Brand spankin new here! Need to vent and welcome any feedback.
Hi! I’m new here and this is my first post so I’m sorry for its length. I’m SO glad I happened to find this site. I have been so stressed out with my situation and its comforting to know there are people out there that feel like I do!
A little background: My DH and I have known each other and been friends for 16 years. My XH and I were married almost 10 years, divorced almost 2, his XW and him were married 5 years, divorced for over 3. They divorced because she was cheating, ended up getting pregnant, and is still living with her youngest child’s father. DH and I have been married for 5 months now and together 9. It was a very short engagement, but it was one of those, this is the right thing feelings, even though I thought I would NEVER get married again. I have 2 DD and he has 2 DD. When he and I first started dating, the XW and I were fine with each other to a point. I’ve always thought she was a selfish biddy, and so does he. We were “friends” on FB, talked on there, texted about the kids, etc, but she always was texting him about this and that, stuff that had nothing to do with the kids. Before me he would still go to her house and babysit the kids even when it was her time, have dinner ready, crap like they were still married. He even kept the youngest child thats NOT his when he kept his kids so she could have her "nights out". It was just weird. At any rate, everything was fine bw us until he told her we were getting married. She then became a raging bitch where I was concerned. She defriended me, him, his mom, everyone in his family, etc., and told him she didn’t agree w/us getting married, she didn’t support it, it wasn’t right, he needed to think about HER feelings. Really?? IMHO she was pissed bc he wasn’t gonna jump when she said how high anymore. He couldn’t be on her back burner and remain the backup plan if needed. On our wedding day she told his kids that he didn’t care about them and her anymore, that his life was all about me now. Things have progressively gotten worse. They don’t have a custody order, they just agree on when he gets the kids, so when she is pissy she withholds them. I can’t even count the number of arguments I’ve had with him over her still controlling his life and about how she does. He always says he agrees with me, that he understands how I feel, and etc. I have no doubt that he loves me, that he wants to be with me, and I know he would never cheat on me. But she is still doing the whole, hey this is what I’m doing, what I’m watching on TV, this is what we are having for dinner, and still calling him always when I’m at work, even on days he doesn’t have the kids. She has caused nothing but stress since we’ve been together. My first instinct is to always be pissed at him and we end up having these HUGE fights over it, we finally settle down and talk, he says he understands, but then we are fighting about it again in another month. Even if he tells me he’s setting boundaries w/her about only texting/calling about the kids, how do I know they aren’t really talking when I’m not around? Its driving me insane.
Then there is the issue of his mother. She has been nothing but nice to me, telling me how she’s SO glad he isn’t under XW thumb anymore, she’s so glad he’s found someone he really loves and that loves him, etc. Then about 2 months ago, she becomes best friends w/the XW again even though she’s trash talked her the whole time prior about how wrong she did him! She even has the XW listed as her “daughter” on FB. It’s like a slap in the face! He has hardly talked to his mother at all since she’s started being up the XW’s butt all of a sudden. She even had the XW at Thanksgiving dinner. I didn’t go and DH went to visit before XW arrived. I’m sure she’ll be invited to Christmas as well. I hate do disrespect his family at not being at functions such as that, but I just can’t be around his XW after everything she’s done to him, still doing, and after she disrespected my marriage.
Thoughts, advice, anything is appreciated! Sorry this became a book!
I totally Agree! It's up to
I totally Agree! It's up to your DH to set the boundary! And court order about visitation is a MUST! Then no matter how "pissy" she is she can't withhold the kids...and if she does...he can simply report her for it. End of story! He can also request that she contacts him ONLY about the kids! And Facebook is Stupid. Un-friend them all and you'll be at peace!
Bottom line, you gotta sit your DH down...and tell him all this texting crap is not OK! he needs to Move-On!
Good Luck!
You are SOOO right. FB is the
You are SOOO right. FB is the debil. LOL He tells me the same thing,but then again if it werent for FB, he and I would have never reconnected and got together.
The funniest thing about them not having an order is I WORK FOR A DERN ATTORNEY. lol I could fling an order together in no time, but I think he just doesnt want to deal with it honestly. They usually have a set schedule, but here lately, he hasnt been getting this day or that day, I never get an explanation as to why she keeps changing the schedule, she just does.
