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Am I wrong

Bj's picture

My DH tells his 13yr old that she can have girlfriends over to spend the night without asking me first and it's my only day off from work. He doesn't think this should be a problem.

melis070179's picture

yeah right! Thats just what you need on your only day off...two teeny boppers! Tell him she can have someone spend the night on HIS only day off! Seriously though, all household decisions should be made together.

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

jojo71's picture

if it's something you feel you want to know about or approve of in advance, there's no reason why he should not respect that. I totally understand where you're coming from and would feel the same way. Does he think you're wrong in requesting that from now on, he get with you about it first?

ChaiLatte's picture

I agree that you should make yourself unavailable that night. If you don't feel comfortable explaining to him that he should have spoken with you first and found out if that was okay with you, then you should find a way to make them his responsiblity. Get out of the house and do something for yourself that night.

Crizzle's picture

to have anyone over unless DH is here to deal with it. It's bad enough that I have to deal with skids when he's not here, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna be volunteered to take care of more kids on top of them. I think even my DH would know better than that!

"If your going through hell, keep on going, don't slow down, if you're scared, don't show it, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there" -Rodney Atkins

Jon-Boy's picture

Not a problem?

Yeah it's a problem!
That dude is wrong.
To put you in a position like that is wrong on many levels.

1. To disregaurd your wants on your day off
2. To act like it should not be a problem is only making you look like a mean step mom.

He needs to get the clue real fast!
He needs to apologize to you
he needs to be the one to tell the DD that he is a dumb inconsiderate dad that should not have said it was ok, in the 1st place.
And make sure you are not to be looked bad in the DD eyes for his mistake.