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ex-wife has different fashion taste

BonusMom2012's picture

So glad to find this group. I just need to vent to someone who understands but is not immediately involved. ARRRG! Okay, I feel better already. Why, oh why, does his ex-wife think it's okay to send her kids back to me in un-useable clothes??? She picks them up for dinner and they are dressed appropriately, but 3 hours later they come back in winter clothes and rain boots. It's a sunny day and 85 degrees. Gone for another week are the crocs, the only shoes little miss 4 year old will wear in the mornings. Makes me crazy.


Last-Wife's picture

When the kids were little, once they walked in the door from her house, we stripped 'em down. If they really smelled like her ciggy smoke, we stripped 'em in the garage. Didn't wash the clothes, just left them in a bin in the garage, and sent them back to her two weeks later in whatever they had been wearing, wether it was clean or dirty, fit or not. Now, my husband and I weren't heartless. If the weather was bad, we kept "extras" on hand to send them for their visits, or if we knew she was taking them someplace BEFORE going back to her house for the weekend, we would put them in something nice. I kept nice hand-me-downs and garage sale finds on hand for those occasions.

I learned quick if I sent them to her in nice clothes, we never saw them again.

LRP75's picture

^ Exactly ^

That's what I want DH to do: buy used clothing to send them back in, because if it's brand new, nice clothing - we never see it again. Well, not until they've outgrown it and is in tattered rags that is. But DH thinks that putting used clothing on his kids is "gross." I do not. I've used hand-me-downs and shopped at resales for my BS (and for myself), so it's not like I'm asking him to do something for his kids that I don't do for my own. You know?

Oy. Just one of those little battles we've had.

Now I won't let him buy them clothes at all. Not when BM is getting $1k per month is CS. Let HER buy the clothes. Shiiiiit.

BonusMom2012's picture

Actually BM's been diagnosed Bi-polar, so I try to give grace, but oy! Consignment stores are my friends! SD4 insists on wearing "pretty dresses" every day, but "used" pretty is still pretty to her. It's losing the shoes that pisses me off, BM can't seem to keep track of them.

Last-Wife's picture

The BM I deal with is bi-polar. And how is he gonna know if it's consignment or garage sale, as long as it looks nice and clean. Wouldn't he rather see them in that than some of the crazy s%^& I'm sure she comes up with?!

Funny "clothes" story. Many years ago, she made plans to take the kids to a photographer. She asked if she could "borrow" some of our clothes for nice pictures. Loghead told her no, her photos for her house needed to show her personality and style she wanted for the skids, not something we would have... Goodness only knows where she got the clothes. SD's dress was two sizes two small, and the SSs' t-shirts were covered in stains, and one even had a misspelled word printed on the shirt...

I keep a copy of the picture just to annoy the skids! They admit now it was so horrible! LOL

instantfamily's picture

WE send skids to BM's in whatever crap, second hand clothing she's sent them here in. Slutty jeans? Glitter butts? Too small or just plain inappropriate- they go to Cali in that crap. We learned a looooong time ago that when we send then in nice clothes, she keeps them and sends them back in something bedazzled. (She's completely white trash). I actually emailed her last Christmas (?) I think and told her that if she wanted to help with clothes I could send her a list of apppropriate clothing or school uniform clothes for her to purchase, but the "slutty clothing you sent your 6 year old daughter will be exchanged for something appropriate or just donated because we don't want her looking like a child prostitute". BM called DH and cried to DH "I didn't mean to make her look slutty, it's all Target sells! I can't find anything without glitter or gems on the bottom of the jeans!" (insert I Feel Sorry For You) card here. I emailed her again to say what was appropriate and what is not. Told her that if she had questions, call the school or email me since she clearly cannot choose appropriate children's clothing herself.

overworkedmom's picture

I totally agree!! Target is my favorite place to shop for my little girl, she always looks bright and cute, age appropriate and it doesn't cost a fortune! Why can't some of these BM's figure it out?? $20 buys like 3 full outfits! Luckily the BM I deal with isn't involved enough to even have a change of clothes for him, inappropriate or not...

StepMa_NotMom's picture

BM does the same thing here.....she put the child on anything, not matching, no jacket when needed, the list goes on............we use to send good stuff back and then you never see those clothes again so.....we send her home in whatever the mother sent her in and while she is with us, she wears the clothes we have for her, problem solved.

BM also does the kid hair horribly....

Blueskyz's picture

My sd10 has clothes at our house and clothes at her Moms. We send her back in what her Mom sent her to our house in. We recently had a custody modification. We went from shared, week to week to every other weekend, so I’m not sure how we will handle this now.

i asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she said nothing if I can’t bring it home. (Sigh) This child is like nailing jello to a tree ...