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Article that is a must read "Male Emotional Adultry" Some do see the light

Bettina's picture

I am going to post this article. I found it while doing some searching on how to handle the subject with DH of being to involved with BM.
Some men do really get it and become good DHs....

When the ex remarried she seemed to think that she was entitled to two husbands. There was the good husband who received all the benefits. There was also the bad husband who received all the blame. Needless to say, I was the latter. After having observed this rather bigamous state of affairs for a year or two I finally informed the ex that if she needed someone to scream at, revile and expend her considerable anger on, shed better look closer to home because I was not available and hadnt been since the divorce.

My mistake, for several years, was continuing to feel some responsibility for the ex, even though we had both remarried. It was very difficult to break a 25-year habit of always trying to fix things. That had been my assigned role all those years. It took awhile to realize that fixing things was no longer my responsibility except within the boundaries of my own marriage. When the exs husband was killed in a car accident a little over three years after they were married, I was ready to lend assistance and this time my wife called me on it. She correctly pointed out that it was no longer my place, was no longer my responsibility and most likely wouldn't be appreciated anyway. As usual, she was quite correct.

Did I feel guilty about the divorce? Probably, even though I wasn't the one who initiated the whole process. In typical male fashion I couldn't reconcile not being a daily presence in the lives of my daughters. The ex figured that one out and tried to play on my feelings to extract more and more for me under the guise of it all being for my daughters. For awhile, it worked and I gave and gave. Then I realized that I was being manipulated and was also sending the wrong message to my children that Dad was merely a convenient and deep pocket whose only value was that which could be preceded by a dollar sign. The bottom line was that the girls had two parents and I was not solely responsible for their well-being. Bye, bye guilt. Hello resolve. It was easy. It just took awhile to get there. Sometimes you just have to stand up for what you believe and really think about the message you're sending your children. That's especially important when you've remarried. Its your wife who deserves your undivided loyalty and support, not the ex.

Over the years, too many wives have voiced the legitimate complaint that their husband continues to dance to the tune of his ex's manipulation. There are only two women to whom a husband owes the duties of loyalty and obedience, and even they have to deserve it. Those women are his wife, first, and his mother, second. To permit any other woman to exercise that degree of control and influence over him is emotional adultery and nothing less.

Gentleman, there's a reason that you and the ex are no longer married. Whether you're the one who left or, as is most often the case, she is, she is no longer your wife. She is no longer your partner. She is no longer your lover. She is the ex. If you have children together she will always be their mother but that is all the status she merits and deserves. She should be respected and valued for that, just as you should be respected and valued as their father.

In this venue, most, if not all, experience certain problems and frustrations connected with the ex. Why, then, would you bow and scrape before her, to the detriment of your childrens respect for you as a man and male role model, not to mention your wife's? Most especially, why would you permit her to dictate to you on all matters pertaining to the children to include disrupting your own family life to be at her beck-and-call, to the frustration of your wife and the detriment of your marriage?

If this describes you, you are guilty of emotional adultery. You're also giving-in to emotional blackmail and are permitting your children to be used as wedge issues and bargaining chips. Isn't it time to rear up on your hind legs, throw your head back and roar out your final independence from someone with whom you now have only indirect ties?

What your children truly deserve is happy and emotionally healthy parents, both of them, and steps as well. Your former marriage didn't work. Accept it and concentrate on your current marriage. Put your wife and your marriage first and you'll be giving your children the true gift you didn't give them while with their mother. That gift is the living and loving example of a strong marriage in which respect and mutuality are foremost, where a united front is common and consistent and happiness and contentment are evident. This is the example your children will take with them into their own adult relationships. You cant change or fix what went before so concentrate on what you have now.

The biggest question and issue of all is this: Do your dealings with the ex cause a lack of harmony in your marriage? If the answer to that is, Yes!, then what ARE you doing.? Where do your loyalties lie and what are you going to do to take back control of your life from someone who no longer belongs in the middle of it?

Oh, yeah. If you did answer yes you'd better be coming home with flowers and taking your wife out for a very romantic dinner because, Buddy, you need to start courting her all over again. This time, don't stop, ever!

This essay was written by Mike (passem), a stepfather and contributor to the StepTogether Message Board

HennyPen's picture

Thanks Bettina~

great article. Might have to print and leave that one lying around for "someone" to find..

Bettina's picture

Your very welcome....I left it up on the computer screen last night. I know my DH read it as he tossed and turned all night. Not only am I going through all of this but I also have Crohns Disease and am very ill right now.....Honestly I just need all of this craziness to stop and I need his support more then anything.

HennyPen's picture

I am sorry you are having a flair of your Crohns, I knew someone with that once and it can be very difficult when it's not in remission. I hope he can give you the understanding and support you need to get well again. Best of luck to you Bettina ♥

Bettina's picture

Thank You so much Girlie!!! It will get better once all the meds start working as they should. I have many people praying as well.

kit2kat00's picture

wow. just wow. how can I get this into the hands of my SO without him strangling me with it?!

steptwins's picture

Great post Bettina. Right now I feel like no. 5 in the pecking order of DH (swins 1, 2 spot, mother 3, ex-wife 4, me 5

Not fair! When I was married to husband #1 I put BD I guess now I know what it feels like. But hey, that's why I divorced him b.c. he didn't deserve or even what to be #1 in my life.

My DH lies to me about extra money he gives his ex (yeah besides child support). And I was hurt, angry then disengaged. I yelled until I was red in the face that she should not get extra and if so, we should agree upon it and she should be taking boys on a regular vistation schedule. He disagreed. We then agreed to disagree on the subject of helping BM.

shouldIrun's picture

Thank you so much Bettina so much for sharing. I sent it to my BF. It's exactly what he needed to read.

Rags's picture

I absolutely agree with this guy. I have tried to express his message for years. He said it much better than I every have.

The marriage is the core of the family whether it is the initial marriage that creates a family of a second marriage that creates a blended family. The only equity partners are the spouses. The kids/Skids can be beneficiaries of the marriage and the Xs should benefit only if they choose to interface with their own X and new spouse in a respectful fashion.

IMHO of course.

Best regards.

Bettina's picture

My DH and I had many discussions prior to marriage about my beliefs on what we hand down as an example to our children. This being the major one. I have always felt as if we kept a steady ship through the sea of dysfunction our childrend would grow from that.
Children tend to mirror the relationships that they have seen while growing up into adulthood.
I have alot of old fashioned values and believe that a son learns how to treat his wife from watching his father. I believe that he also looks for a woman who mirrors his mothers nurturing or lack there of.
With a daughter the kind of relationship she sees her mother recieve from the father is what she will seek out. And will more then likely seek out men who behave very similar to the father.
Some break away from this I think, however, I think most tend to head toward this way of thinking subconsciously.


I love to see a male figure on this site that feels this way. I grew up with a StepFather who is much the same way. Even though he is not my Bio he is my true father in every sense of the word. He and my Mother have such a beautiful relationship having been married now 31 years. They showed us much love in the home and my brother and I.....Not once did we ever feel like we did not belong with him.