Family of 10 - My Experience
for those of you who want some context, i got inspired to make this post because of a youtube video i just watched. i was just going to make this a youtube comment, but that doesn't do it justice. so i am making a forum post about it. the video that sparked this discussion will be linked under this paragraph.
I'm a 23 year old man now. This all began around early 2006 when i was living with my mom and two of my brothers. i am 4 years younger than my brothers and they are twins. i was 10 years old at the time. my mom started to invite this guy over from time to time. apparently my brothers didn't really like him, but i can't remember why, or if there was a reason to begin with. eventually we started visiting his home. he lived in a house with his daughter and 3 sons. i guess it was kinda fun to hang out with them sometimes because i had nothing better to do, and they had a game cube. the more i got to know them the more i realized how weird they were. by the way, if i ever talked about how weird they were or stuff that seems negative, know that i am not making fun of them or bashing them. this all happened a long time ago and i don't really feel bad about anything that happened.
Current Players: mom, momBF (mom's boyfriend), bro1 (older twin), bro2 (younger twin), ssis (step sister), me, sbro1 (oldest step brother, sbro2, sbro3.
so my two brothers are 4 years older than me, ssis is 2 years older than me, sbro1 is 1 or two years younger than me (it's hard to remember, but probably 2 years), sbro2 is 4 years younger than me, and sbro3 is 5 or 6 years younger than me (probably 5).
unfortunately, sbro3 had some pretty bad mental issues. it didn't take too long to notice a while after i met them.
can't remember many defining details about sbro2. i think he smiled and laughed a lot. like more than usual, but not something you would notice unless you lived with him. or maybe i'm just remembering it wrong.
sbro1 was actually adopted, which we would find out later on when my mom was gossiping like a moron. it is an understatement to say that he had some weird tendencies.
i was the cowardly idiot.
ssis was annoying, manipulative, emotional, etc.
bro2 the moron with anger management issues.
bro1 kind of an asshole.
anyways, we met them and spent time with them in their house over a period of some months before i learned that my mom and their dad bought an even bigger house and we were all forced to live there together for about 2.5 years.
i found out about this like a couple of months before my grade 5 year ended which would be my last year in elementary school before advancing to middle school for grade 6.
i had turned 11 years old right around the time this happened. honestly, they were simultaneously the best and the worst years of my sub 18 life (i'm 23 now). it was awesome at first because before that house, i was living in a small apartment sharing a room with two of my brothers. so this house was fucking massive by comparison. i remember getting lost a lot of times inside of the house. ssis didn't move in with us at first, so i was the only one who had my own room which was awesome, aside from being able to hear my mom having sex in the next room.
that's not all. the house we moved into was in an early development area. so there were unfinished houses and unfinished roads EVERYWHERE for kilometers. this made the perfect conditions for exploration. do you have any idea how fun it was being an 11 year old and exploring undeveloped areas? we pretty much owned the place since we were one of the first families to move into that neighborhood and there were barely any other people walking around. there were also a ton of massive dirt hills that we climbed sometimes. since there was still a good amount of construction going on, the construction workers would often put these wooden sticks into the ground to help mark the pipes beneath the ground. like water pipes, gas pipes, etc. it was fun to pull those sticks out and use them to play sword fighting and act like travelers. don't worry, we didn't pull out too many, and we put some of them back. we also snuck into unfinished homes sometimes. every day was an adventure and we spent the majority of every day exploring and walking around. it wasn't all fun though.
my three step bros were extremely messy and such liars. they would literally throw garbage all over the house floors, and around outside of the house and lie about it. it was mainly those cheap ass muffins you see at the store, or used to see. they would often just bite off the top and throw the bottom part with the muffin cup on the floor, under tv stands and such, or finish the entire muffin and do the same with the muffin cup. often times we would all get in trouble for the mess that they caused, and they would NEVER own up to it probably mostly because their father was almost psychotic in disciplining and scolding us. i'll give an example of this below.
like.... the house is huge right? so one time their father was in the kitchen, i was in the basement with my friend and one of my brothers. so my friend was a friend that my brothers and i had from our old city where we used to live. we would often tell my friend how insanely angry their father could get and he never believed it. so we were in the basement, and momBF was in the kitchen with sbro3. momBF got so mad at him for some reason that he started yelling at him. i shit you not, everyone in the basement flinched because of how fucking loud he was yelling. my friend was scared out of his fucking mind. my other brother and his friend came inside the house from THE FRONT YARD, and when we told them about the situation, the friend that was with my brother outside was freaking out too because he thought the yelling was coming from guys across the street or whatever. and the kitchen, where momBF was yelling was in the back of the house, furthest away from the front yard. later when we found out why sbro3's dad was yelling at him it's because he didn't clean his room properly.
anyways, so i can't remember exactly how this started, but one day bro2 was making a big fuss about how someone threw a muffin cup under the backyard deck. obviously it wasn't either me, bro1, or him, because this kind of thing was foreign to us. never in our lives did we have any recollection of these kinds of actions being done by either one of us. so the logical conclusion is that it was one of our three step bros. the problem is that we kept getting in trouble whenever they did shit like this. it was annoying, but i don't remember caring too much about the mess they made, unless i was actually forced to clean it.
