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Unreasonable or normal?

Momof2Girls's picture

I'm back! I continue to anguish with my soon to be 20 year old SD. My husband has slowly dug his head out of the sand to see she has no real plans for the Fall. She was supposed to transfer to a state school maybe even go to a dorm but since she has failed two yes two classes at community college she blew that for fall transfer.

Well my husband and I sat her down to say that if she is not in school full time in the fall then she needs to be working full time. I think this is fair and quite normal for a person her age. She was taken off guard, didn't like that and hid in her room for 2 nights.

ok so I'm dealing with a completely immature child who I am afraid is never going to launch into the real world!! This then means she will never leave my home. The whole situation with her immature behavior has put on strain in my marriage.

Is our request to work full time abnormal!? What the hell do kids these days expect?!

Kes's picture

Your request is neither abnormal nor unreasonable.  I can sympathise as I have an SD25 suffering from failure to launch also.  I don't get the worst of it as she lives with NPD BM - I would not permit her to live with us, and feel no sense of apology about this.  If I were you I would stick to what you and DH said to SD20, and if she is not in college in the autumn, then she needs to be working full time.  Sadly, this generation of precious little snowflakes seem to think that their parents will be happy to have them freeload forever, squatting in their parents' houses like giant cuckoos, beak ever open. 

ndc's picture

I think it is totally normal and reasonable for a 20 year old to work full time if she's not in school. If she's in school part-time, it might be reasonable for her to work a little less than full time if necessary to accommodate her school schedule (you do want her to finish her transfer requirements and get out of your house, right?). When I say a little less, I'm talking 30-35 hours vs. 40, not some 10-20 hour job.

Why did she fail 2 classes? Lack of effort or lack of ability? If it's lack of effort or some deliberate sabotage, she should be given a deadline to go to state school or move out, and the deadline should be no more than one more semester.  Can she finish her 2 classes over the summer?

tog redux's picture

Well, what else would she be doing if she's not in school and not working? Does she think laying around doing nothing is an option?

 I thought she missed her Mom so much and was only there for college opportunities? I'd say if she's not in college she has to return to her mother's.  

Olivia2020's picture

SD24 does nothing all day but stay on social media & lounge in her room. Wait..she puts on fake eyelashes, experiments with make up & skimpy clothing to post pics on social media...she paints her nails & talks to BioMom who abandoned her 7 years ago. It won't get better with the SD20 but get worse if she's allowed to move back in! 

Kytrb71's picture

This sounds exactly like my 17 SD fake eyelashes, nails, make up and non stop constant yapping on social media. She even told her dad that when she turns 18 (40 days) that she "wants to dress like a whore" and "smoke pot".

Exhausting .....


Kytrb71's picture

This sounds exactly like my 17 SD fake eyelashes, nails, make up and non stop constant yapping on social media. She even told her dad that when she turns 18 (40 days) that she "wants to dress like a whore" and "smoke pot".

Exhausting .....


Momof2Girls's picture

Oh believe me she misses her mom! That's her only friend. She has lived with us 1.5 years and still has not one friend. She has co workers she occasionally hangs with but not a true friend to call or convide in. She ran straight to Mom when we broke the news about working FT! 

Momof2Girls's picture

She doesn't want to live at moms house with one bathroom (spoiled here has her own bathroom) and she hates her step father. 
she has asked her mom to move / get a bigger house though 

Harry's picture

Laying around all day doing nothing ?  Yes, she needs a full time job, and you must set up a saving account where she saves money. For a down payment on a apartment, furniture, ect.   Make sure she can not take money out of that saving account.  Thanking money out is not saving 

Momof2Girls's picture

Well she talked more to my husband last night that she felt intimated by me about working FT 40 hours. I do sometimes come off direct but this girl needs to be pushed!
We have even been flexible that we just want her working 35 hours if not attending school and we are giving her plenty of notice to do so. We also have told her we will take $200 a month "rent" to save for her own place which I have made clear to my husband has to be in 2 years. I'm not dealing with this BS.

Deep down I wish she would just move back with her Mom but she doesn't have a plan to actually do that. She tried to move back to her home state in January but the plan fell through (aunt backed out with living arrangement).

