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Is there a way to find out if step mom had kids in foster care

jennaspace's picture

Does anyone know if there is a way to find out if someone had their children put in the foster care system? My friend's husband became mentally ill, divorced her and married someone who also appears mentally ill. They are both acting erratic.

The new wife claims a baby she just had is his but this man had a vasectomy with subsequent zero sperm count when checked over a year later. Zero sperm count means vasectomy was successful. They also lived several states away and had their relationship mainly via internet. He's also 400 lbs and can barely participate in sex.

It would concern me a lot if my child was in the care of a person I didn't know, esp one who was acting erratic. My friend is not the type to be catty to a SM. She is the BM in my life (DHs ex), very drama free. She's just legitimately concerned about her kids.

I know some of you SMs may be BMs who had a situation where you were not concerned for your kids safety. My friend has been told their is nothing she can do unless the abuse occurs and not just threatened (it's been threatened).

If anyone knows how to check if a person has had kids given to the state I'd appreciate it.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Hey jenna, I'm so sorry to hear about this and I hope your friend finds some solution--her ex and his wife sound quite a few marbles short.

Hmm... I am not sure about it, but with public records you can find anything, probably. Most times when people get their kids taken by the state, there's a court order and most likely a criminal charge. Maybe see if you can find out in relation to that? I don't know how helpful it would be for her to look at the stepmom though... I would think requesting a psych eval and GAL recommendation would be more beneficial.

stormabruin's picture

I also believe it depends on the state/locality. Where we live, I believe anything involving juvenile children is kept private.