I just ADORE being a step mom! NOT!
It's one of the BEST feelings on earth to play second, third, sometimes even FOURTH fiddle, isn't it? I just love it. I love the way he is so sweet to his ex and lets her disrespect me all the time! It's great! He just doesn't want to hurt her feewings. So, I understand. My feelings don't matter, because after all, she should be glorified for spreading her legs and having all 5 of those little, um....precious skids?
I think its also just ADORABLE when one of the skids breaks a pricey electronic device, because they were having a temper tantrum....but it was so cute. Let's just go buy them a new one!
It's also FANTASTIC that my husband allows his ex to call me "whatshername" because my name shouldn't be known now should it?!
When they are around, I am not to display any kind of affection toward my husband because it might hurt the little precious and fragile skids feewings.
This is the life isn't it?? I just don't think it could get ANY better!
Now, this is how it would sound if we actually succumbed to those who say "The skids always come first, always."
Please feel free to add anything you may be going through in the same sarcastic tone I used.
What is CREW?
What is CREW?
Well it could be worse.
Well it could be worse. Couldn't it? So when are you leaving?