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Last week of Visitation. Jumping for Joy...

loveandfitness's picture

Last week of SS11's visit. THANK THE LORD. Remember my last post about SS the garbage disposal? Don't get me wrong, I'm GLAD he eats well and eats what I give him.....BUT, I bought over $200 worth of groceries 5 days ago. I bought cheap things like ramen and mac and cheese, but also 3 gallons of milk, 3 bags of apples, 3 bunches of bananas, 2 loaves of bread, giant sized peanut butter and jelly, 6 lbs of chicken, a bunch of ground turkey, rice and beans, and a bunch more, you get the idea.
Guess who needs to go shopping.

For lunch just now he had an entire box of macaroni with a sandwich, a package of ramen, then DS's leftovers. Then has asked for an apple, and then asked for a banana. I watched him eat the apple extremely slowly then tried to pass it off to DS who didn't want it. He finished it, much to his chagrin. Then he asked DH for a banana. He did the same thing as with the apple. Is he TRYING to eat me out of house and home? He then proceeded to lay his arms and head on the table and shut his eyes as he was chewing.
"SS if you are tired go take a nap." He lifted his head. "Are you feeling okay? Feel sick at all?"
SS: "No."
"then don't lay down at the dinner table." I find myself reminding him of this AT LEAST one meal a day everyday that he's here. The last thing I want is his unwashed hair and smelly armpits touching the dinner table.
So he got up....and asked for DESSERT! I told him to drink water.

Anyway.... hopefully my anxiety levels with decrease with his departure.
One week left....


Maxwell09's picture

Ha! SS4 last week with BM is this coming week and I will be so glad when its over. I prefer him here majority of the time because he a thousand times better...ya know follows rules and basic hygiene regimen. I'm probably the only one who likes Summer to be over because we get the skid more instead of less.

loveandfitness's picture

I understand in that situation. When you're house is "home" it's much easier to get them to do what they should.
Then send them off any other place for a week+ and they tend to come back and act like hooligans until you get them back on routine.
Sometimes I feel like SS would do much better living with us; other days I thank my stars that he doesn't.

Jlbfinch's picture

Both of my step sons are bottomless pits. I watched SS7 eat an adult 10 piece nugget meal at McDonalds today and he was still hungry! He is skinny as a twig btw so neither of his parents are concerned about obesity...yet. My DD eats like a bird but drinks a ton of milk. I know it gets on DH's nerves yet he himself admits to drinking a ton of milk as a kid.