Discipline and different parenting styles
Hi everyone this is my post forum post and I'm very excited to get into this community for support and to learn from others that have been there before. I am in a loving and committed relationship to my BF. We just moved in together and are excited to spend the rest of our lives together. My BF has a son (5 years old) from a previous relationship. My SS is an adorable kid and we get along pretty well. Although there are times when I get stressed, overwhelmed and frustrated by things concerning his behaviour. My BF is very supportive and understanding and always makes it a point to include me in their activities for which I'm very grateful. There are times where I feel out of place and left out but I think that's normal in this type of family environment. I've come to accept a lot of things that I just can't "fix" and just to let it go. The thing that has been really bothersome as of late is my SS's lack of discipline. He lives with BM at his grandpa's house (she doesn't work) and I suppose she lets him get away with alot. When he comes over he doesn't take his shoes off, eats and leaves crumbs and spills everywhere, breaks and loses things and doesn't pick up after himself. Now I have been around kids my whole life so I know that they like to push boundaries and test waters. The thing is my BF and I have very different backgrounds and upbringings. He is from a broken homea dn shuffled alot between his mom and new husband and his own dad(drug addict) and I'm from a loving and stable family with 2 parents. I don't know exactly how this affects his parenting but I'm sure it has something to do with it. Also because he only gets to see his son every other weekend so maybe that's why hes more lienient and indulging with his behaviour. I do not insert myself as this child's motherly figure and mostly just act like an adult friend. I try to teach him what I can but do not involve myself in any discipline. I believe that should be the responsibility of my BF and BM. But my BF seems to think I need to be more scrict with his son. I just find it so frustrating because I didn't have the chance to parent from the beginning and cannot assume the same qualities into him as I would my own future kids. I expect a greater deal of discipline and respect but do not feel qualified to command it. There's more to this but if anyone else is going through the same thing or already went through it..I'd love to hear from you. Any advise or tips would be helpful because I was not exposed to many blended families growing up and don't have this kind of experience. Thanks