can't live like this much longer...need advice!
Hello all, I'm new here. So thankful to have found this site, I was starting to think I was the only one feeling the way I am. I have four children of my own, but after divorcing my alcoholic husband, he turned them against me and even though I have joint custody, I haven't seen them in 2+ years. It breaks my heart because I was a stay at home for 19 years. Once I was free from him, I fell in love with a woman and I feel she literally saved my life. I am truly in love with someone for the first time in my life and we life a great life... enter her daughter... ugh. My girlfirend has three children and her older two are older and don't live at home anymore. Her daughter is 10 and adopted as an infant. She is a tyrant. No manners, no respect for authority, barely has any friends, glares at her mom when she tries to correct her, isn't thankful for ANYTHING and has basically been treated like an only child for her entire life. Her behaviors have improved. When I first moved in, she was crawling around on the ground and panting like a dog in peoples faces to get attention. She would shove her feet in her mothers face and demand foot rubs, hide just outside rooms to listen to conversations and sneak around to hear what people were doing or saying. When you'd catch her she would say she was just walking down the hall. The child didn't know how to play! Toys all over the place, but she refused to be a child. Instead wanted to sit and listen to adult converstaions to talk about them later as if she was an adult herself. Those habits have evolved now into just blatent disregard for anything anyone tells her. The other day I went to the store and bought donuts as a treat for breakfast. My GF and I were in the kitchen having coffee and what not and SD came downstairs to eat and says 'yum donuts' and started chowing down. GF says to her "yeah Ang went and bought us a treat this morning' no response from SD, my GF says 'why don't you say thank you?' SD mutteres thru gritted teeth... "thank you for the donuts?" like it was a question or like she wasn't quite sure how to use manners. THis is how she is. Never thankful, doesn't say please or thank you. I think she is OCD as she has to have everything in a ceratin way, won't wear any of the clothes we buy her if they have a certain material in them, is pissed becuase we don't take her to a fancy salon and once told us she only uses Morracan Oil products, because that is what we use in our hair. Girl, I work hard for what I buy, you can use Pantene! lol... can you imagine a 10 year old saying she needs $24 shampoo and that's all she'll use?! I just can't with her honestly. She is manipulative af!!! She is given everything she wants and then goes and complains to everyone that will listen to her. I hate it and when I bring it up to my GF, she says she recognizes it when I bring it up but she doesn't see it when it happens. Then makes excuses and say she thinks it may stem from her adoption as a baby. There is no discipline in this house. None whatsoever. She runs this house basically. My GF disciplined her other children when they were her age, but refuses to do so with her. I don't get it and I don't want to live like this anymore. I raised four children and would whoop their butts if they acted like this. But she isn't my kid, which I can tell you she wouldn't act like this if she was. It makes me sick to see my GF be treated with such disrespect but she doesn't seem to care. She says she picks and chooses her battles. I try disengaging but watching it all enrages me and I become filled with resentment that my GF would allow herself and me to be treated like this. Please, I could really use some advice...Thank you so much for taking the time to read my thoughts. I appreciate this opportunity.