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Twenty years of marriage at risk because of adult stepchildren...

Heartbreaking's picture

....and it would be me who would be ending it. I thought it was all finally over now that they (stepson and stepdaughter are grown, married and one has a child). But something happened AGAIN over the holidays to make me realize once and for all that I will never get the respect, common courtesy or appreciation I deserve even in my own home, and my sweet wonderful terrier of losing his kids, overwhelmed with guilt for leaving his kids won't take a stand! I am not asking him to choose between me and his daughter but I am asking him to stand up for me as his 20 year wife now and ask that I be treated fairly.

An incident happened over the holidays where I called out my stepdaughters husband for being rude and arrogant to me, in my home, about me and about my home. My step daughter called me with a litany of curses I've rarely heard from ANYONE and refuses to come to our house if I'm there. I've been disinvited from her upcoming graduation (law school) and at Christmas my husband went to meet her at her mothers house without me being allowed and at my stepsons house without me being allowed.

It is breaking my heart and I truly feel as if my "good" marriage is dying... Either alternative seems impossible --- staying in a marriage where my husband allows this or ending a marriage because of this.

Help? Anyone?

toywas's picture

We must go to the same counselor because she told me the same thing about my DH. He's never going to get over the guilt of divorcing "mother of the year" so in the meantime, I have to put up with it all.

Heartbreaking's picture

Well the relationship didn't die with both stepchildren. And yes I did call out my step daughters husband for saying staying in my home was like waking up in an Indian hostel, among other things like not getting up to say hello or make eye contact when any of "my" relatives, friends came into the house for thanksgiving.

You are right, it is my decision. The quandary is I love my husband AND my stepchildren (easier relationship with step son) but at this juncture don't care to be treated the way I am with my husband tolerating it or simply not seeing it cause it's too hard for him to deal with.

Couldn't he --- my wish. --- simply tell his children I am his wife, they will always be his children but at the very least they should be courteous to me.....

And if he can't - and it is my decision - do I go go on without him. If the problem were easy I wouldn't be writing here...

Heartbreaking's picture

I've thought about your thoughtful reply a lot. I was wrong to call him out the way I did. My explanation (vs. excuse because I have none) is that his comments were the proverbial "straw". I apologized to both he and my step daughter sincerely in the same forum I called him out (I have a blog I certainly didn't think he or she would ever read). But that I know will never be enough because this entire incident just set off what was a pressure cooker anyway. It's done now. And there is no retracting it, and it seems to have confirmed what my stepdaughter always thought about me anyway (which I didn't realize how bad that was til now either).

But it did bring me to some clarity which is that I can't and won't take anymore disrespect to me and mind anymore ever. I say (more than anyone wants to hear at this point: "this it it! Twenty years is enough!"

My husband is a good man but he has always felt guilty about his children so of course he's overcompensated in a million ways. And his children even as adults take full advantage of that. I have watched him be repeatedly and deeply hurt by his own children over and over and that's something I don't want to watch anymore either. Everyone realizes this, his friends, our friends, his family as well for years. It also brought on difficulties because my own daughter lived with us (his kids with their mother) for most of those twenty years. I was exhausted from trying to manage the double standard with regard to the kids and how we were always deferring to whatever was going on with or about his kids. BUT he is a great stepfather and actually did a better job raising my daughter than his own kids.

Well, I am rambling because I'm between a rock and a hard place --- and I have to make a decision. I don't see any possibility of a compromise and my expectations are unrealistic in wanting my husband finally to make a firm place for me as his wife.

That is why my heart is breaking -- I can't or won't go back to any of what I had to endure regarding this. That's so sad on so many levels. The only alternative is to go on by myself. I am in mourning (I know I sound so pitiful but I am hurting so badly). It is like watching my marriage die and I can't stop crying.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

I totally understand where you are coming from. And I say good for you for calling him on his rudeness. I did something similar this xmas too. Sd always thanx her dad for gifts and this year when she tried it I said, and 20 years! She got so huffy that I called her on her bad behavior. I felt great and do not regret it for one min.

Jsmom's picture

Just keep her out of your life and let him have the relationship with her outside of your home. That is what I do with SD16. SHe is not welcome here, but DH sees her about once a month for lunch. That is on him. I don't want to hear about it and he doesn't want to tell me. I am pretty negative after everything she did.

Just don't discuss it with him and disengage from all of them. Focus on you and your marriage, not on their attitudes toward you. That will never change.

2Tired4Drama's picture

I agree with others - who cares if you have no relations ship with your adult skids?

This is what I WOULD have a problem with: my husband went to meet her at her mothers house without me being allowed.