So I guess I'm stuck dealing with her and this is immature behavior for another 2 years...


ndc's picture

Why are you allowing her to live with you for 2 more years? If she came to your home to go to school, and she's not going to school, why does she need to live with you? It would be one thing if her presence didn't bother you, but it does.  This isn't a case of an adult child living with her parents - you shouldn't have to live with an unrelated adult if you don't want to.

Momof2Girls's picture

I guess I feel I don't have a choice. It's my husbands daughter. He is not going fo throw her on the street. She is still in school now through summer. 
SD told him last night that she might take classes in fall if the university let's her. At least my Husband set some expectations and it seems to be pushing her to think about her future. But it's sad that she is almost 20 without much plan..


what's worse is she is only taking online classes right now. She doesn't even go to campus and still complaining about working full time. 

tog redux's picture

He doesn't have to throw her on the street. He needs to expect her to be working and attending school, and making a plan to leave if she doesn't want to attend school.  She's comfortable there because he allows her to be - he could stop paying for her phone and her car, no spending money, no new clothes - so she'd want to get a job and move out. 

Momof2Girls's picture

The expectation is she has to work close to full time if not in school. If in school then work 30 hours or so a week. And yes she is Super comfortable. He has been enabling this bad behavior. I finally put my foot down and said enough. She needs to be treated like an adult and start growing up. 
we both want to see her be a succesful adult, I worry she will never launch and move out. 

tog redux's picture

So if she doesn't get a job, will he cut off paying for anything? Kids like this are typically all talk and no action. At least my SS20 is - thankfully BM is his enabler, not DH. 

And who is paying tuition if she's failing? If DH is, he needs to stop.

Momof2Girls's picture

My husband only pays tuition nothing else. She pays car, phone, clothes etc. 

paying for failed classes was an ongoing argument that I lost. I have in writing he will not pay for any future failed classes

tog redux's picture

How will that work- does she have to pay first and then he reimburses her? Or does she pay him back? Does she have a job now? How does she pay for stuff?

Momof2Girls's picture

She works PT now and takes online college classes. Tuition is paid before classes even start. I disagree that my husband is continuing to pay for school but he just wants her to complete her associates degree. She is on the hook for paying for more school if she goes for bachelor degree.

Survivingstephell's picture

If she refuses to work them maker her your house slave.  Make her do everything a maid , cook and landscaper would do. Make her miserable so she's motivated to grow up , find a job, take classes or move back to mommy's.   Lots of fights in your future until she gets it or gets out.   No treats or gifts for her either.  Don't let DH treat her stuff on the sly. She needs to be miserable. I had a "paralyzed "18 yo after graduation. I laid the law down when I figured out what was going on ( she was my first to go thrubthis) and she was in college  classes next semester and had a job.  I didn't make the same mistake with my next two.  Expectations can and willl be met.  Coddling is the worst thing for this affliction. 

Thumper's picture

Parents fault.

You/dh have is wrong. IF she is not in school full time she is OUT on her own, in her own place. Paying her own rent, paying for her food, her car her phone, her insurance ....everything.

About bm wants her back...ok. Let me ask, did DH have full custody and bm eow when she was a minor?

Full time school OR out in her place. She would be smart to get a 2, 3 bedroom and room with friends.

If she goes to school,,,summers are working. SPRING BREAK goof off,,,sure if she can pay for it.

She picks.




sandye21's picture

What REALLY stood out to me was that she feels 'intimidated' because you work at FT 40 hour job!!!  WTF?!!  If this wasn't a joke, was she trying to put the blame on you because she has no motivation?  There are several SM's who would not give her the opportunities you are so generously providing for her.

I agree with Surviving - make her a house slave.  it might make BM's house look a lot better.

Momof2Girls's picture

She was taken back about the FT job and felt I didn't let her speak up about what she wanted to do come the Fall. She was given plenty of time to speak. It was a conversation and she chose to leave and hid in her room for 2 nights. This is what I'm dealing with an immature teenager. 
I told my husband two days ago I don't think I can deal with this behavior for 2 more years. He suggested family therapy, I agreed. I thought that would at least get her thinking or maybe run back to Mom.

well husband has now backed off on therapy. He thinks she is focused on getting another PT job and possibly taking classes in Fall.

im going back to therapy on my own

tog redux's picture

He needs to set deadlines for her - or she will just say what he wants to hear - "I might take more classes", "I will look into another job". 