so bro2s bright idea was force them to strip naked and stand outside in the backyard until one of them confessed to throwing the muffin cup under the deck. no one admitted to doing it, but bro1 gave up a long while after they started crying.
i was probably compelled to just stand there and watch. there was nothing better to do, and it was a situation that could potentially affect me, so whatever. did i feel bad about it? i can't remember, but i know for sure that i was relieved that i didn't have to put up with bullshit from my older brothers anymore though. it's not like i could have done anything about it anyways. the most immediate feeling was probably that it was better them than me. i was forced to put up with a lot of bullshit for years before moving into that house.
my point is that this kind of blended family may seem awesome on the outside, but on the inside it's a total mess, and it got soooo much worse. especially for me. lucky me.
about a month or so after that, ssis moved into the house and school was just about to start up. bro1 moved to live with his father for a year in a different city. he visited on weekends sometimes i think. almost immediately i had to put up with ssis's bitchy attitude because as soon as the school bus dropped us off and we got home, she forced me to go back out to the bus stop and wait for her younger brothers so that i could walk them back. i was going to the same middle school as ssis, but she was a third year (grade and i was a first year (grade 6). i was also forced to listen to her talk extreme shit about my mom over a situation that went down in the house one time.
also it was a brand new school so the students of that first year were the first students to attend the school. also also, the area of the city i was living in wasn't too multicultural. the problem is that it wasn't canadian culture. so the majority of the people in my neighborhood, and the majority of the people in my school were all part of the same or similar culture, where they had this sort of kinship going on where they would speak their main language all of the time with each other.
lucky me, people with similar or the same background as me were almost completely opposite minded to me. i was pretty much the only person in the entire CITY with the mindset that i had. oh, how wonderful it was to be me. i made almost no friends at all, and even the friends i did make couldn't actually connect with me. it also didn't help that i was kind of a dumbass with absolutely no social skills, no ambition, no source of inspiration, or anything at all. oh how wonderful it was to be me. what a fantastic childhood.
well there was this one weird guy in the same grade as me, who was strangely extremely perverted towards me. i never understood why. he would literally lick my fingers in a fellatio fashion, talk dirty to me all of the time, and even fondle me from time to time.... 11 years old.... i guess it didn't feel abusive since he was smaller than me, and i guess his aim was to bottom. never found out if he was actually serious or not.
yeah, grade 6 was almost a living hell. fortunately for me, it gets so much worse. it's not all bad though. grade 7 was the best school year i ever had. if i try to look at it from a broad perspective, it really wasn't that great. so the fact that it was the best school year i have ever had is kinda sad actually. fuck my life.
okay so grade 6 is over and we are on summer break before grade 7. bro1 moves back in with us, i officially became the middle child. my two brothers were older than me, ssis was older than me, and my three step bros were younger than me.
so i had to deal with, and take partial blame for all of the problems that everyone else caused or perpetuated; with no sway over the older siblings, no control over the younger siblings, and no special treatment from the parents. fan-fucking-tastic. thank GOD i had my own room until the very end. having my own room was probably one of three things that prevented me from absolutely losing my sanity and potentially becoming suicidal.
the dynamic changed greatly. in the left corner my have my two older brothers and me who was forced to be there. in the right corner we have ssis and three step bros. yep, ssis decided that she didn't like us, or my brothers at least (so her hatred extended to me too), so she manipulated her brothers into forming a sort of team with her, and teaming up against us. honestly, i guess i could kind of understand why there would be tension between them and my brothers, since my brothers did a lot of asshole stuff, but me? ME?!?!?! even if i wasn't drafted into that stupid sibling rivalry, i would have just been shunned and ignored by everyone. my brothers, i, and our step brothers were still a little bit solid since we've been through a lot before ssis stepped in, so i think it was mainly a matter of ssis manipulating them.
anyways, this year (grade 7) school was pretty damn awesome. same teacher as when i was in grade 6 and a lot of the students in class aside from me, were in the same class with each other in the previous year. so there was a feeling of familiarity that eventually blended together after a while. this was also the year that i discovered how soft girls feel. i experienced some action in grade 6, but in grade 7 i experienced a different type of action, a different perspective if you will. ahhhh this brings back memories. if anyone is interested in knowing what i'm talking about, feel free to ask in the comments. this post is turning out a lot longer than i hoped, so i might just stick with the main details for the rest of the OP.
right, so. it turns out that our step siblings has an aunt. spoiler alert, she absolutely psychotic. ssis had a problem with my mom that became worse over time. so one time my mom was talking it out with ssis and her aunt on the phone. apparently there were some issues and misunderstandings about what was said on the phone, so ssis's aunt decided to threaten to get her sons to kill my mom by shooting her to death. so my mom called the police on her and got her sent to jail.