And on the texting thing, I SO agree. In the argument we just had about it last week he says he doesnt even realize he is doing it, that shes just talking, whatever, I'm like yeah and you are still giving her a response and she thinks its ok to flood your inbox with "I think its a good day for chili". Ugg.
Re his mom, I know it kinda
Re his mom, I know it kinda irritated me his mom was still friendly with the ex, even as she professed to like me. DH talked to her about it and MIL said she felt she had to be friendly or ex would go out of her way to ensure she saw her grandchildren as little as possible. And now that I really looked at MIL I realized she was just being friendly and polite to ex. They weren't doing BFF stuff.
Maybe that's the situation here?
Funny situation about the
Funny situation about the whole MIL thing, she invited BM to a church function and didnt tell DH, so we are sitting there and FIL comes and aplogizes to me. I'm like why are you aplogizing to me and BAM I turn around and see her in my face. Needless to say I was like, Um, Im ready to leave. So I go to the car to wait on DH to do his goodbyes and BM comes out crying bc DH isnt thrilled she is there. So DH, MIL and FIL are all standing behind the car aruging and I hear BM scream to DH "well you got married after 4 months!" Thats when I stuck my head out and said, you know thats none of your business, so then MIL puts her arm around BM and walks her back in while she sulks. Really?? I guess it all wouldnt offend me if MIL didnt go on and on for the first months of our relationship about how horrible she is and now you cant tell where MIL ends and BM begins. DH has only spoken to his mother once since then bc he thinks she totally disrespected me. She aplogized to HIM about 3 days before Thanksgiving saying she was wrong and she shouldnt have expected me and BM to be comfortable around each other, then turns around and invited her to Thanksgiving dinner!
Hi, I too was fortunate to
I too was fortunate to find this site to vent. I only have one comment. How do I get BM to get pissed and keep SD11 home??? My BM can't wait to get rid of her every weekend and holiday.
Just curious
Haha IDK!
Haha IDK!
If you want your husband to
If you want your husband to stop this crap with his x, granted, this is just my opinion, but I think you need a new tactic in your battle.
......Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results......
I have been and always will be a man-eater(what can I say it runs in my blood?. Here's what I think you should do NOW:
STOP FIGHTING with him -even if you are so mad, hurt, jealous, etc..JUST STOP
give him the silent treatment and NEVER ask questions.
~~~if someone is going to cheat on you, it doesn't matter what you ask or do~~~so save your self-esteem and act like you don't give a damn.
first you must absolutely let him know in a quiet, NON_WORDY, serious straight to the point way: that you refuse to fight with him, that you love him but he pays too much attention to his ex and you are JUST DONE dealing with it. ABSOLUTELY NO MAKING UP WITH HIM at this point.
the rules are:
-no ultimatums (you can NOT let him know what DONE means, just say it)
-start disappearring (I can "grocery shop" for 4 hours, can't you?) and say nothing if he accuses you--just walk away and say you refuse to fight
(he needs to worry and BAD)
-start REALLY putting effort into your looks-EVEN MORE-shave your legs, paint your nails, makeup...whatever, just do it subtley and A LOT more of it.(he might not say anything but he's gonna worry)
if he worries about YOU, he can't pay attention to HER.
____________bottom line: Give him the silent treatment in the nicest way possible. Add some suspicion that you're screwing around and DO NOT *I repeat DO NOT* explain your behavior or you will LOSE him and look like a PSYCHO even though THIS is how you keep him..(This is just how it is) and DO NOT fall into vulnerability with him again for a long LONGGGGGG time. MAKE HIM --EARN-- YOU BACK...even though he hasnt LOST you, he is losing you and you are losing him. BUT him paying attention to you over her has to BE HIS IDEA and you cant force him with whining, begging, fighting, etc-this IS how you force him. AND NEVER EVER even give him one grain of a thank you on his re-attention on you because guess what? THATS
how things were supposed to be ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and give that ex the ultrabitch treatment she deserves. silence and a sincere smile