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Does a seven year old girl need her dad to put her to sleep? Read a bedtime story and everything?

Ashleystepmom's picture

I get really annoyed by the fact that my seven year old step daughter still needs her dad to read her a story at bedtime. Otherwise, she's throw a temper tantrum. It took at least 30 minutes for her to fall asleep.
Is it normal?'s picture

Does she "need" it? No... It's one of those things...if she can tantrum her way to get what she wants from Daddy, she will... She should be reading her own books before bed, but obviously she wants the attention. If he had a vagina, it wouldn't be happening LOL.

emotionaly beat up's picture

I don't see any problem with it. If she and dad have that routine and he is just reading her a story before she goes to sleep, that's a really nice thing for him to do. If she was 17 it might be something to look at, but she's only 7.

Orange County Ca's picture

I don't think its the story time that's bothering you. Get some counseling and see if you can work through the real issue(s).

herewegoagain's picture

Just 30 minutes? Wow. She is only 7. I don't think this is horrible. Now if he stayed with her all night, that is different. But 30 minutes to read a book to his kid? Take a shower when he's reading to her and forget about it.

Smomof3's picture

My husband kisses his kids 14 & 15 goodnight...everynight, checks on them early morning before leaving work and kisses them goodbye. My SD is 15 and of all the things she loves it's a quiet feeling of barely waking when her daddy kissing her forehead before he leaves for work. My oldest SS22 still gets hugs and kisses upon greeting and leaving.

I think affection is wonderful and makes kids feel comfortable and safe. My Skids give me problems and the girl is beyond difficult, but I've never had a problem with him wanting alone time, showing affection, etc.

Anon2009's picture

I think it is perfectly fine. I've read stories at night to countless seven year olds. It makes them feel safe.

You need to figure out what is really bothering you about this situation.

Queeny's picture

I agree with Orange County, what's the real issue here? Are you not getting attention?
I don't know skid's daily behavior either. So I can't say much, yet. Wink

javagirl's picture

Reading that much to a child will help their overall vocabulary and reading comprehension. 30 minutes is not long at all.

I read 15-20 minutes to SD6 every night we have her which I have done since she was 3. Once I walked into her room and she had 6 books spread on the bed but had fallen asleep since she was so tired. Lately DH has taken over some nights and instead of reading to her, he listens to her read (which I encouraged so he could see how much she loves it). Maybe suggest that transition so eventually she is used to reading by herself when she is older.

sasha101's picture

My bd has a physical disability which meant she needed help with getting ready for bed till she was older than most kids, but I think I stopped doing bedtime stories when she was around 8 years old. My dh used to read a story to ss's when they were small but gradually weaned them off bedtime stories when they were about 8, first of all by sending them upstairs to get ready for bed then going up to say goodnight to them once they were in bed, and now at 9 and 10 he just gives them a hug before they go upstairs. SS9 is clingy and would probably love bedtime stories still if dh gave into him. I don't think 7 is too old for bedtime stories, but if she's having tantrums to get her own way then that is a problem.

imjustthemaid's picture

I try to think of it this way: what if it were our child together? Would I be annoyed? No I would think it was sweet that he was doing that. She is still pretty young. If he was falling asleep in the room with her that is annoying! One day he will stop doing it because she will be older.

The tantrums are not good! He needs to put a stop to that or it will get worse!!

Ashleystepmom's picture

It looks like all of you think this is a normal behavior, I guess I should not be bothered by it.
I believe the real issue is that my bio son (Also my dh's bio son) never got the same attention from DH.
DH's excuses are the following,

A. I only have my daughter two weeks a month, I am not going to change routins. - fine, I accept that. I posted here several times that I DO like or maybe love my step daughter.

B. Our son is a boy, boy should learn to be a man at early age. Excuse me, my boy is two years old? DOes he need his dad to show some affection before bedtime too? When my step daughter is here, my boy is grossly neglected by DH.

C. temper tantrum. Several days ago, my son came down with a horrible flu. DH tried to help me calming the little one down. Step daughter threw a tantrum and DH immediately run to her room and stayed there for 2 hours, he had absolutely no ideas how to stop the tantrum.

I guess my resentment started building up.

TASHA1983's picture that you spelled it all out I completely understand! It is because your child WITH dh is getting the shit end of the stick. Totally understandable why you would feel the way you do!

I suggest talking with your dh about this. Yeah, I get that he doesn't get to see his daughter 24/7 like his son BUT that is NO EXCUSE for not treating BOTH of HIS CHILDREN the same! Calmly and nonaccusatorily bring this up to him and just tell him that all that you really want is for him to show the same amount of attention and do the same things that he does with one child with the other as well. No harm in that! If he doesn't get that and understand where you are coming from he is a moron. Sorry, just saying.... Smile