I would say that it is pefectly acceptable for you to say, "Look DH, if you want to see your skids without me that's fine. But it won't be at your ex-wife's house. Period."

cmwolfe1264's picture

I totally agree with everything Jsmom wrote, you also need to disengage from your skids. Your DH can see them outside of your home but he has to know they are not welcome at yours regardless of whether you are there or not. However, he shouldn't WANT to see them at his ex- house and he shouldn't go there to see them. That is unacceptable. I don't feel my DH has stood up for me either but he also sees how difficult his daughters are and now accepts that I won't go to see them or want them in our house. Once I got to the point of disengaging and he understood he could still have a relationship with his daughters but I am not interested in one now or ever things have been so much better in our world. Unfortunately, holidays are so difficult with skids and THAT will NEVER change. Your 20 yr marriage is worth saving you just have to disengage from the stupid adult skids. Things will not get better because they are now adults and are married and have their own lives and families. Hugs to you, Heartbreaking............

oldone's picture

Even if SD's husband was the rudest ass in the world, on some level it is not too bad that she stood with her spouse. Not that she had to start WWII but the idea of being on your spouse's side is usually admirable.

It's a shame that your DH doesn't have the balls to stand with you.

You say you love your SD. Will it be awful if you never see her again? Will that hurt you personally?

Hopefully you do not need her in your life. Let her be off in her world with her rude husband. You know he is not always kind to her. That kind never is. That marriage might not last.

But I would put my foot down in a great big stomp about his going to spend Christmas with his ex. I would say that my foot might find his balls in a swift kick but I forgot - he has no balls.

Heartbreaking's picture

I agree with you on her defending her husband AND am afraid her husband IS mean to her and I suspect they will have problems. It's just so sad because I can't see our marriage surviving what his step daughter is now doing. She is so much a part of my husbands life that disengagement from from her by me or as it is now the other way around makes the cohesion of our marriage impossible .

New second wife-step-mom's picture

I would say that it is pefectly acceptable for you to say, "Look DH, if you want to see your skids without me that's fine. But it won't be at your ex-wife's house. Period."

^^^^ EXACTLY!!!

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Both owners of the house should agree on who is allowed in, period. If one says no,then it is no.

sandye21's picture

I could have written your post almost word for word two years ago. Did you have a decent relationship with them prior to this incident or has this been an ongoing thing? SA has a good point; you may have approached SIL's rudeness differently if you really wanted them to come around again. The thing I realized when my SD and her husband had their 'meltdown' was that this was a long time coming. At that point I had endured over 20 years of verbal and emotional abuse from both of them and could have cared less if they returned to my home. I called them on their rudeness and I've never been sorry for it. My DH was like yours, gutless. He ran out the door rather than get involved at all. I had to handle the situation myself. Luckily I found a therapist who agreed that I did not need the toxicity they brought into my home. I THOUGHT there was some love inside my heart for SD too. Now I am very glad I made the decision to ban them from my home, and I found out it wasn't love I felt for SD at all, just expectations of love. I do not miss their presence in my life, and not do I miss the rudeness and hostility. DH is welcome to visit with them whenever he likes other than holidays, our anniversary and our birthdays. I sincerely hope they stay away forever.

DH and I had a rough go of it for awhile and I was seriously comtemplating divorce. We are still working on it. He has a lot more respect for me since I stood up for myself, and I do too.

Heartbreaking's picture

Interesting. Your situation sounds so similar to mind. I am seeing a therapist (funny it's was only weeks before the incident so it's as if I knew I would Ned help through a change in my life). My heart is breaking because I can't see our marriage surviving this. I can and will go on without him if I have to it's just damn sad.

Heartbreaking's picture

Interesting. Your situation sounds so similar to mind. I am seeing a therapist (funny it's was only weeks before the incident so it's as if I knew I would Ned help through a change in my life). My heart is breaking because I can't see our marriage surviving this. I can and will go on without him if I have to it's just damn sad.

AVR1962's picture

I too have been a stepmom for 20 years, been with my husband now close to 24 years, hard to beleive! I do get what you are SS29 has been full of all kinds of mind games and lies and it has been one episode after the other with him since he was a little tike, the drama king of the family. It never stopped in his adults years, he just got hius GF, and now his wife, to chime in. The last time he shot his mouth off at me was my final dealing with this grown brat having a child tauntrum. I usually am the one he curses but this time he made the mistake of cursing out his dad too. When husband finally felt this brat's rath, it too was enough for him. He was able to forgive eventually which I have not and they do have occasional contact but I took myself out of the picture entirely.

You can still be married and be happy with your husband without the steps as part of the picture.

It's not easy being a stepmom and as much as we give and we try, it never seems to be enough. When I met my husband he had been divorced for 3 years. His family was cautious about him dating, especially someone with children. I never felt that husband's family fully accepted me and my girls and things came out repeatedly to prove that. I finally disenaged from them. Husband accepts that I do not want contact with his family and same is true with his children.

I went thru quite a bit of counseling and what I learned is that I was a target. The pain my steps were dealing with came from their parents' divorce and the lack of involvement with each parent. What they yearned fro was the connection to their bio parents but because that was not fully available to them it was easier to blame their hurts on me. By taking myself out of the picture not only did it relieve me but now husband has to deal with his children. If they still blame me, fine, I have gotten to a point I don't care anymore. My job is done and I know I did the best I could have for them.

Hang in there....don't let the step-creeps make you feel less about yourself.

Heartbreaking's picture

Thank you. The point you make about the stepmom being the target makes so much sense to me now. Wish I were wiser sooner and maybe I wouldn't have taken all this so personally. But I'm really afraid it's too late.

