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The story to end all stories

joan mary's picture

I have posted from time to time about the adult step kids and their rotten behavior but the most recent "event" really takes the cake.

DH got that call - his mom had taken a turn for the worse and had only days to live. He and I live the next state over so don't see her every month. Over we went (2 hour drive) and called his kids and mine to let them know that this was it. She passes peacefully in her sleep, in her own bed, with DH and 2 SIL at her side, and she was 92 years old. We should all be so lucky.

However, peaceful the passing, then must come the funeral. SD32 announces that she will come back for the funeral. Her grandma was that important to her. SD34 cleans out a room for her and offers to pick her up at the airport. No, SD32 is going to rent a car and get a hotel. This is the girl that has NO money for anything. She complains when she has to buy groceries for her 3 kids, after all food is so expensive she complains. Anyway, she leaves the 3 kids with her soon to be ex husband in the house that they still share. After all, it would cost money to get her own place so why move out??? Soon to be ex is still hoping she will change her mind and not follow thru with the divorce and since SD32 still lives there I can see why he has hope.

Back to the funeral, SD32 walks in to the church and it is the first time we saw her since she flew into town the day before. Not even SD34 saw her before that. SD32 is dolled up to the 9's. Great dress for a party that is way to short for a funeral, boots, make up, hair. The works. SD34 looks at her and asks me if SD32 has a boyfriend. Sure looks like I say and it would not be the first time she cheated on her husband. SD32 stays for the service and the lunch but skips the family gathering after. She claims she is too tired to go to any family event and wants to go back to hotel and sleep. She is back in her home town for the first time in 18 months and she skips family events and then does not even see her life long friends?? I get home that night and sil is texting asking about SD32, he knows she is with his friend and that she is cheating him but she wont respond to her kids who want to talk to her. I stuttered around but how do you say that she is to "busy" to respond???

The next day SD32 makes it to a dinner with DH and the rest of our adult kids. She arrives late and spends a chunk of the dinner bashing her dh because he still wants her. Then she proceeds to make snide comments about how much food to eat which is aimed at SD34 because of her weight. Then she bashes DD27's boyfriend about how she did not want to sit next to him but she had to since it was the last chair. Then she proceeds to give parenting advise to my DD27 and how she should parent her 3 year old child. How we got out of that restaurant without a full on fight and the cops being called I do not know.

Fast forward to the next morning and the internment of my MIL. Guess what, SD32 skips it even though her hotel is within a mile of the cemetery. I guess she had other things to do.

I still find it hard to believe that she used her grandmothers passing to facility a bootie call with her latest boyfriend!!! All I feel is contempt for her. When talking to DH I can hear how sad he is that she has strayed so far from how she was raised.

All the years I wanted DH to admit that his kids were rotten and now I just feel sad for him.

stepinafrica's picture

I would be devastated if my kids turned out that way. OMG! Your SDs are positively disgusting.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Why did you guys even try to help her in the first place, and then when she left, continued to clean that first day? I would've been out of there.

stepinafrica's picture

And she is getting married? So some poor guy is going to have to live with all her filth? Eeew.

WTF...REALLY's picture

We'll she is just a bad person and your hubby is not a good parent. Mix those two things together and you get a mess of a human.

You can never be afraid to parent your kids, ever! Sorry you have to deal with that.

notsobad's picture

"I expected him to be a parent. He was more comfortable being their friend. That was his choice."

Friends wouldn't put up with being treated the way his children treat him. They would be long gone.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

What a complete and utter selfish slut.

This thread has made me muse about personal tragedies DH has experienced over the years. Not once can I remember either of his daughters acknowledging his pain, or offering any comfort. Neither are kind or empathetic people.

He may not have been the best father, but he always provided for his children and has never said No whenever they needed to be bailed out of a jam. Helped pay for two weddings, cars, etc. His daughters are well into adulthood and still don't see him as a person, just a resource. It's a two-way street, and they are both guilty of being terrible daughters.