(this particular situation may have happened in grade 8, i can't remember exactly. the step aunt did live with us for a while, which was most likely before this incident. so maybe the step aunt lived with us in grade 7 and this situation happened in grade 8. i guess that's your 10 member blended family reveal.)
oh, what a happy family. what a wonderful and happy childhood i was forced into. such exquisite memories.
anyways, problems continued as the new normal. siblings would clash, shit would happen, and i would just get dragged along like a rop tied to my ball sack strapped to the back of a monster truck on a bumpy dirt path.
like... this one time. i can't remember exactly what it was, but we were preparing to either have my birthday party, or a family get together. i can't remember which. so the basement was so fucking filthy with muffin cups and other garbage all over the floor, i had to spend HOURS cleaning it all by myself, because i was the only person who gave a shit about not having the house in a complete mess before guests showed up. the house had built in vacuum tubes, so i just sucked up all of the muffin cups into the vacuum, hell if i knew where it went, and i could care less anyways. i probably sucked up at least 50 muffin cups into the vacuum. and i didn't make a single bit of damn mess down there.
and like... don't even get me started on shit that happened outside of the house. this particular situation happened a little while before i turned 13 if i'm not mistaken. we met this one guy who was part of a mafia family. dude literally had a hand gun on him when i first met him, and he had a sniper rifle in his house that he showed me and my bros once. there were like 5 of us hanging out together. one guy had a hand gun, and some others had a bunch of knives and shit. the police showed up some-fucking-how, and everyone threw all of their weapons on the grass behind us as the officers were getting out of the car. by some weird fucking luck, we happened to be in front of the house of the mother of one of the guys we were hanging out with. so the mothers comes out of the house and questions the shit we threw on the floor, then the officer shines his flashlight on all of the weapons on the ground, and everyone's like "WHOA WHAT IS THIS? HOW DID ALL THAT GET THERE?" right..... what a shit storm that was.
that's not even the only kind of stuff of that nature to happen either, but anyways...
i almost forget to mention. i talked about having my own room being one of three things that helped me keep my sanity during those times. the other thing was school, because it was time away from home and a lot of fun stuff happened.
the third thing, and this is a damn good one. the third thing that helped me keep my sanity was my own private internet connection. we had a house computer, but it technically belonged to ssis, and there were a lot of restrictions on everyone using that computer. so this was really huge for me.
TO THIS DAY i still have no idea how it happened, but it happened. one day i was in my room with my mom's laptop. listening to music and such. i was incredibly bored playing solitaire all of the time. i desperately kept on trying to access the internet. the laptop had a wifi adapter built in, so it was able to access wireless networks. back then i had no idea how any of this worked though. so anyways, i miraculously got a connection to a public network. i tested it over and over to make sure it was working right, and to make sure i would be able to keep it a complete secret from anyone else in the house. i learned how to turn the connection off and on at will. so when i got home i could get on msn messeger, facebook, whatever i wanted, whenever i wanted. it was like having an entire world to myself. there were a few occasions when i almost got caught though. especially this one time when ssis REALLY got close to finding out about it. it would have been absolute hell if she did.
the connection was called D-link or something. i guess it's the name of a router or modem that quite a few people had back then. lol for all i know, maybe all i was doing was connecting to the internet service that we already had, and it was just that mom and momBF didn't put a password on it.
well i was EXTREMELY depressed when grade 7 ended because it was such an awesome year. it was all sooo damn depressing. pretty much the main memory that jumps out at me when i think about my first impressions of grade 8 is this girl that was in my grade 7 class. i remember thinking of how much she had developed in such a short period of time. mmm. the things i would have done. but whatever. i suppose school in grade 8 was pretty interesting. halfway through grade 8 at least.
tensions at home were high as fuck, and it probably would not have been long until one or more people completely lost their minds and went berzerk.
it got to the point where every time there was a problem, i would just stand there and watch how things played out since i knew i would just get dragged around by the balls no matter what happened, and it would be even worse if i actually involved myself.
one time sbro2 got his arm stuck inside of the ice dispenser machine attached to the fridge and started screaming because the blades that crush the ice were pushing against his arm. i just stood there in the background feeling no emotions while my older brothers helped him get out, and everyone else was just freaking out. then when it was over i just went back to my room to enjoy my internet.
also, remember that issue with the muffin cup under the backyard deck i talked about early on in this post? well, it came back up. all 9 of us (since step aunt wasn't living with us anymore) gathered in the kitchen. momBF talked to all of us and wanted us to talk about anything we had on our chests, to get it out in the open or whatever. talk out our problems and clear the air i guess. looking back, this was probably an attempt to help us understand each other and get along with each other. i'm pretty sure i was just standing in the back, not caring.
so sbro2 (i think?) comes forward and talks about the time when bro2 forced them to strip naked in the backyard until one of them owned up to putting the muffin cup under the backyard deck. when he explained the situation, it was almost like the mood in the room just shifted. everyone was either in shock, disbelief, relief, or feeling guilty. the only thing i was feeling is hoping that i wouldn't get blamed for it too. aside from that i couldn't care less.
i forgot exactly what happened after that, but it was eventually made clear that my mom and momBF would be breaking up. mom would buy a new house, and our families would split apart.
