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Selfish or not?

1stepahead's picture

Back here again after about 7 months, lol. Had my ~35 yr old stepson with issues living in my backyard for a bit last summer.  Found him a room in a boarding house, and we worked 'the plan' to try to get him independent and in counseling.
Wouldn't ya know, he rejected the offer of counseling and quit his job/got canned not long after leaving here.  Wife has been fronting him money to pay the 'rent' every month, albeit with him giving some back by shoveling and doing odd jobs (thus, broke again each time).  He can't work his way out of this at this point.  He's doing a manual labor temp job now that will end in a month or so. Nothing is his fault; "they" just didn't like him at work, when he gets let go.  I tried to have him work w/me (self employed), he did a no-show/no call on the 3rd day so I say "NOPE".

My b&tch and moan now is that (to the best of my ability to discern) my wife treats this guy like there's no problem.  Very respectful of him.  She provides him with food & stuff.  She's right up his @ss.  Stops in after her work to make sure he 'gets his mail' which comes to MY PO box (7 mos later, many requests to change it) and goodies.  We've fought about this a lot, and done the silent treatment for days.  My position is that he's on very shaky ground w/substances and nearly being thrown out for no rent each forward progress. No counseling.  No AA.  But getting support from us (her), who is vastly unqualifed to understand these problems. It's enabling.   Her answer is that she can't make him get help, and so on.   What is really bothering me the most is that when he's tossed out of his boarding house, it's HERE that he's surely coming.   Even tho she's promised 'no', last summer she unilaterally brought him here without my consent.  I just can't seem to get past that...there is a serious trust problem here. I think rightly so.  If he's tossed, and 'the mythical homeless shelter' is full, she is NOT going to let him walk down the street. Blood is thicker than water; I'm the water here, I have no illusions about that.  She'll tell me to get f----d, for sure.  I'm trying to plan for that.

Sadly, after a weekend of silence, we started to make up, and I arranged a nice big bouquet of roses to be delivered to her work today.  And on the way out the door this AM, she says she has to 'stop by his place and give him his mail, she'll be a bit late'.  I'm cooking a valentine's day dinner and he comes first.  Now I feel like a sucker.  Or am I just selfish?  PART of me thinks I should back away and let her take care of her son, who has 2 kids in state custody that we take from time to time to give the foster parents a break; another topic entirely, but part of this.  Fixing his mistakes.  I know it's very hard on her, w/the grandkids and all.  Am I just an obstruction to her 'saving her family'?   PART of me feels evil for coming between a mom/grandmom and her grown kid/grandkids.  He was out of the house shortly after we met, and completely gone up until 1, 2 yrs ago.  Prodigal son returns.  He dumped his cat on us 2 yrs ago, which is tearing up my furniture and spraying on everything, too - I knew we were screwed when that happened.  If I say something, I'M THE BAD GUY.  Every time.

In this situation, I come last.  It's not that 15 mins. on valentine's day is a huge thing - it's the buildup over time of lots of events and resentments. Each time, she's on his side.  He is a real sad sack of ----, for sure.  But it's his own doing, and refusal to GET THE HELP she and I both offered.  All that's happening is that she's losing respect for my opinion, and 'status' as 1/2 owner of our home.  I feel (and have told her) that I think this 'deal' is permanent (nearing 40, FTL!), have told her I feel 2nd rate and that this is coming between us.  I'm done telling, I don't want to talk about this anymore, because I don't want to be the selfish bad guy constantly.  :(  Now I try to pretend it's not hurting me, leaving her pissed at my silence and grumpiness.   In the end, I'll be 'the bad guy that gave up' after 11 yrs of marriage.    I see this coming.  Had I known her kid wouldn't 'launch' (after having moved out, oddly), I wouldn't have gotten married. I feel disposable, and I think I am.   

Sorry for dumping all this, I needed to vent, thanks for reading and whatever thoughts y'all might have. I feel for all the step parents out there in the same situation on V-day. 

Winterglow's picture

Just in case she attempts to move him back in, talk to a lawyer, get your house evaluated, get all your ducks in a row and be prepared to hand her the  already prepared divorce papers that you've gotten ready along and at the same time tell her you're forcing the sale of your house, she can split the proceeds with you or buy you out. You cannot continue living with someone who is actually stopping her son from standing on his own two feet because she's enabling his pathetic behaviour. 

