Sometimes I want to throttle Sd
BD wanted to have a weekend away before college starts up. She’s a young adult but we didn’t want her going out of state alone and I had to work. So BD invited older SD to go with her for a sister weekend. SD said yes so BD found a place for 2 people and paid for it.
A couple of days later, SD called BD and told her she wanted BD to invite SD’s sister from BM’ s other marriage. BD knows her, doesn’t care for her and told SD no, she’s not invited and BD had already paid the rental off for just the 2 of them. Sd got pissy and told BD that if the other girl couldn’t go, she wouldn’t either. And then told BD how selfish she was and that she was mean and nasty like me. Then SD called DH and griped to him about BD being selfish. DH thinks SD is wonderful and got on BD for not inviting SD’s other sister
BD called me at work in tears from how SD treated her, how DH backed SD up and what she said about me. She was so hysterical I had to leave work to go home to calm her down.
I got BD calmed down; had a few choice words for DH. Then told BD to find a friend to go with her which she did and I’ve taken off work to go in case the friend backs out.
After all that,sd called BD back trying to wiggle her way back to going on the trip and BD had happily informed her that since SD cancelled that BD already has made other arrangements with someone else.
Sometimes I really just want to smack DHand SD. SD screws with BD and DH has no backbone at all.
Well played BD. Exactly as
Well played BD. Exactly as she should have dealt with it other than getting upset by the pukeworthy stench of SD's manipulative gaslighting behavior.
BD has hopefully learned to not engage with SD at all, to bare her ass for any bullshit, and to confront your DH regarding the shallow and polluted gene pool he is responsible for cursing the planet with by creating SD.
Zero tolerance works. It purges toxic from life, and it puts toxic POS people where they belong. Rotting in the stench of the small polluted lives they create for themselves.
Just my thoughts of course.
Well done BD!
I can't see BD ever inviting SD again after that little fiasco and if this is how she behaves. I would have had a stern word with DH, too.
You really have a DH problem
You are right no backbone at all.
Anybody else see the basic logic and hypocrisy in this
bd paid for the rental on her own (treated sd to a trip fully paid for), but she is called sefish for not wanting to invite someone she is uncomfortable with, doesn’t like, oh and isn’t related to her.
And op dh ripped into op daughter how selfish she is...
it just seems sd wanted to know she was in control so she wants Op daughter to give in, when she doesn’t and sd chucks a hissy fit and goes ok can i go.... hmmmm no would be the generic response because of how rude and unappreciative she was...