so my family went from a giant three floor house, to a house with 5 floors. 5 shitty floors. i was really sad about not being able to finish the school year at that school. i was really looking forward to it. just one more fucking disappointment.
so the new school i went to after we moved out of the big house was EXTREMELY different. literally completely different. i didn't understand anything, my social skills were ass shit, my confidence did not exist, i didn't even know who i was. so i just became the quiet loser guy who never fucking said anything. i got really lazy since it was the middle of winter and didn't really have anything to do anyway, started eating like shit, started getting chubby. it was like a frozen boring hell. my time in that school was just incredibly boring. it would have been fun and meaningful if my social skills and social interest were better.
so i guess from now on this will be more about how the blended family bullshit affected me AFTER it was all over. i'll try to make this quick because i should have been in bed a long time ago. in fact, instead of typing this crap up i should have been continuing my C# studies.
in grade 9 i actually got to go to the highschool that most of the people i knew from my first middle school went to. i got to be reunited with all of my old pals. lucky me.... NO, NOT LUCKY ME.
so the school was incredibly fucked up. it had like 3000 fucking students and it was so massive that i got lost all of the damn time. there were so many students that all of the students had to take lunch breaks in shifts. so i often had friends that were on a different lunch break than me.
first of all, the only way they would allow me to go to that school is if they put me into an extremely specific special needs class. like with the kind of students you would know need to be there just by looking at them. i fit in with that crowd less than i fit in with the normal crowd, so i was not happy at all to be there. not only that, but they put an EXTRA teacher in each classroom for the sole purpose of keeping an eye on me... so every other student would just be a normal everyday student, and i would be the weird outcast who needed a teacher butler always standing over me in the class, even though it wasn't necessary. the only issue i had in school was a motivational issue due to lack of ambition and inspiration.
so there was this EXTREMELY cute girls, two girls actually. we're just going to focus on the main girl. i met her in grade 8 i think? my brothers knew her sister, and somehow that led to me becoming friends with my brothers' friends' sister, which was her. in middle school she wasn't that cute, so looking back i guess what made her cute is that she learned how to apply makeup.
either way she looked extremely cute so of course i wanted to absolutely destroy that, if you know what i mean. but because i am SO DAMN LUCKY, i did not understand a thing about girls or know how to talk to girls. i keep on thinking about how if i could rewind time to replay these events, while maintaining all of my current knowledge and memories, i would be like a king. i would be able to get any girl to do any damn thing that i wanted, whenever i wanted it, and it would be so easy.
anyway, she ended up giving herself to some other guy, while i just became a fucking loser.
the school staff hated me so they would suspend me any chance they get. i show up late, they suspend me, i talk back, they suspend me. one time i even ignored the bitch when she was suspending me and i went to class, so they called the police on me, and then they suspended me for a total of 30 days. during the 30 day suspension they put me in a program with other kids who were suspended for awful stuff, saddled me with books and books of work to do. my task was to finish all of the work before my suspension was over, and then i would be able to return to the school. so i worked diligently like a robot. the program wasn't all bad though. we played fun games from time to time.
i finally finished all of the work just shy of the suspension period. since the school delivered the work to the program staff, the program staff were going to send it back to the school and then the school would process it. when i called the school the next day, they told me that they were kicking me out of the school since i didn't do any of the work. obviously the school planned this from the beginning.
so instead i was sent to an alternative school for around another 30 days to just sit at a desk in a room and do more work, all day, every day. no one to talk to, and nothing else to do except work. i didn't even care what work i was doing or where it was going to go. i just wrote shit on paper until my time was up.
after that i was sent to a public school closer to home this time. this would be my actual school from now on. i had no extra teacher assigned to watch over me, and i wasn't completely separated from all of the other students. it felt like freedom.
buuuuut the school was kinda fucked up. it was like... a multicultural student population i guess? i'm not even lying, the school had unspoken dumb rules, like black people would hang out in one wing of the school during lunch, white people in another wing, and brown people in another wing. this happened every single day without anyone saying anything about it. and again, i didn't even fit in with the group closer to my background because i had a completely different mindset to everyone. so when i was new to that school i spent most of my lunch periods in a bathroom stall, or seeing how fast i could walk home and then walk back to school. it's not like i had any friends or anyone that i could hang out with or talk to.
have any of you ever heard of a game called conquer online? well i played it back then. i shit you not, this game is played by people from over 100 countries, and they have been regularly launching new servers even back then. trust me, this ties into my story. so i made a character on a new server in that game and i created a guild. some people joined my guild. one day i started talking to this one guy in my guild. usually i don't talk too familiarly with people online, and i usually NEVER give out any personal information. for my entire life, this was the ONLY TIME i did that. so he started asking me questions about my age and what country i lived in. of course i would ask him the same in return. i got pissed off because we kept on having the same answers, even when i tried to time it so that we would make our posts almost at the same time. i got so pissed off at him because our information matched down to the city. so when he asked what school i went to, i listed my school, and almost at the exact same time he posted the same school name. WHAT ARE THE ODDS? he was a year older than me btw.
