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Regret of not having my own kids.

DewyCox's picture

I appreciate there's this virtual space for me to rent, much cheaper than talking to a therapist and provide a private space to do so.

The woman that I love have been together for 8 years, during these 8 years we have never married, but we have lived together for the 7 of those 8, during those 8 years I've gone from a young undergrad student to a small business owner, in terms of my professional life, I know where I want to be and how I want to get there and where the end goal will look like, but our love life has move into a territory that the future is a complete unknown with little details to shed what the possibilities may hold.

We are from the opposite of the world, one from Asia and one from Europe, a man that everything with chopsticks and a woman that loves herrings, in the beginning we fell deep in love with each other, the fact that she had 2 kids from previous marriage did not bother me or the age difference, we quickly moved in together against my parents protest as they see the situation will end badly for both side as I'm inexperience as a father and the mess it may possibly cause on the kids, I insisted it'll be alright and worked hard to get to know the children, helped them dealing with their father's lack of presence and young woman's troubles. We've introduce each others to things that we are not familiar with, from traveling to each continent to dealing with loss of a parent for her, but few things that held us together has been the same family value we were brought up with.

Over the years, after one move involving buying the house, the loss of her father, and acquiring shelter animals, we are now at a place we've never been, we argued over smallest things, there had been an incident out of rage, she punched me in the face, I did tell her sternly that if that was to ever happen again, I would walk out the door, she apologize which I apologize quickly after, but everyday it seems to remain dark in our personal lives, I find comfort in my work, because it is something I've always wanted to do and its my own business, which has become part of our problems.

She has voice her frustration many times over how my work has gain more attention than rest of our lives, I often sit quietly and nod and apologize, but I often withheld the urge to tell her the truth, the truth is she broke my heart the day she told me she does not want any more children, that very simple statement shatter everything I dream of, a happy family, I sometimes find it difficult to even chat to my parents as the idea of children are often brought up, which is normal as friends and relatives my age are married with children, and me being the only son that sole possibilities of such thing can happen lies on my shoulders, but I do not have the heart to tell my parents no, the woman that I love, the woman that you told me will break my heart one day, does not want any more children, even know I'll give 20 years of my life away for having kids of my own, even when I saw an old friend from school with his own daughter almost brought tears to my eyes because I know, by being with this woman that I love, I will never experience that feeling.

The step children are good kids, they appreciate my presence as it provides a stable environment, I care for them and about them, but at times I just can't love them a parent should, it has often make me believe I'm a heartless monster that you read and see on newspaper or TV about a step parent that hate the kids, I don't hate them, but I just can't hold on to them and call them my muchkins, I just somehow know they are not mine, they have a dad, a dad who is selfish but see them twice a month, a dad that I dislike although not hate.

I thought about leaving them behind, but then I realize I can't to so right now, not when I'm the only sole income of this household, not when the ability of the oldest to attain post secondary or not lies on my choices, but I do know at times I wish I can leave freely, that I can in a way know what being happy and content is like, because right now, day to day, our lives are not happy nor content, even with all the materialistic things I can provide, sometimes we are just sitting there like two strangers not knowing what to say, or what to do, will what I say next make her angry and lead to another argument? will the next time that I go see my friends cause her to be jealous? because she admitted that if she can't have quality time with me, why should my friends? I do not think I've given up my 20's by being with her, more as I've learned more things about life than most men at my age, for that I am thankful, but I do wish one day, she can see how I feel, and what leads to my actions.

Rags's picture

Whatever you do, do not leave your home. If she gets violent again kick her and her spawn out. If she is abusive supporting herself and her spawn can be her problem not yours.

IMHO of course.

emotionaly beat up's picture

The beginning of the end was not the day she told you she didn't want more children. It was on the same day though. It was the day you chose to accept her decision outwardly, but inwardly you started to build up resentment towards her for that choice. You withdrew fro her and the family and focused all your energy into your career and your business, and as if that wasn't enough to punish her, your resentment continued to grow to the point that here you are on steptalk talking about feeling trapped and staying for the kids.

Your choice to withdraw the day she broke your heart has caused her to turn into a nasty, mean woman who has turned physically violent. It has caused you to turn into a resentful lonely man who feels the world has passed him by and he has been cheated of having his own family by her. She did not stop you from having a family, you did. You could have left then and had this family with someone else. But you didn't. Your choice put you where you are today, not hers.

It sounds like you have ruined not only your life, but hers too.

By now it appears I am blaming and attacking you, worse somehow justifying her violent attack, I'm not doing either,

I say these things because your bitterness, anger and resentment towards her are the things that are holding you back today and stopping you from either being happy again with her and her children, or walking out the door. You are so focused on what she did to you, you cannot see anything else.

I hope that if you can see how your choice to suck it up outwardly, physically stay in the marriage with your broken heart, yet emotionally withdraw from her, are the real cause of your ongoing pain, If you can see that you are responsible for this, it will go a long way towards losing that feeling of resentment. Resentment is self destructive, it will destroy your marriage one day. When is up to you. She broke your heart when she said, no more kids, you broke hers when you emotionally withdrew. Do you think she didn't feel that loss. She did. You should have been more honest. You should have spoken up. If she dug her heels in and really didn't want more children, you should've accepted that without punishing her and emotionally ending the marriage, or you should have left and allowed both yourself and her to rebuild your lives.

She has a right to not want more kids, you have aright to have them if you want to. Neither one of you are wrong for having your feelings.

Life is hard, often it is hindsight that helps us to see a situation so clearly, and sometimes that hindsight comes too late.

If you feel you want to go, if it really is too late. Go. It's not healthy for kids to live in an unhappy home,particularly where parents are using physical violence.

justshutup's picture

I feel like I wrote this, me no bio kids but have 3 steps. Gf punched me in eye. I earn the paycheck. Bio father lives states away. My elderly grandpa always tells me. You carry the family name I want you to have this stuff give it to your eldest. Shoot I won't ever have a child when I die the rats will feast on the spoils. FML I feel for you.