Who’s your wife?
Sitting here watching TV and husband tells me that his daughter told him a story this morning. I said to him that I had told him a similar news story. He then said to me that yes maybe you told me that. He said he spoke with her briefly this morning as well. I mulled it over and said "who is your wife? I've been married to you over 15 years!" I said if you can't keep the two of us straight maybe take a break from incessantly talking/ texting to her!" He changed the subject and went back to watching TV.
a few thoughts. He drives quite a bit during day for his job and must spend hours talking with her. I do hate just gabbing in the phone for hours. He however talks incessantly when he is in the car.
Any thoughts? Was I too harsh? Should I worry about dementia? He is close to 70. Lately he has some word retrieval problems. And he has called our dog "blank". His daughters name. Lol. That got a big laugh with me.
I use commute time to stay in
I use commute time to stay in contact with family and friends. In my mind it is otherwise wasted time. It also limits call durations so they do not turn into hours long gab fests.
As for calling people/pets by the wrong name. Not necessarily a dementia thing.
Though I love that he gets SD mixed up with the dog. That... is classic.
It probably is oncoming dementia. If I sound casual it because both my 100yo mom and 86yo husband have it and there's been a long period where things are ok. I know tough times are coming but mom was diagnosed 7 years ago and tho she's in a long term place, the worst is that she can't remember short term stuff like what she had for breakfast. DH is still functional around here tho finances and complex things are beyond him.
I'd say as long as your SD isn't in your face, and isn't a drain (like mine is), look on it as somebody he can talk to so he isn't driving you nuts. You don't mention poor behavior from her and I hope that's true.
I do understand your nervousness, though. When my DH is on the phone with SD62, I am nervous, too. I never know what's coming next with her. She seldom calls to say "hi, how are you". I will say she loves him and would do anything for him (except change) and I hope yours is the same.
I'm sorry for you, mom, and
I'm sorry for you, mom, and DH.
So far my parents are dementia and alzheimers free. Though my mom's dad had Alzheimers and my dad's mom had Multiple Infarctic Dementia.
I had a couple of early onset scares. First in my mid 30s. I had as close to zero short term memory as you can get. It turned out that I was one of the extreme few who was subject to the loss of short term memory as a side effect of taking Seldane. One of the early, then Rx, allergy meds. It was removed from the marked due to being toxic and potentially fatal when taken with azithromycin. Within a short number of weeks after the Doc changing my allergy med, my memory was back to just about total recall level though it never did return to the near eidetic levels it was prior to Seldane.
When I had the Seldane issue, it scared the shit out of me. Having seen my Grandad Jack melt away mentally and physically from Alzheimers.
Most recently, in my last role, my memory went to shit. All stress related. Less than a week after ending that role my memory was markedly better. I have not had any memory issues in nearly 8mos.
Stress is a killer. At 4days short of 60 I hope that I have learned that I can have zero tolerance for bullshit that puts me under constant stress. Memory degradation is a major tell for me on how stress is impacting my health.
You are in my prayers.
I don't think this has to do with dementia. When I speak with multiple people during the day, I remember the facts, but not always the source. I'm 43, and have always been this way, as far as I can remember.
Don't worry too much about your DH's health for the moment :-)