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Should we say something? SS and GF are not very good parents

cpreston's picture

We don’t want to nit-pick, we’ve been keeping our mouths shut
(especially since SS has been pulling his weight around the house with rent and chores)
My list of “issues” with how they’re raising this kid is long:

The child is never ‘sat down’ for a meal
They don’t really feed him regular meals, they just give him whatever… his diet consists mainly of cheese sticks, yogurt, bananas, and Pepperidge farm Gold fish, grilled cheese sandwiches and chocolate (yes, they give him chocolate ALL The time!)

Every once in a while, my step-son will set a plate on the coffee table with a grilled cheese sandwich, cut into pieces for the boy to pick at while he’s playing
That’s a “meal”??

Green vegetables don’t pass his lips
Other than bananas, he isn’t given any fruit
No good protein either!
The only other “meals” that he eats are Happy Meals from McDonalds

He has no schedule
They give him naps whenever and sometimes not at all
Sometimes the naps start at 6:00 at night and then he wakes up at 9 or 10 pm and is up until the wee hours of the morning

Last night was case and point

2:30 he woke up the entire house (me, my husband and my bio-kid) with his temper tantrum, screaming yelling, throwing things

This is not an unusual event

They don’t correct him
He hits everyone and they just ignore it
He throws things at people, the walls, the cat and they don’t correct him
He purposefully knocks things over and they don’t correct him
When he’s done eating, he takes the food on the plate and destroys it with his hands and throws it on the floor and all they do is clean it up and take it away
He screams and yells and they make no attempt to diffuse the situation

If we say something, are we meddling?
He hasn’t broken anything in the house yet, but his behavior is wearing thin on my nerves.
I do not tolerate the hitting or the “2 year old talking back” when he tries it with me, I’m no longer his “favorite” and he runs to Mommy whenever I tell him “no”
I ONLY tell him “no” or say anything when is behavior directly affects me (i.e. if he hits me, or throws something at me, or screams at me)

I hate to sound like “when I raised my children…” but… really… the responsibility of actually RAISING a child is nil beyond changing his diapers and giving him a bath (even the bath isn’t done regularly!)

Last night, at 2:45AM, while the tantrum continued my husband said “we have to say something”
I don’t know if that’s a good idea or not, looking for some feedback here

It’s a sticky situation

RedWingsFan's picture

Why are they living with you? I'd be telling them if they can't raise a child properly in your home, they can find somewhere else to live!

kathc's picture


If they can't live by your rules, which include expectations for their child's behavior, then they need to leave.

TASHA1983's picture


cpreston's picture

Redwings fan: The short version of the story of SS, and his kid living with us

SS ignored all house rules, snuck GF in and out of the house, got her knocked up
She was “dumped” on us by her mother, who wanted nothing to do with a pregnant 19 year old daughter

GF has never had a full time job, keeps every penny of whatever she makes for herself, SS is completely supporting her and their child
She also takes all manner of public assistance, including having her education paid for

GF and SS were living like our house was a hotel that they didn’t have to pay for. Expecting everything to be done for them, meals, cleaning up, etc… I finally said “not one more moment of this will be tolerated” and the ultimatum was given
Pay rent, clean up or move out
GF said “I’m not handing over my paycheck, I’m not doing chores” so she left and moved back with her mother (who’s happy to have her now that the baby is two years old, right?)
SS stepped up to the plate and hands over $500/month AND does assigned “chores” and cleans up after himself

GF crashed her car, so she has no transportation SS carts her around all over the damn place. Sometimes, he’s too tired to drag her and the baby back to her mother’s, so he ASKS if it’s okay if she stays over
(he ASKS, can you imagine?)

So, thank you for the feedback!

I didn’t want to be the “meddling” parent that tells someone else how to raise their kid, but I DO want to be able to get a full night’s sleep without being woken up by a two year old temper tantrum… I DON”T want the kid to turn out to be a complete terror, and that’s the road he’s going down now

I was thinking to address the behavioral issues, for sure… what about the kids’ meals or lack thereof? Going too far? Or should I insist they set mealtimes and properly feed the kid too? Do you think that’s going too far?

RedWingsFan's picture

Thanks for clarifying the situation. I do believe I have read one of your blogs before about this but I read all day long and sorry, I can't keep everyone straight!

Anyhow, the situation is this - the SS is doing his part by paying rent and doing the chores he's asked but SHE is not. So SHE needs to go, period. No more overnights, no more hanging out at your home. If she can't pull her weight around there, she doesn't come over. Simple as that. Put your foot down!

And don't consider yourself to be the "meddling" parent here. This is YOUR home. Your rules. I'd sit SS down and explain how babies thrive on routines and structured schedules and you absolutely will not tolerate being woken up in the middle of the night anymore. He needs to put baby on a nap/feeding/bedtime schedule and stick to it and if he can't do that, well sir, there's the fucking door! Pardonnez moi my french!