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old-blue-eyes's picture

I do not understand my dh at all. He is very secretive about his 44 yr.. old daughter. I can not even bring up her name or his grandkids names up either. He is very protective of her. She has given me problems in the past. But still if there is an emergency I have know idea how to contact. I am just guessing that she was asked to move from her downstairs apartment. She has had her phone no. changed I think, and dh didn't even give me her new phone no. to me.
If anything should happen to her dad I wouldn't know who to call. I CAN NOT BRING HER NAME UP! I can't even find his cell phone to see if he calls her or if she is on his contact list. Sad He doesn't talk to me too much...

Anon2009's picture

Maybe he didn't tell you because she may have it changed again. Does she move around a lot? Men and women think and act so differently and maybe this was his thought process.

That said, I don't agree with his not giving you her phone number. It's not like you're going to call her and discuss the latest chick flick. You want to know how to get a hold of her in case something happens to your DH.

If he refuses to give it to you, I recommend checking out websites like You will have to pay to access information such as her phone number, but it could come in handy if an emergency were to occur.

hismineandours's picture

Personally I wouldn't worry about it. Neither of them are concerned- why should you be?

twopines's picture

You can just simply ask who he wants you to notify in case something happens to him. You don't have to mention her name.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. I have no idea what SD26's number is, and quite frankly don't need to know.

morgan_minx80's picture

stepmomfromhell, your username really doesnt do you justice. After only reading a couple of your posts iv gotta say you really come across quite vile with respect to your stepkids. Shame on you. Karma is the great one, lets see you get sympathy here when your husband dumps your bitter ass and "divorces" your kids as well as you. Although he sounds like quite a decent bloke, hopefully he may only divorce you.

sandye21's picture

WOW!! This is really something to think about! But it is just awful to think about. I agree it would be a good idea to have a 'contact' person for skids if something happens to DH but I'll also make sure there is someone to watch out so things are safe for me. Thanks.

duct_tape's picture

I'd be curious to know how old this man is. If he's got a daughter who's 44, then he's somewhere in his 60's. I think that his behavior is sort of typical for a man his age. He probably has a lot of old fashion values that don't jive with either divorce, or remarrying someone (especially younger).He probably has a bigger secret here, and that would be his true feelings about how he has conducted his life. NOT THAT HE'S RIGHT!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm just saying I know alot of men this age who would respond in this relationship with a bit of shame.

He needs to be straight up contronted about his behavior and secrecy. I think he needs to be confronted about how he really feels about his relationship. Many times men this age have a whole lot of money and younger wives are afraid of getting the boot. IDK if this is your situation, but I can see myself getting in that position. (especially when I was younger).

What it comes down to is that he will only dish out what you tolerate. Fight back. You do risk losing whatever it is you have, but what's more important to you?

GizmoBarnOwl's picture

I agree with Twopines! Just ask him to put all his contact numbers in a diary or something so that should anything happen to him, you have a book of numbers of people who need to know. My dad has an address book which he carries around with him, he crosses people off when they die lol so the list probably isnt that long to call now, but its got all of his family numbers in it.

I agree that she should be informed even if things are difficult with you. She has a right to know.

However, if the time came and you needed to make those calls and her number isnt in that book, then that is his will and you cant be held responsible for that.