so we decided to meet up. lucky me, he was what girls consider to be the most attractive guy in the entire fucking school. no, not lucky me. it meant that i got to listen to him talk about all of the hot girls he fucked while i just got fatter and lazier. again, what are the odds?
it wasn't all bad. one time he got this hot asian girl as a girlfriend. it was NOT fun watching them make out on my couch. it was fucking traumatizing, and hellish. however, this hot asian girl did have a cousin who was single. her cousin also allegedly had bigger boobs than her. and lucky for me, they were willing to set me up with said big boobed cousin.
you guessed it. no, not lucky me. her cousin was unfortunately not my type at all. looking back, i should have taken taken that chance anyway, but i had too much baggage weighing me down. i wasn't ready for dating or a relationship. right now i am FAR better off than i used to be, and i can objectively say that i was definitely not ready for dating or a relationship.
(to be edited. posting now because i don't want something to happen to cause me to lose all of this typing that i did)
i can't edit the OP? awesome.
i can't edit the OP? awesome. lucky me.
well long story short, things did not work out with this asian cousin. i lost another opportunity to vent my frustrations. unfortunately, this "friend" that i got was also starting to get very annoying. i guess he was a good friend deep down, but i am the kind of person who needs order in my life. he was ALWAYS coming over to my house and he was just being too intrusive. it was becoming extraordinarily stressful. he ended up moving away due to issue with his family. the timing was perfect because i was feeling like my head was going to explode.
ah grade 10..... it sucked. about a week after my grade 10 classes started, this EXTREMELY pretty girl transfers into my class. my gosh she was a fine piece of work. oh man. so i finally got the chance to talk to her. at this point i was still not good at talking to girls so it was kind of weird. but then something different happened. you see, we were actually assigned to different seats, but i had the chance to talk to her because our class was doing a weird group thing where we would move around the class into different groups. so our conversation happened when i took the opportunity to sit beside her before she moved to her group.
this is pretty much the main memory from grade 10 that really sticks out when i think back. before getting up to leave, she said that i was cute. i don't know what it was about those words, but they made me feel something that i had never felt before and never felt since then. as soon as she said those words, it was like my entire body heated up and my mind was on fire. i'm pretty sure it was difficult to speak. i remember saying something after she told me that, but i couldn't even hear what i was saying. how could such simple words hold such power over me? it's because i was a fat loser.
so she was interested in me for a while, and due to home issues i couldn't bring her to my house to fuck her. my idiot brothers would bring a bunch of their loser friends over and make the house almost uninhabitable, so i couldn't really bring anyone over even if i wanted to. she hinted so many times that she wanted to come over to my house. one time she even told me that she wanted me to take out my frustrations on her. that's literally the same as telling me to smash her. holy fuck my life.
there was also another girl in class that was into me too. she was also pretty. fuck my life.
so the first girl eventually started ignoring me and found some other guy, then she just forgot i existed. i crawled deeper into my loser forever alone cave. what a fantastic year.
i don't remember much about grade 11. it was shit too. well one good thing is that my brothers finally moved out of the house. RIGHT AFTER I NO LONGER HAD ANY FUCKING GIRLS TO BRING OVER!!!! i guess this was also around the time that i started skipping school a lot more than usual. i would just spend days and weeks skipping school. i had no friends, no girls, no one to talk to, no ambition, no inspiration, no motivation, no thoughts for my future, nothing. i was just an empty loser fat piece of lazy shit that no one cared about.
so i was 16 years old in grade 11. the next two and a half years were essentially more of the same. i would just skip school, be a loser. transfered into an alternative school, saw more cute girls, still a fucking loser, and just kept on getting worse.
but when i was 18 years old.... whoa..... yep. my life got WAYYYYYY BETTER. no, it didn't. i injurned my knee and developed chronic knee pain. for the next two FUCKING weeks after injuring my knee it was extremely painful to move my leg all. standing up was hell, sitting down was hell, walking to the bathroom was hell, taking a shit was the hellest. everything was a devastating hell hole.
it never ended. for years i became this fat blob lazy loser piece of shit who couldn't do anything at all and didn't have anything that i wanted to do. well i suppose there were things that i wanted to do. i wanted to be able to run again. i wanted to be slim and active again. every day i desperately wanted the pain to go away. every day i desperately wanted friends, girls, money, material objects, everything. and every day i was disappointed. every single bit of hope that i ever attained was destroyed when i woke up the very next day. my future was gone, my life was gone. i didn't even know who i was anymore. i might as well have been dead.
eventually i just broke. i couldn't take it anymore. i wanted change to happen. i wanted anything good to happen. so i got up and got out around about 4 in the morning. i went to a park near home, and i tried jogging. to my surprise, i was able to do a very slow limp jog with bad form. it wasn't much, but it gave me hope. made me tired as hell too. i started going out a lot more for walks. i started doing endless research on the kind of kneed condition i had.