Want my life back's picture

You know being a stepmom is a long, painful, lonely and suffering road to endure. With all our grand plans to make it work, he just doesn't unless you are one of those extremely lucky one who have skids who for most part are good people. Unfortunately different personalities and past hurts will always play a huge part in how step parents can engaged with the skids. Our perspective is totally different from theirs. Our agenda from day one is to make everyone happy, for the most part that's what moms do be it step mom or bio mom. In most case the steps kids set out to divide and conquer, we are the enemy within always have and always will. It's like we are the kidnapper of their daddy and will do anything to have him return, they will win, I never saw it at first as they did, a competition, they are his children, they are part of him and we are not, we are dispensable, as the years go on I have recognised that for what it is. I am sticking around only for our own bio children's sake as I wish that the skids have no negative influence in their life which would occur if we split up. I have six years to endure, plans in place because I know ultimately I know he is not commited to me but his children. So the next six years DH can engage to his hearts content the time his spends with his skids, because the heartache , the fights , being told you are cold mean and never given those kids are a chance blah blah. So we all need to start living our life for us and make the most of a bad situation because it doesn't get any better, the worst that could happen is DH doesn't speak to you because he is dark on you. Funny you become so accustom to it, you see it for what it is- pathetic. My love and respect has died so by the time the bios are grown you will have grieved and moved on long before you move out.

Heartbreaking's picture

I wish I could simply disengage with my skids (or at the very least my sd) but that just wouldn't work at all. My dilemma is to accept that most of this will never change and continue as I have to try to avoid and/or manage through the disrespect, outright animosity and passive aggressive hurtful acts or leave a marriage of twenty years. All of this because my husband is so close to his kids (funny so much more now that they are adults - he practically had to beg them to spend time with him when they were children). And being close to them now is a good thing and I admire him for what he's worked so hard for.

But If I cannot or choose not to change or adapt to things as they are or have been anymore as I approach 60 my only option is to leave my husband. There is no compromise. There is no mid-way to reach. And that is what I am facing now. The answer will come from what I am willing or want to do.

My dream of having my husband stand up for me too EVER is not real is it?

Have any of you had experiences where the husband finally saw the light --- not choosing between his second wife and his adult kids BUT asserting to them she is and always will be in his life, he loves her, and they MUST at the very least be respectful.

Is that unrealistic? Any success stories here? Any?

ManUp's picture

Your husband needs to read a book called No More Mr. Nice Guy.

This book was a key component of me recognizing and ending my jellyfish ways with my wife, my daughter, my work. My boundaries are clearly stated, and there are non-agressive (note: very different from passive aggressive) but predictable consequences for crossing those boundaries. My daughter is adjusting to those boundaries in regards to how she treats my wife. Right now, she gets exactly the same amount of effort and consideration out of me as she is willing to give my wife. This is of course driving her nuts and she tries to throw things at me to test me. Too bad. She asked specifically, "what are the next steps?" I told her she has to apologize to my wife. She hasn't done it, so I'm not available to her until she does.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

While I admire your loyalty to your wife and wish my DH had the balls to stand up to his DD, I wonder if the forced apology is really a good idea.

If my DH forced SD to apologize I would KNOW it was not sincere and could possibly make things worse rather than better in the long run.

Then SD would be all halo's and expecting some great gratitude from me and DH. Now we have to bow to her because she WAS THE BIGGER person and aplogized.

There really is nothing she could ever say now that would make me trust her again. That ship has sailed.

I wish you all the best with your situation and hope it works out to an acceptable compromise at least.

That is all I would hope for at this point. No love or trust, just civility and polite is all I expect.

ManUp's picture

She won't apologise. I know her too well. But, I've made it clear that if she can't even offer that basic token of respect, then we have nothing to talk about until then. It's up to her. An apology is just a first step and puts her on notice that her attitude won't be tolerated any longer. I haven't heard from her in 2 weeks, so I guess she's made her choice. It's too bad because life is too short for this crap.

ManUp's picture

I still make mistakes. I still hurt feelings. But, I am getting better at being clear on my expectations and sticking to them. My daughter actually called my wife the other day just to talk to my wife and not argue or whine, which is a new wrinkle. I'm not holding my breath for a breakthrough, but that's a step in the right direction.

I find that women tend to find ways of apologising without actually saying sorry.

Towanda's picture

Apologizing. That reminds me of an incident a few years ago with one of my SD. She had fired off an email essentially threatening to withdraw visitation with the grandchildren blah blah blah. My DH and I emailed a response. (took us 12 hours and thoughtfulness and tact but addressing how serious we took her threat to withold grandchildren) My DH was sitting next to me and I heard his bleep on his phone that he had received a text. My DH read the text and said, "SD just apologized for what she said" .
The next day I read what the text really said as he left his phone on the counter. It said "I am sorry Dad, I KNEW your wife would take this all wrong!"
Well, that started a 48 hour argument with the two of us.
FYI, going on year three of not seeing our grandchildren after seeing them numerous times a week and helping with care.