JRI's picture

First of all, you AREN'T selfish.  You're a normal adult whose life is being affected by a dysfunctional family member.  (That's the definition of most of us.)

The situation sounds better than before.  At least he's out of your house.  I'd keep being the "Gatekeeper", its probably a favor to your wife.

You and I know what "should" happen, your DW "should" apply tough love and your SS "should" go to counseling, get a steady job, get off drugs and live happily ever after.  I doubt any if that will happen.

I know you're just mostly venting.  There's probably not much you can do about SS.  The only thing you can do, besides being the "Gatekeeper", is to decide what you can live with regarding your wife.  I don't think it would be out of line to tell her you're hurt when you feel second-rate and give her concrete examples, like tonight.  Have you done this? What does she say?

1stepahead's picture

Thanks, folks...yeah, confirms where I'm at, I think I just need a little 'backup' now and then - reality check.  I might even talk to a counselor myself - this causes a lot of anxiety and stress, as you all know!   This isn't normal.   Yes, the mail's being set to 'return to sender' ASAP.  I pay for the damn PO box.

I have a substance abuse past myself, and understand the AA program (tho not currently in it).  I've seen many like him come and go while there; I spent a lot of my life around a lot of drugs (former musician lol)...they are users, even if they can't help it/don't mean to be.  They'll take what they can get to remain locked in their coccoon, and damn the OTHER ppl's lives they affect/ruin.   That's what's happening, to the best of my belief.  This can make it WORSE, and result in far worse consequences for the user!!  And it drags up old 'issues''s a 'trigger', if you will.   Life was pretty stable prior to this, for a decade...not now.

When we fight about it, I get the typical complaints: you're controlling, you were like him (no, I never used others for $!), you knew I had kids when we met - anything to redirect the complaint to something personal about me (ad hominen attacks).  The 'help' angle is, I guess, 'normal' to her.  The premise is that I'm too rigid, not giving, not 'warm and embracing' of her son (whom I barely know beyond having established his 'character'...that of a 17 yr old stoner at 36 yrs, basically).  So now I'm the bad guy if I ever mention anything...that approach works pretty well to get someone to STFU, I guess.    But after a bit of this, I react poorly (my fault, I'll own that), by calling him a bum, her an enabler, "WTF, this is mental!" and so on (he is not present when we argue, I don't play that).  It rapidly gets to "Sorry, this is my family, let me know what you want to do".  Along with telling me I'm the nutty one, lol (gaslighting).      I literally calmly approached her a couple weeks ago about selling everything and splitting it all 50/50 in the most equitable way possible, but that got derailed too (we all want to have our cake AND eat it too).   I think she's torn, probably feels guilty about her role in his younger life (? I wasn't there).   It's even gone so far as to have it be MY fault that I didn't 'work with him more' when he was around....we were dating, he was 18 and never home...nope, I didn't make this situation, and it's not mine.  I told him to wrap his rascal - he didn't, x2.   Basically, as I understand it - I put up with it, or say the magic D word.

This feels a lot like  I'm outnumbered and outgunned, and kind of 'ultimatumed' to put up with it or else.  It's why I didn't want her bringing him to our area in the first place (after I DID 'put my foot down').  I saw this coming 3 years ago, and we go.   

JRI's picture

That's a wise decusion for you to talk to a counselor yourself.  Do it, 1stepahead.

1stepahead's picture

Agreed. The way to help would've been getting him into a residential program when he was on the streets last year - it was a golden moment to do an intervention like that.  That would've triggered a case manager, assisted living, occupational rehab, etc. I tried to push those things and they got rejected (by him; she is a marshmallow with him & won't call him on not accepting).   

At this point I think it's time to make sure I don't get in the homeless position, LOL. It's just suck that we couldn't get past stupid valentine's day first.

Rags's picture

his mail back to the sender.

Then just tell your bride that there is no mail for the deadbeat SS.

At some point, this has to end.  End the coddling of this failure to launch Skid. One way or the other.

You are not the selfish one. Your DW is.  She is also sacrificing herself, and you, continuously on the alter of martyrdom to her failed family 'adult' progeny. You have to break that cycle.

Guilt drives stress. Indecision drives stress and is the foundation of chaos.  It is far past time for direct assertive action on all of this.

IMHO of course.

Take care of you.

1stepahead's picture

The trouble is, what does 'direct assertive action' look like?  Walking out?  Divorce papers?