i learned about proper foot form, proper walking form, proper running form, posture, utilization of different muscles, etc. stuff i should have learned in middle school or earlier but wasn't taught it.
all of that helped me out bit by bit, but i never discovered why the pain never left my knee. not until much later at least.
eventually i started learning about veganism, nutrition, health, etc. i was very skepticle at first. didn't think it was possible to survive properly without eating meat. so i lost a lot of excess weight and to this day i am still continuing to lose wieght.
eventually i also discovered the true cause of my knee pain. so i was mostly lazy for all of those years, and with awful movement form and posture. the problem is that the muscles around my knee srunk and weakened due to lack of use which eventually lead to the injury, and the pain persists because the muscles aren't strong and flexible enough to properly stabilize the patella. the answer was so simple for all of these years.
today my knee pain is mostly gone, i'm stronger and healthier than i have been in years. i can run, i can jump, i can kneel down. depending on how i do it, there is absolutely no pain while doing any of those three actions.
unfortunately i'm still a virgin because i couldn't really do anything for the past 5 years of my life while dealing with the extreme depression and knee pain, but hopefully that will change soon.
also i'm studying to become a video game director, developer, designer, etc.
it's not easy, but this is the only path available to me, and i will succeed.
yeah i guess i kinda just
yeah i guess i kinda just started rambling about my life after a while. take this thread as "Family of 10 - My experience, and after affects on my life"
Good to write it all out
It's okay to ramble, and it's good to write stuff out so you can organize your thoughts and get stuff off your mind. Consider it like a workout or running: it may be hard to get started but once you do, it becomes rewarding.![Biggrin](
You have an interesting story. I am glad you had school, the internet, and your own room to get you through those difficult years. I am also glad you wrote about the blended family experiment you lived through. You definitely went through a lot.
The good news is you are an intelligent, articulate young man now. I'm guessing you created an account and blogged here on StepTalk because you're thinking about your life and trying to figure things out. You're enjoying better health as a result of your positive actions around food and exercise, and you're studying for a specific job/career path. That's definitely something to be proud if, and I hope you keep doing those things for yourself.
This website mainly has a ton of step parents blogging/venting about our experiences, but there are some regular posters on this site who also had step parents growing up, so I hope you get feedback from someone you can relate to. I'm came here seeking help with my teenage stepson (who has a mean, mentally ill bio-mom) situation and found a lot of encouragement from others who had Been There, Done That.
Sounds like typical step-kid
Sounds like typical step-kid revisionist history to me. Everyone else did something wrong. I did nothing wrong. Bios were pretty much perfect. Steps were all skank.
OK for me and my bio siblings to do something like force step-siblings to strip naked and for me to just worry about my internet while step-sibling was getting his arm slashed to bits in the ice-crusher. But, not okay for step-siblings to leave a few muffin cups lying around, so on and so on.
Poor-little-old-me: "So i had to deal with, and take partial blame for all of the problems that everyone else caused or perpetuated; with no sway over the older siblings, no control over the younger siblings, and no special treatment from the parents. fan-fucking-tastic." I had a huge house, my own room, got room and board and food and entertained for free, but woe is me.
I don't think you are a 23-year-old man. However, I do think you are a 23-year-old adultolesent. You'll become a man when you realize how good you really had it and that what makes a good life isn't you getting away with whatever you want or you being able to do whatever you want.
Agreed. All I saw was blaming
Agreed. All I saw was blaming the fact that he had a stepfamily for all of his issues when in reality even if he had a nuclear family there would be issues. Then he would just be blaming one of his parents or something instead. Poor me BS.
Stop blaming your virginity
Stop blaming your virginity on your former stepsiblings. My god! If you showed even half of the anti-social traits you displayed in this manifesto to people in real life, it's no wonder women lose interest.
Get thine self to therapy!
I think all of your responses are quite humorous.
This poster was just providing his experience. Funny - I have been reading posts for a long time on this site - and I say the exact same thing... all of these step parents blame everything on their step kids but their bio kids are just the most wonderful children!
I didn't see him as blaming anyone - he was just talking about his experience.
So, umm, this is not blaming
So, umm, this is not blaming anyone? "So i had to deal with, and take partial blame for all of the problems that everyone else caused or perpetuated; with no sway over the older siblings, no control over the younger siblings, and no special treatment from the parents. fan-fucking-tastic."
This is a site where SPs come to vent. Here, SPs are working away--cooking and cleaning for their SKs, being a free bank for their SKs, free taxi, babysitter, and so on, and getting little to nothing in return. And, more likely, they are being punished for their efforts as well.
Most SKs, on the other hand, have done none of this. Very much like the OP above, they just like to go on and on about PLOM. They had to maybe share a room or clean up after themselves, and so on, like that was somehow so-so horrible. They don't even see, again like the OP, that dad and SM (or mom and step-dad) are married, are a couple, and BOTH are working very hard to contribute to the household.
This is a site where SPs come to vent, because there is really no other place for them to get understanding. On the other hand, all most SKs have to do is say, "I have a SP," and it is immediately assumed the step-kid is being somehow maligned and tortured by Evil SM or step-dad.
