between bio-dad and SM will come across more as dad is just a dormat and does whatever SM wants, because they think that SM should be just a piece on dad’s side and, therefore, that SM should be beneath both dad and them in all authority.

This is why I say all the time that SKs do not see SM and bio-dad as being husband and wife or as a couple or team unless bio-dad reminds them over and over and over.  Your DH is not doing that, and instead, if anything, he is seemingly agreeing with her every word.

Thus, he is setting you and his daughter up for 1:1 direct competition, acting like you are one in the same and po’ little ol’ him is stuck in the middle.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  There should be no competition going on.  You are his long-term partner and she is his child.  These are two separate roles.  You cannot set his daughter straight on this, because she needs to hear it from her dad, that you are his wife (or long-term SO), and thus you and him will make major joint decisions regarding your present and future and not him and his daughter. That is not a daughter’s or child’s role—to rule a household and those in it, regardless of age.

This has to come from your DH, however.  Do not attempt to make-nice with SD.  That will only make things worse, as it furthers the ideology that she is somehow in the right with her attempt to be the alpha-female in the household.  To her, you trying to make-nice makes it look like both you and DH are pandering to her asinine concerns. 

If he's going to believe her all in and be that stupid, then best to move on and do it sooner than later!  Because, the longer you drag it out, the more YOU will suffer and they'll be banding together to go after "Evil SM."  By moving on ASAP, you'll take the both of them by surpise, and that will be a win-win for you, because you'll have your own place and future and peace.  On the other hand, hey!, DH and his daugher will have each other, and there is the oft chance, very oft, that you moving on so quickly will grab DH by the balls and he'll start to realize your true value.  I mean, if anything, the one thing he can't get from his daughter is s-e-x.  But I wouldn't cross my fingers on that one, and by that time, you probably won't want him back anyway.  Take care, and best of luck to you!

Olivia2020's picture

RUN as fast as you can and do NOT look back! Do not marry this clown. And please do not assume he is not having physical relations with his DaughterWife. Bio father and daughter emotional and physical incest are very common. 

The guy I accidentally married, tall, educated, clean cut, khaki LL Bean wearing 'nice guy' had some kinks that came about when his DaughterWife was to live with us for a few months. I speak from recent experience, only 43 days into the 'marriage' and I moved out and never looked back! Dadddeeee and his 23 yr old DaughterWife were displaying their intimate interactions in the house that was supposed to be our marital home. F-that. It took me one month to see where I stood...and DaughterWife was the self-appointed bonded Alpha for her Daddeeee. 

It took 4 months to get a divorce from a sham of a marriage of only 2 months (on paper). I now understand that Daddeeeee has Narcissistic Personality Disorder with a splash of Borderline Personality Disorder for extra drama. And he and his 'wife' just love drama...which will cause emotional trauma for any woman that attempts to get close to daddeeee.

Since I left 5 months ago, I have so much PEACE without their dysfuntional games and inappropriate relationship with each other. The beautiful beach is walking distance, loads of fresh air & sunshine, my dog is happy, and I can sleep again without all that unnecessary stress from being devalued and disrespected. Please recognize your worth and realize that your SO will not change, his reactive break-up with you will keep you walking on eggshells and constantly in 'battle' or competition with his DaughterWife. 

Stay well...ditch this guy for your sanity! 


Jojo4124's picture

I stayed 4.5 months. My stbx and his dd are emotionally incestuous (he tells her our marriage issues and she comforts him...I recorded their conversation on my phone) I also have reason to believe they crossed the physical incest boundary too. It does happen and it is sick.

I just left yesterday and have had the most peaceful night!!

Please take care of YOU. I thought I was strong and could fight it, but started to feel my physical health being affected for living with constant stress.

Take care of you!!!

susanm's picture

Don't get caught up in the "she will win if I give up" mentality.  There is nothing here to "win."  This guy was not who you thought he was if this is all it took to shake your relationship.  Let her have him and move on.  Just be glad that you still have your own place and don't have the drama of having to find somewhere else to live.  Call him and tell him that you gave it a lot of thought but it is obvious that his real girlfriend came back and there is no longer any room for you so he needs to lose your number.  Short, sweet, and to the point.  See ya' babe!

Merry's picture

WHY are you continuing to see him? The SD is right -- she comes first in her Daddeeeee's life. That's not a way for you to live.

Harry's picture

Your SO is already in a relationship with his DD,  you don't fit in, he used you when SD was away.  You don't want to be in a relationship with this guy.   

Dovina's picture

I am not the type to quickly say RUN. However after reading this... RUN FAST! 

He chose to believe SD.  If he truly loved you, and wanted this relationship he would have defended you first and formost AND he would have shut her BS down immediately. Obviously he is easily manipulated by his mini wife. Let them have eachother. 

Quite sad a 32 year old moves back in and literally tells you its to end daddeees relationship. Whats worse is your spineless SO falls for her scheme of making you out to be wrong for him. 

Be with someone who puts you first, adores you. You deserve so much more! Your SO is a married man, and his (mini) wife will not let him date .  

Rumplestiltskin's picture

He believed her and broke up with you. She is 32, and acting like this. At 32 she should be living her own life. If he doesn't know her by now and doesn't set limits on her ability to f up your lives, he never will. This guy is no prize. 

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

Many 32 years olds are in a long term relationship etc by now. I agree she’s being a mini wife but if she had other stuff to do she wouldn’t have so much time on her hands. 

My guess is you are more beautiful on the inside and outside than she is so shes twisting the knife extra deep. 

Shes not a very nice person....



SacrificialLamb's picture

Give up now.

If he believes what she says over you, you've already lost. And given that this is a highly toxic SD, in a few years you would be wishing you had given up. 

Dang, what a c#nt!

Olivia2020's picture

Oh my goodness....the dirty little c#nt of the DaughterWife is all too real! *diablo*

Picardy III's picture

Yeah, best make like a prom dress and take off. 
Why be with someone who will discard you so easily?