I've tried the whole gamut, advised her to make 'aid and comfort' come with the price of going to a substance abuse program and counseling (there is a wait time here, months...which would've been thru had this been started last JULY instead of now).  That's the 'least big mean guy' that I can be.   But there she is on the phone later, talking to him about getting him her old computer to play games on from his boarding house (using his last $ to pay for internet connection).

I think if and when I DO make that ultimatum and do the papers...that'll just be 'confirmation' of her victim status and that yes, I'm the bad guy, abandoning her when HER family needs help.  Same way her last marriage ended, in fact (15 yrs ago).   This is mental, IMHO.  People who will take their adult kid acting like this and just allow the continual do NOTHING, go NOWHERE yet stay there 'helping', never really expecting (or demanding!) a's a sickness. Co-dependency.  It ruins lives.  I'm pretty pissed it took this long to emerge, to be honest. I thought we'd retire here at some point.   *shrug*

Rags's picture

from you, your home, and your family.

That takes your DW out of it from any ability to make a decision to bring him into your home.

It really is on you to set and enforce the boundaries that you require.

How about liquidating and moving far, far away leaving this tragic failure of a kid far, far behind.

1stepahead's picture

Counseling: yeah, in time...there are wait lists (rural area).  Months.  I'd like to go over this with someone just to assure myself that I'm not overblowing things or jumping at shadows.  I see a progression of 'one foot in the door, then the next...' happening.  Guy controls MY life, that's the real problem. He says "mommy', she says "yes, sweetie?".    It feels very odd, from my POV, but perhaps I AM just a big old meanie...I dunno.    I know enough psych to understand family dynamics, and how 'power structures' work.   There is one working here, and it's her & him vs. me, not her and I vs. the world, as it should be (again, my POV).    We're ONE (real) family crisis from me just walking the hell out and be done with it. 

JRI's picture

My SD61 is the lowest pos that ever was, lying, theft, drugs, you name it.  BUT, my DH85, like your DW, will never give up on her.  Actually, he'd never give up on any of his kids.  I've had to accept that about him.  His philosophy is that there have always been, and always be, poor, sick and mentally ill people.  He feels it's his place to take care of her and he's not going to change altho her life would have been a million times better if he'd been an effective dad.  I'm guessing your wife feels the same.  Go to counseling to determine what you can and cannot live with.  Good luck.

Kloewent's picture

What does he think is going to happen when he dies? I keep asking my husband that. I am not taking on his enabling job. It is one of the huge reasons I don't want SD in my home. If I let her "stay, just for a little while" what happens if he dies. God knows the stress is already taking years off his life! I will be stuck trying to fix her life to get her out. Nope, not spending my retirement like that. 

1stepahead's picture

Thank you for that story, Just K. Tho tragic, it really does show this cycle very clearly!! Worth saving to text, in fact. It's going on all over the place today. I think it's sick, and want no part of it; now I know why you meet these guys in their 50s/60s who live alone in a trailer and have NO desire to have a GF or other companion.  This dysfunction is now 'normal' for millions of people now.  Amazing.

After a suck (but non-fighting) V-day, I think it's clear we have some long-standing marriage problems that we'll either work at, live with, or I'll end up 'liquidating' as Rags puts it, LOL.  Wait n see for now.  We talked some last night, but are on different pages, absolutely. DW is more 'oh, just go with the flow, things work out' while I'm far more protective of my home, finances, future etc.(having lived the unstable rock musician life for a good number of years when young).  This doesn't eat at her like it does me.  I also watched my older sister do the same to my parents decades back...leach off them with her 5 kids, so I'm a bit sensitive to how people start to 'work' on others, worming their way in more and more.  My wife DOES have boundaries, but they are more lenient than mine and I see a pattern of caving when she perceives her kid to be in a crisis (of his own making, of course).  So for now it's clear - if you bring him here, papers will be served within 24 hours, and the home will be sold. 

As for the marriage, only time will tell.  I don't think I'll be happy going forward in what's looking more like a 'business partnership' than 2 people who choose to share their lives out of mutual love and admiration.      I think I'd be more like a guy in a trailer than "Ronny" at this age, LOL - but in the end, that may be more stable, IF this evolves into 'more care required' for SS that isn't of the professional kind.   The biggest 'lesson' here, for me - maybe others will benefit from this - is that the 'unilateral decision' she made bringing him to our property was similar to confessing an's had the effect of making me not trust what she'll do in the future, no matter what her motives were (and I do understand them).  I did tell her that, and a few other key points, so it's in the open.  Whether that bothers her or not, I'm not sure.  The only answer I got was "well, that's in the past, we can't keep rehashing that...".  