Look, I know divorce isn't easy for a family and a blended family isn't easy either. However, that is no excuse to be a self-centered, non-contributing member. All I read from the OP is me-me-me. It is all about me and no one else. If he was "just" talking about his experiences, then clearly life was or is only about him--and apparently what he can get from it, largely for free.
I don't have any bio-children, so, no I do not think my bio-children are wonderful. I do have two step-kids, however, now adults. At one time I felt close to them, and did much for them--did the cooking and cleaning, being a free bank, free taxi, babysitter, and so on. Now I'm at the point where "I forgave and forgave and hit the reset button so many times that my 'forgiver' is no longer working. I'm done." The OP, on the other hand, was done before he even lifted one finger to try to blend or be a part of something other (and bigger) than himself.
thanks everyone for the
thanks everyone for the thoughts.
i should mention that i did talk more about the bad things than the good things. the only reason i talked about these experiences the way i did is because i was remembering how i was feeling back then and describing the events based on those feelings. the way i feel about myself and my life now is completely different. i'll admit that i do feel regretful about some things, but it's not the same type of regret that i used to have.
as for my sociality, i'm actually not antisocial. it's just that i am in my comfort zone when i am by myself, but not necessarily when i'm alone. i do avoid and dread many social situations, but that's because of my comfort zone, and because i am socially inexperienced. i am able to have fun and enjoy myself in social situations because i have many times before, even recently. also there are many times when i actually want to be involved in social situations.
but yes, i was a lot worse off between ages 11-22.
i realize that i can solve this problem by simply stepping outside of my comfort zone and just being more social. i definitely plan on doing this. what makes me push this off so often is that i just don't have any reason to do so. i'm getting more self confidence the healthier and stronger i get, so perhaps eventually my new self confidence will give me more motivation to go out and be more social. i don't think that it will take too long for this to happen.
by the way, i made a mistake in the example story about mBF shouting at his son in the kitchen early on in the OP. he wasn't shouting at sbro3, he was shouting at sbro1.
As for the video.... the guy
As for the video.... the guy who made it is an ass. Sure, there are women who are ruined, damaged and normal. But... sadly.. often it is men who are at least 50% responsible for that. There are men who are asses, and there are men who are not. Asses have no business in relationships.
And though this is all true and this guy is an ass... I do agree with him that there are people that are worthy of investing in an equity life partnership with, and there are people who are not.
It is good to vent as well. You vented. Thanks for using paragraphs rather than one long incessent block of text. That helps people get through your life story.
So, I have a question or two or three for you. What are you going to do to make sure that you do not take the baggage of your obviously painful childhood and youth forward with you in life? What are you going to do to not pollute your future and the future of an equity life partner should you find one? What are you going to do to ensure that you do not pollute the lives of any children you may have with your toxic baggage?
You seem to be intelligent and capable of recognizing that you are the one who can fix your life.
Make that happen.
Good luck.
thanks. i thought about your
thanks. i thought about your questions for a while. i don't know what i'm going to do to get rid of any toxic baggage from my past, and i'm not sure about what i can do to get of it either. at this point i can only theorize about what i can do to get rid of it. the one thing that i am certain about is that liberation is on the path that i am taking towards becoming the greatest version of myself.
as for the segment about the 2.5 years of living in a blended family, i don't feel like that experience has any psychological impact on me anymore. to be more precise, i believe that the psychological impact it had on my was worsened and perpetuated by things i experienced after that. it's just that the blended family era is no longer the source of it.
i think that the main thing that keeps my toxic baggage bound to me are my regrets. it's actually very weird. i mean the way i feel about my regrets. there are times when i think about my regrets and it fills me with negative emotions. mainly anger. then there are also other times when i think about my regrets (right now for example) and i don't feel any significant emotions. almost like those regrets aren't important. maybe it depends on my mood. my regrets are mainly about things that i did not do or things that i did not have a chance to do, rather than things i regret doing. at the same time it's not as simple as the fact that i didn't do it, or didn't get to do it.
there is a great sense of helplessness when it comes to losing time. i realized this during the worst times of my chronic knee pain era. this was a time when absolutely nothing was going on in my life. i also had absolutely no ambitions. it was like my life was so empty that the way i perceived things changed.
this happened when i started to think of my life in relation to time on a much broader scope. it's difficult to explain it exactly, but i thought deeply about myself throughout different stages of my life, including the future. i thought about events that transpired and events that will transpire, and how those events affected or will affect me. both events that i had control over and events that i had no control over. for past events particularly, i thought about how things would be if different events transpired; both better and worser events. i took it further and began to think about other people as well. i thought deeply about the perspectives of different people experiencing different things. i thought about good things and bad things that other people might be experiencing that i am not experiencing. i thought about how easy it would have been for any event throughout time that has transpired to be any other event, and how these random and often uncontrollable events can define the course of our entire lives. one example of this is that most people are born into society and then spend their entire lives living according to the way of life established by people who have died centuries ago. a lot has changed recently, but perhaps you know what i mean.
