Money and Bills, chores!! Ugh
So my DH pays a little more of the household bills and I think it's fair because SD7 lives with us 50% of the time. He also makes at least 2/3 more money than I do. Also I watch SD for him after school and pick her up 3 days a week. I work from home and get paid hourly. I used to pick her up every day but now I'm taking classes two nights so she goes to an after daycare program.
I feel like I'm saving money for him(us) by picking her up and babysitting. Otherwise he would have to pay for care. This will be an all day thing in the summer too.
Then we share household chores equally. But if SD doesn't clean up after herself he gets stuck doing more work.
He starts complaining about he has to do all this work around the house and it's not fair because he works longer hours and pays more of the bills!
I'm thinking ok then you can just pay me as a chauffeur, babysitter and compensate me for my potential earning ability for anytime SD is with me. Then I will use that money for household bills!
Tell him to stop
Tell him to stop whining...he's got it pretty easy and quite fair. Around my house we have 'daddy duty' and it means 'I didn't have this kid alone and Im not raising/caretaking kid alone'. I realize this is a stepkid in your house, but even more reason for DH to do/pay more. This isn't your kid at all. You've been very generous on what you do do to help out and save cost as to the stepkid.
DH and I spilt household chores. Always have. I haven't done laundry (except some pre-soak) in over 30yrs. Several evenings a week is Dh's turn to cook. Children have their chores and yes, are occasionally expected to do other tasks besides regular expected chores. We all live in one house and we function as a household in which everyone has responsibilities. You shouldn't give your DH one ounce of a break if his kid doesn't do their chores. He gets tired of doing it for kid, he'll learn to motivate kid to do it kid's self.
Tell him not to choose this
Tell him not to choose this hill to die on. He's being a baby. You two are doing just fine with the division of labor and finances.
I make about 2/3 of what my
I make about 2/3 of what my wife makes and I pay more than 2/3 of the bills. Probably 90%.
Sounds like he's more of a
Sounds like he's more of a roommate than a SO. Couples pay bills together and they (as adults) should pick up after themselves. Sounds like he's making a big deal out of nothing, maybe there another underlining issue.