Doing my f***ing head in!
So I hav,nt posted on here for a while as things have been relatively quiet in our household apart from SD13,s antics off wiping her bogies on walls around the house and on her bedroom wall and furniture which she shares with SD16.
I feel rather frustrated by the fact that if i decide to tell SD13 off for something minor ( i leave the bigger things to her mother) that SD13 starts to play head games with me by ignoring me not talking to me and generally acting like i do not exist.
So yesterday she came home after two days with daddy in a foul mood and decided to take it out on everybody in t he house by being annoying I asked why she was in a mood and all SD13 could say was "because I am it,s my period" but i later found out that daddy has to go to Denmark and won,t be able to have them during the week next week so we have to have them (oh joy) she will decide to have a shower when her younger brother has to go to bed fully knowing that he finds it hard to get to sleep when the shower is on.
She talks to her mother like shit and I am expected to just sit there while she does this?
She will moan about plates being dirty, cups being dirty, she will ask what's for tea and if she decides she does,nt like it then her mum will tell her to cook her own to which SD13 replies "I can,t cook that!".
I feel uncomfortable when she is around as i feel i have to tread on egg shells her mum asked her if she was ok with me telling her off and she said no but it seems to me as though SD13 is controlling the situation here or at least trying to by acting the way she does.
It makes me angry as it seems like it,s OK for me to pay for things like the furniture in her bedroom which she wipes her snot all over and the food that she decides she wants to eat but then does not like and ends up throwing in the bin.
It frustrates me than her mother lets her get away with so much yet when my daughter comes to stay it feels like my partner is just trying to get back at my by saying your daughter,s done x or y and I correct her but when her kids do things wrong 8/10 times they get away with it.
I am mentally drained from SD13 and her pathetic attitude it was last night mSD13,s mum told her to go and have a shower before her brother went to bed or she would be in trouble and just 2 mins after SD13 decided to sing uh oh we are in trouble somethings gonna come and burst our bubble in a sarcastic way.
Two weeks ago SD13 was told not to eat her dinner while at the computer so she turned around and put the plate on the back of the computer chair and said "I,m not eating at the computer see!" that made me really angry but what made me more angry was that fact that her mother should of made SD13 move but just decided to ignore it instead.
WUB901, I feel your pain.
WUB901, I feel your pain. Infact is my SD13 and your SD13 the same kid???? I recently joined this forum and this week has been particularly bad in my house. My HD is away so upon his return I've decided we need to put together a house rules list with the punishments already prescribed for bad behaviour. You see Im not allowed to disapline my skids who are generally allowed to treat us however they want to. So I recon with a list I have the power to enforce a punishment that has been mutually agreed in my HD absence. I cannot believe how these kids think its ok to be do disrespectful to any adult!!
I think it,s because your not
I think it,s because your not their parent well that,s according to my SD13! :sick:
But they don,t do that to their teacher so why should I take her shit just because I am with her mum ?
Exactly??? What gets my goat
Exactly??? What gets my goat is as soon as her father, BM brother or my DH family comes over butter won't melt in her mouth! Actually, that's not completely true...her hatred for me is becoming too hard to hide infront of other people now.
Mines the same when her dad
Mines the same when her dad picks her up or she goes to her Nans