Thanks for the kind words!  


Kloewent's picture

Does your wife give this freeloader her own money, or yours? At the very least separate your finances and don't give her a dime for her kid. If she is doing it with her own money, as long as she is paying her fair share of expenses, leave her to it. NACHO

Flustered's picture

What money we each brought to our marriage stayed ours; if my DH wanted to spend on my SD, so be it. What we had in our marriage? We had to agree about. The original poster needs to separate finances and split expenses. Did it about 25 years. Worked great


1stepahead's picture

Since we married when I was 39, 1st marriage, no kids...I kept all my stuff separate. Bill money goes into a joint acc't. We both pay into that for property taxes and joint expenses.   So no, she can't 'get my money' other than by jamming me up legally somehow (not ready to 'go there', but edging into those thoughts).    

That said, I agree w/Rags - I'm self employed in the trades so can make good money in a short time - thus I tend to pay our land taxes in bulk, and/or buy the year's firewood supply (generally "and").  This frees resources that can go to skid, but not in a big way - YET.  He's getting some of my food now, for sure. Guess that frees up HIS resources to buy a bottle, tho the explanation of this goes right over her head.   I think some people like this dependence cycle.

Had his kids over this weekend (they're in state custody, we're giving foster mom a break).  Took 'em to McD's...on the way back of course we had to drop a 'care package' off for their dad (the skid) unannounced to me, who is not permitted to see them. I nearly jumped out of the car and ran, LOL.  What a sh*t show, it was like having a truly 'gone' homeless guy come up to the car playing a plastic harmonica (that's exactly what he did). 5pm, wasted from Friday night's booze still.   And she still doesn't understand why I want to be left out of this part of her life.     So this evening it's time for a BOUNDARY DECLARATION - either he and her interactions are done without ANY of my presence or I'm not going to go anywhere w/her or do anything w/his kids.  This is the 3rd time she's 'sprung' the "Have to stop by skid's flophouse while we're in town..." routine.    It is embarrassing to me, I feel ashamed to go there.    

Oh boy, this stuff is GREAT.  Now I'm starting to see how this works.   And in 10-15 yrs (if not sooner)  I can expect his 2 sons to come looking for Nana to fix their woes when Nana is 70...NOW I get it....

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Wow, this woman has lost all common sense. He isn't even ALLOWED contact with his kids? Why would she think it's okay for the kids to see their father in that state?? Your wife IS NOT a safe person and should not be allowed visitation with the grandkids if she won't follow COURT ORDERS. And she mixed you up in this low rent chit, too. You have every right to be furious with her for that. Why are you going along with this insanity?

Regardless of what you do about your marriage, please please stand up for those kids. Even if you have to tell the agency charged with their care that grandma is exposing them to their addict dad. I hope you rub her nose in this and can make her see that she's inflicting damage on her grandkids. I'd be threatening to go to the authorities about what she did. Hope you carved those boundaries DEEP, sir.

***After typing this far, I think you need to focus on making an exit strategy and getting away from this crazy. Your wife lost her last marriage to this crap, has ruined this one, and is so far down the enabling hole she still won't have a clue when you're gone and her son is dead. She's lost all perspective and is dragging you down with her. I watched my own mother and my father in law enable their addict kids until their dying day, and your wife is cut from the same cloth. You have two choices: stay and be collateral damage, or save yourself.

1stepahead's picture

It wasn't as dramatic as that, and he's not 'banned' from seeing this state, it's 'not on the approved list', if there is a distinction.  Not court-ordered, it's bc they're in state custody.  He remained outside the car and didn't 'visit'.  But I understand and 'get' the bad judgement in it, and was/am pretty pissed off about it. Luckily they don't remember him, but they did feel weird. Sadly, there is little I can do re. the kids - they're in a good foster home - far better than at their mother's, which I won't go into!

After a few of these decisions have come down unilaterally now, it's getting pretty clear that this marriage is 1-way, and whatever is agreed upon to keep peace temporarily can and will be walked over in the moment; agreements will be reversed in a heartbeat if 'needed'.   Y'know, like in a dictatorship.   I'm exploring my options. Early 50s here - I don't want to be 60 and have to sort this out right before trying to retire.