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Advice greatly appreciated - I can't stand my stepson

LjCulater's picture

This is my first post…..

I can’t stand my 14 year old stepson. He is the most belligerent, disrespectful, foul-mouthed, elitist, I have ever known. We have him 6 weeks in the summer and every other weekend after that. I can’t wait for summer to be over with.
My husband and I have 3 other kids. Two are mine, and at our house full time, and my husband also has a daughter who is with us full time and she is a really good kid.
We have been married for 3 years and I can count several times we have almost divorced over this dang kid. He has gotten so bad in the past 3 years. He is also ADHD diagnosed when he was 3, and if you didn’t’ believe in ADHD before you will when you meet him. He literally bounces off the walls and off furniture, etc. He is on several different meds and really none of them seem to help.
His BM is also a pain in the butt. She has never worked a day in her life and sits around telling us (and anyone who will listen) how much better she is than us because she has a Master’s degree she has NEVER used for a job. *PUKE* I can’t stand her. She is on welfare and housing assistance and has a Master’s degree. She chooses not to work because she is a “slacker” but she refuses to have her kid grow up to be a lowly factory worker like me and my husband. (WTF) Her ridiculous since of entitlement has rubbed off on the kid and he comes to our house and acts just like that. He is so much smarter than the other kids and he shouldn’t have to help clean up any messes because he is so much better than everyone at our house.
He calls someone in our house or otherwise (to their face) a moron, retard, idiot, etc. at least 50 times a day. He beats on the other kids and was sent home from school for “accidentally” cutting someone with and x-acto knife. He has told my youngest son who is 9 all about his BM’s bisexual experiences and how girls who are bi are hot. He told me his dad said his girlfriend was hot after he showed a picture of her in a bra which he did not.
He has said the most vulgar things to my kids and my step-daughter (don’t’ take the word vulgar lightly) I would be ashamed to write some of the stuff he has said.
The most recent ordeal is him telling us his BM was abusing him and we had her investigated and hired a lawyer to modify custody – come to find out he was forgetting to tell us parts of the story that made him clearly in need of an a$$ whipping. He is such a liar…
The bottom line is I CAN’T STAND HIM – and having him around makes me and the other kids miserable.
My husband does what he can to eliminate his actions. I never get involved in discipline because he will lie and say I said or did something I didn’t. I feel like our situation is impossible.
Please don’t recommend counseling – I can’t afford counseling.

LjCulater's picture

Our most recent occurance is...SS called DH a DI@K and a MFer in front of a whole ball field of people. SS14 hit his half-brother5 in the head with a football helmet sending him to his knees. My DH smacked SS for it and the fight was on. SS was shouting and calling DH a MFer and everything under the sun in front of 100 people. SS has decided to decline visits with us now and I HOPE he never changes his mind. I hate his guts. You ar right BLENDER he is posion

DaizyDuke's picture

I deal with these situations at my job and I don't know what state you are in but does your Social Services have some type of petition you can file? or maybe send him to a residential group home? Odds are from what you are describing, he is headed in that direction anyway because it sounds like he is violent and will soon be getting himself in trouble with the law and courts... maybe you can circumvent that nightmare before it happens by sending him to some type of residential treatment facility or filing a petition with Social Services or Probation for assistance.

Again not sure about your state but in NY the school district where the student resided at time of placement is responsible to pay for students who are sent away (I know you mentioned you don't have $ for counseling)

mom2five's picture

It sounds like you have a very angry and out-of-control young man.

You said you can't afford counseling. I would suggest that you can't afford not to get him some help. I agree with Daizy. I would try to find free (or very inexpensive) services. His school counselor could be a great resource.

LjCulater's picture

We live in MO. He has mandatory visits with Division of Social Services once a week because he is physical with his BM too. And he see's a psych. once a month. The psyc. usually puts him on a different pill each time (useless). He has been taken to Juvie by his mom several times because he will disobey and they get into physical scraps. The only places around here that I know of is a military school $30,000 per year (that's more than my annual income) and a few christian places - the BM is athiest so that won't fly. BM is on all sorts of public assistance because she has 0$ income (and ironically a master's in child development) I'm thinking if we could actually get her to talk to us instead of preach about how smart she is...she could probably play the system to the good and get him into a counseling center, etc...Does anyone know of a place in MO that deals with disturbed children?

