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SS possibly cheating DD knows

ETexasMom's picture

Well the family dinner might be interesting to see SS sweat tonight! This morning SS accidentally started a Snapchat group message with MDD and another woman. It said "Good Morning Beautiful". SS must have immediately realized he accidentally added DD and left the group. DD took a screenshot and sent it to me asking what to do. He is now constantly messaging DD telling her it was an accident and meant to send it to his wife :? Sure you were sending your wife a snapchat instead of saying it in person. He's begging her not to say anything to his wife and then asking if his wife will be mad when he gets home.

I told DD not to say anything that that is a mess she doesn't want to get involved in. I think the "family" dinner tonight might be interesting just seeing SS sweating!

twoviewpoints's picture

" He is now constantly messaging DD telling her it was an accident and meant to send it to his wife "

Silly boy, he's just making it worse. He could have perhaps pulled it off by just simply joking about doing some suck-up by calling the ladies all beautiful this morning. Suspicious still, but much better than going on to beg his stepsister not to rat him out because uh, it was an accident :O

Meh, I hope he sweats all evening and squirms in his chair. Serves him right, I have no tolerance for a cheater.

ETexasMom's picture

Same but no way do I want my DD in the middle of that! SS and MSD are married to siblings. I can not imagine what fresh he$$ that would be if SS cheated on his wife!

SMforever's picture

My exSIL had a long standing affair with her sister's husband back in the 80's. She swore her brother (DH at the time) and me to secrecy. I think she was so twisted, she enjoyed the centrality of it all. Her sister never did know. We did not squeal because of the potential hurt among the family, but DH implored her to stop. I always felt super uncomfortable at family gatherings.

Fast forward to this year, I am long divorced from DH but his cheatin Sis wants to come to my son's wedding. I told my son the history of it, and he called her and told her his invitation was revoked...and to find an excuse not to come or he'd embarrass her. They are all such a bunch of arthritic old fu***ers now, it is hard to imagine any of them being attractive enough for sex. ExDH knows the current aituation...I just don't want a cheating skank there.

ldvilen's picture

I'm sorry, but I have no-o sympathy for people who tell their arsine sins to someone, and then swear them to secrecy. It is nothing but a power play, "Look at me. Look what I'm doing. Woo-hoo. Ain't I great!, but you can't tell anyone." If someone is going to use me in that way, I'd either blab right away or if I were asked about it, have no problem filling anyone in on it, because why should it be my burden to carry the secrecy of someone else's amoral behavior, especially if it is against another family member?

But, I admit, some instances are more tricky than others, and if you "accidentally" find out and it could, at the time, cause more harm than good, maybe it'd be best to keep it, for the time being anyway, but it is 100% up to you, because, again, it is burdensome to have to carry someone else's mess-up or !@#$!-up. As SMs, we know this all too well.

still learning's picture

Yes DD should stay completely out of it and think of it as a whoops wrong person kind of thing. SS is dumb enough that he'll rat himself out soon enough.

Acratopotes's picture

I'm torn with this one...

On the one hand I want to say to DD - send it accidentally to his wife and ask her why is your husband calling you "Amy" (the other woman's name) but SS will simply lie himself out of it... and get away with it.

on the other hand I want to say to DD - good now black mail him with it, tell him he will play nice to you or she will tell his wife about his affair....

she can also casually mention this other woman's name during dinner asking who is "Amy" }:) }:)

notasm3's picture

I truly can see how you do not want your DD to be in the middle of this. You want to protect her. I have no issue with that at all.

But me being the bitch that I am - I would refuse to keep his cheating secrets would find someway to notify the wife that does not involve your daughter. Hell I'd notify her for you from afar if it were left up to me. I believe that betrayed spouses have a right to know what is going on in their marriage.