Thumper's picture

Op did Bm have residential custody OR did dh OR did they split with zero child support exchanged? Do you mind me asking?

Just curious, ok?


Momof2Girls's picture

BM had full custody. My husband continues to pay child support as his 18 yo son lives with BM

BM contributes nothing towards college

we only had them as kids every other weekend. SD grew up hearing her father didn't love her and didn't support them

tog redux's picture

Well, that explains why it's hard for DH to set limits on her. But it's just an explanation, not an excuse.

Rags's picture

You and DH have nailed it with college flunky SD-20 having to work full time.  My SS could only reside in our home after turning 18 if he was working full time or a full time college student in good standing with his school.  He chose to do neither.

So......... we made him our life in beck-call-boy/chore bitch.  At bedtime every night we turned off the internet and the cable and it did not come back on until we returned from work the next day.  He had a massive spreadsheet chore list that he had to get done each day or the next day we left him on the curb when we left for work.

He swept, vacuumed, mopped, dusted, polished, cleaned scrubbed, touched up, weeded, edged, trimmed, watered, mowed, washed, folded, sliced, diced, chopped, cut, measured, cooked, served, cleaned and put it all away.

If we went out to dinner, he came with us. But.... being fed, housed, clothed and tolerated was totally dependent on his getting each days chore list completed.

We did not make it  contentious.  It just was.  After 4mos of working for only room and bord he figured out that he could get paid for working so decided to enlist in the USAF.  He went in on the delayed entry program so to keep living in our home he stayed on the get his chores done daily program until he reported to MEPS to ship out for BMT.   Next month will be his 9th service anniversary in the USAF. He has decided to make it a first career. 

So, if she is going to be in your home make it a one day at a time thing dependent on her working her ass off. For you. The more menial and misery inducing the better.

Good luck.


Momof2Girls's picture

Unfortunately my life is the one that is miserable dealing with this. Things are too comfortable for her here. I wish she would do chores or help out 

It took this long for my husband to push her for a life plan. Pushing for chores and doing more will feel like another battle.

she knows things are changing and she must work and work more come end of summer. She also knows she can move back to her home state if that's what she really wants. My husband is open and honest about that 


Missingme's picture

Absolutely she should at least get a 40/hr/wk job and pay rent which should include utilities.  She should also help clean, etc.  If she doesn't agree to do those adult things, she should be told to find a place of her own.  Period.  

Anonyn49's picture

You are definitely not being unreasonable and your concerns are super valid. Why would she want to launch when it is safe and comfortable there?

My own DS tried this nonsense when he got out of high school. Almost didn't graduate. Didn't study for the SAT, then was shocked when his score was only average and a local university declined him entry. He went to the local community college and failed all three classes he registered for. He quit jobs willy nilly and in general just wanted to sit around the house playing video games. My DH (not his father) and I pushed him pretty hard to get off his duff and get a job, figure something out, etc. He would just be a mule and refuse to do anything, so one day, after warning him it would happen, we disconnected Internet access during the day while we were at work. He texted me that he was going to live with his dad and he left that very day. He has not lived with us since and it would take a LOT for us to let him move back in. He is still living with my ex-H to this day, two years later. He works full time now but still doesn't have a drivers license, a car etc. He has made progress in learning to save his money and should be able to buy a vehicle soon. It was strained between us for a while, but he has shaped up - and I have zero regrets for drawing that boundary. My Ex isn't much of an example to him and isn't helpful. Its painful to watch, but at least he isn't on the street, doing drugs or getting into trouble. Just a bit anxious about adulting and more than a little lazy. Its improving slowly. 

Ultimately our job as parents is to make sure they can live without us. Coddling them this way is the opposite of that. Ask your DH what will happen to her if he is killed in a car accident or has a heart attack or something. What will become of her? Because she sure as heck won't be living with you. Ask him how this fight will get any easier when she is 30. 35. 40. Because she will kick that can down the road as long as possible.