karab's picture

I hear you! I have trouble liking my own stepson who is 16. I can't even stand him in my home for a little week in the summer, which we are NOT obligated to have him. My husband travels from KY to MI (5 hours on a good day each way) one weekend of every month just to visit him. The kid has issues, ADHD, mood disorder , possible autism on a low scale, but the worst part is he NEVER calls his dad back on phone and acts out fo rhis stupid mom, has assaulted her and uses language with her. He keeps himself under wraps better with his dad and me, b/c we would kick his butt, but all he wants from his dad is the bday gift, Xmas gifts, and going out to eat! My husband and I get into fights about him often, he makes excuses for the kid, that his issues and poor excuse for a mom are coming in to play. I do not want him here at our house as he is draining on my energy, attention seeking too.
He is a lot to manage and it is not getting better, he will never change, but my husband wants him to be normalized which will never happen. He acts better in front of us, b.c he tells you what you want to hear, manipulates to the HILT! He is old enough to know what he is doing! And he chooses to act different ways with whomever he is with to get what he wants.
He will never grow up and his mom keeps him babified!
He is lazy as heck and she stokes that - she is lazy too. She pawns him off on whomever she can, she does not want to deal with him. She only wants the heavy amount of child support my husband has to pay her! In a year and 10 months he will be 18, child support will stop and she will try to guilt my husband into taking him! NO NO NO NO NO! I cannot take him even for a weekend! ANd I resent him for his manipulative actions. His mom is just as bad and I have had to tell her off as she is lazy and expects husband to travel more than one wekened a month th see the kid...we live 25o miles one way! Dang. This stress causes a ton of headaches in our marriage and if it wasnt for this kid we would be better off. If the kid lived with us I would be divorced.
We just had him for a week (yes i allowed it to try it) this summer at our home. He pretended ot have fun here. We made it fun. We did things with him. After he left to go back to MI, he told his mom and her parents he never wanted to come back here again! He threw us under the bus! I am angry! I was drained of energy that week, giving him a chance and all the attention etc. He tells them he didnt have a good time? After all we did? I am not doing this again. Getting off the rollercoaster of drama here. He is not welcome, he lies just lik ehis mom. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree. And I know my husband is going to want to bring him back here for a week next summer. I will say NO and we will be in a big fight. I am not catering to a lying, lazy kid who only wants what he can get from his dad when he is with him. He refuses to call his dad back or take his calls on the phone. Except at Xmas or birthday time...then he takes the call, to say what he wants in terms of gifts. He and his mom are totally same. Lazy, liars, manipulative and immature mooches. I am not having that in my house. I cant like his son at all......sorry I have tried too many times over 5 years! He is not going to ever change and I resent the things my husband does for him, it is not appreciated.

karab's picture

I hear you! I have trouble liking my own stepson who is 16. I can't even stand him in my home for a little week in the summer, which we are NOT obligated to have him. My husband travels from KY to MI (5 hours on a good day each way) one weekend of every month just to visit him. The kid has issues, ADHD, mood disorder , possible autism on a low scale, but the worst part is he NEVER calls his dad back on phone and acts out fo rhis stupid mom, has assaulted her and uses language with her. He keeps himself under wraps better with his dad and me, b/c we would kick his butt, but all he wants from his dad is the bday gift, Xmas gifts, and going out to eat! My husband and I get into fights about him often, he makes excuses for the kid, that his issues and poor excuse for a mom are coming in to play. I do not want him here at our house as he is draining on my energy, attention seeking too.
He is a lot to manage and it is not getting better, he will never change, but my husband wants him to be normalized which will never happen. He acts better in front of us, b.c he tells you what you want to hear, manipulates to the HILT! He is old enough to know what he is doing! And he chooses to act different ways with whomever he is with to get what he wants.
He will never grow up and his mom keeps him babified!
He is lazy as heck and she stokes that - she is lazy too. She pawns him off on whomever she can, she does not want to deal with him. She only wants the heavy amount of child support my husband has to pay her! In a year and 10 months he will be 18, child support will stop and she will try to guilt my husband into taking him! NO NO NO NO NO! I cannot take him even for a weekend! ANd I resent him for his manipulative actions. His mom is just as bad and I have had to tell her off as she is lazy and expects husband to travel more than one wekened a month th see the kid...we live 25o miles one way! Dang. This stress causes a ton of headaches in our marriage and if it wasnt for this kid we would be better off. If the kid lived with us I would be divorced.
We just had him for a week (yes i allowed it to try it) this summer at our home. He pretended ot have fun here. We made it fun. We did things with him. After he left to go back to MI, he told his mom and her parents he never wanted to come back here again! He threw us under the bus! I am angry! I was drained of energy that week, giving him a chance and all the attention etc. He tells them he didnt have a good time? After all we did? I am not doing this again. Getting off the rollercoaster of drama here. He is not welcome, he lies just lik ehis mom. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree. And I know my husband is going to want to bring him back here for a week next summer. I will say NO and we will be in a big fight. I am not catering to a lying, lazy kid who only wants what he can get from his dad when he is with him. He refuses to call his dad back or take his calls on the phone. Except at Xmas or birthday time...then he takes the call, to say what he wants in terms of gifts. He and his mom are totally same. Lazy, liars, manipulative and immature mooches. I am not having that in my house. I cant like his son at all......sorry I have tried too many times over 5 years! He is not going to ever change and I resent the things my husband does for him, it is not appreciated.

LjCulater's picture

Karab - we have the exact same SS and the exact BM. I often ask myself what have I gotten myself into?? Hang in there I hope everything works out for you.
I have noticed that my husband feels a lot of guilt because of everyone hating his son - but when do you say enough? Luckily my ss hasn't been back after cussing my DH out and I REALLY hope it stays that way.