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Blended family help needed

blended's picture

Im married to a lovely man (2nd time) i have a 6 yrs boy and a 8 yrs girl. He has a 19 yr boy and a 10 yr boy (different mothers) When i met my husband he had his kids every wed night from 5pm till school the next morning and every 2nd weekend.
19 yrs didnt like me as i put rules into place as they were out of control, coming home drunk,drink driving, smart etc. he decided not to come anymore. not many people actually like him so not only me. the 10 yr old now comes week on week off.Had to go through court and got messy and i had enough as me and my kids names started to get mention in lawyers letters. and my husband choose this without me wanting it, and the kid at this time. i couldnt cope so went to his mother and asked if we could have a wed break and he goes home on that day, everyone was happy, then the other day she txts the boy and said you can be at your dads wednesday now, i said to hubby i cant cope with a full week as he is a very full on boy heading down the same road as the older one. hubby didnt listen to me and made me do it. Im really resenting him and the boy and hate it. i have depression and find life hard as it is and just dont know what to do now, as every 2nd week of my life i hate and my kids are different kids when hes here (for the worse) hes already tryed things with my daughter and i dont trust him. what do i do my hubby wont listen to me and we just argue. any help appreciated thansk

herewegoagain's picture

Tried WHAT with your daughter? Whatever that WHAT is, you call the COPS! Your duty is to protect your kids, even from his kids...So get that straight FIRST...if your DH walks because his kid did something to your daughter and you called the cops, let it be...he doesn't deserve you or your kids.

Anon2009's picture

Is he getting his kid any help? Kids learn behaviors like that from someone/somewhere else. Maybe SS himself was sexually abused.

Your DH needs to pull his head out of his behind and get his kid medical & professional help and visit him elsewhere until he's made significant progress with the help he gets.