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SGK present debate

ETexasMom's picture

I'm really debating if I should or shouldn't make the grandkids blankets for Christmas. I want to make SGD and OSGD (she likes star wars too) a Starship blanket and YSGD a mermaid blanket. I know they won't be appreciated by the Skids however the grandkids usually get excited when I make them stuff. Also I don't think we're seeing them for Christmas so I could mail them and that would also avoid any crappy comments or actions by the Skids. What do y'all think?

Here's the blankets.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

That looks like a lot of time and yarn to make a handmade gift for Gskids who would not appreciate such a gift.

Could you make them out of polar fleece instead? I like the mermaid one but am not a fan of the starship one. It looks like there is no room to move the feet around.

I would not go thru the trouble for people who would be making unappreciative comments.

Christmas is coming too soon.

NJdevil's picture

If it makes you happy to make the grandkids blankets, then do it. If you're doing it because it makes your grandkids happy and that matters to you, then do it. Don't do it because you're expecting to, hoping to, or thinking it'll change anything.

hereiam's picture

If you think the grandkids would appreciate them and you want to do it for THEM, do it.

My DH just asked me the other day what we should do about the grandkids (his) for Christmas. I said, "Well, considering that they call you "SD's dad", I say we do nothing but it's up to you."

An hour later (if that), SD called. As they were talking, one of her sons asked her if she was talking to Daddy, she told him, "No". So, he then asked, "Are you talking to YOUR dad?"

DH told his daughter that it was rude that they referred to him that way and rude that she didn't correct them. He's been upset with her about it ever since.

The last time we took them Christmas gifts, they couldn't wait for us to leave so they could go to the park. I'm over it.

But if your step grandkids will love what you give them and you want to make blankets for them, you should do it.

ETexasMom's picture

I know the grandkids will love it. Last year at OSGD's birthday I made her the mermaid blanket. Soon as she ripped the paper and saw crochet she started yelling "grandma made it". She really liked being a mermaid.

ETexasMom's picture

LOL I've crocheted since I was 10 years old. Now that I work as a social worker I crochet to relax. I do have store on Etsy that I will occasionally sell small stuff. The big stuff I make and give away.

enuf's picture

I am 62, recently divorced, and I would love to have the mermaid blanket. I would wear it when I want to feel extra special. Please let me know if you make them for adults and how much it would cost.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Of course if you enjoy making the gifts and the children love them then go for it. If the skids are the ones making bad comments then perhaps you can give the gift while they are not around. If mailing it then maybe ask that the child calls you when it arrives and opens it while you are on phone/skype.

I do not crochet or knit but I think I could make the mermaid blanket out of fleece for my GD2 years old. Perhaps can make opening in bottom so she could walk in it too.

still learning's picture

Those are fanfreakingtastic blankets. I would be worshiping anyone who put such effort and love into a gift for my children. If gskids love them then go for it! Another great gift would be to teach gskids how to crochet simple items. That is a gift they will have forever.

JLRB's picture

The blankets are adorable. Go ahead and make them if you know that the grandkids will love them. Last year, I knitted a sweater and hat for my husband's 2 year old granddaughter and gave it to her on Easter. My SD looked at it, said it as cute, and put it back in the gift bag and tossed it on the stairs. My husband asked her a couple of times to take a picture of her in the sweater. She never did. I doubt she ever put it on her. I'll never do that again!