throughout these thoughts, an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness and sorrow was born within me. i realized that all of the past opportunities that i missed are long gone and things will never be the same. i will never be the child i was who was so full of happiness and potential. i will never have the impressionable mind necessary for a proper upbringing ever again. i will never be able to experience the things that i once enjoyed throughout school, or throughout the places i've been to in my past.
i am completely at the mercy of universal progression (time), and it does not care. it simply flows and eventually excises everything within its dominion, and i am no different.
as i sat there in my empty life i often thought about how i was creeping closer and closer to old age. i thought about how long it would take to completely turn my life around; how many decades it would take for me to reach a good financial standing in life. it was soul crushing to think that after wasting my teenage years, i would have to work like hell before i might finally have a good life when i'm in my 30s or 40s, but i asked myself where will the magic of life be by then? i questioned if i would i still even care about my own life by then, thinking that perhaps my biology would force me to seek reproduction. of course, reproduction would mean that i am preparing for my life to end, so that my kids can carry on a part of me to a future that i will not exist in, and will never get to experience. in that case, does my life mean anything at all if i have wasted my opportunity to live? or perhaps it means that the only purpose my life serves is to suffer and waste away until i pass my genes on and then die. as in the only purpose in my life being to tell my offspring not to waste away like i did.
but in the middle of those thoughts i realize that i don't even have an ambition (at that time), so what if i can't ever succeed at anything? what if the true reason i was born is to simply suffer alone and die alone?
at that time, i was having many different thoughts of this nature, but i wasn't only having thoughts about self consideration. what burned me the most was thinking about other people who may have had events in their life that are favorable compared to the same type of event that i experienced. for example, being born in a family with more money and knowledge to pass on than my family, leading to having more opportunities. or having better genetics from their parents. heck, even having hot sex with a girl who is totally my type. the main emotion here was not jealousy. it was the same feeling of helplessness. not only was i just unlucky enough to not be born with as many opportunities or as lucky as some other people, but there was absolutely nothing that i could ever do about it. we are already locked into the flow of time, and time has no ally.
of course i didn't just think about the people who had it better than me. i thought about the people who had it worse than me. however it was more difficult to put myself into that perspective because it is the opposite of my ideal. there are people who are born with serious disabilities. there are people who are put at the complete and direct mercy of someone who does not have their best interest in mind.
the helpless feeling on this line of thought came from thinking that i could have easily been much worse off than i am now. i could have easily been born as just a head and torso. i could have easily been born unable to form any logical thoughts at all.
so in a way we are all the same. everyone becomes a victim of circumstance the moment they are born, simply because we have no control of when we are born and of how we are born. we are at the complete mercy of not only the world around us, but also choices made by every single person who has ever lived. anyone who thinks about it long enough should be able to realize what i am talking about. the world we live in is a world that has been endlessly altered and continuously crafted by every single living and non living thing that has interacted with it since its inception. everyone who is born is at the complete mercy of everything that came before they existed.
so as i sat there with the chronic pain in my knee, i realized that it is absolutely pointless to have any thoughts or feelings about the things that we cannot control, simply because we can't control them. if we can't do anything about it then thinking about it is a waste of time. even so, all i had time to do was imagine a better life for myself. if everything simply aligned in favor of my birth, i could have been the closest thing to a perfect me by now. just to be clear, i don't care about being better than anyone else. my only interest in self improvement is for my own sake.
of course there were also times when i just wanted to blame for my parents for me not being better off. this isn't something that i like to talk about, but i really hate the fact that i was circumcised at birth. when i learned the detriments of circumcision i was crushed. if my parents were more competent and capable of giving me a proper birth and upbringing then i would be much better off than i am now. i never asked to be born. they forced it on me. the least they could have done is prepared more knowledge and opportunities for me.
and of course i lived with my mom growing up. her cooking skills are mostly sub par and she doesn't know the first thing about health or nutrition. i could only imagine how much worse i would have turned out if i was not able to spent a lot of time with my dad and mother in law. my mother in law is the best cook i know, and she values health a lot.
but in the end i know that i can't blame my parents, because they are victims of circumstance as well. all i can do is learn and improve. fortunately, there are ways to grow new foreskin.
my point is that the source of my regrets isn't just the fact that i did not or could not do something that would have benefited me. it's about the significance of it all on a deeper level. the fact that from the perspective of reality, it does not matter what regrets i have. the fact that i have no control over how i will change during life. i will continue to grow older and continue to lose the light of youth, until i become old and die. i cannot experience the things that i want to experience as a child anymore, and there is nothing that i can do about that. i just have to settle with being an adult who is no longer growing and experiencing the magic of being a new soul. i can't do anything about the time that i wasted. it doesn't help that the majority of our species doesn't give a flying shit about adult males either.
oh, but i can watch other people enjoy life and experience better things than i did. i can watch other people do things that i want to do and be a part of things that i want to be a part of. what a joy it is to watch everyone else have what i could have had if the details of my birth were slightly different (sarcasm).
like.... i don't know what it's like for high school kids these days, but i notice that most of them seem vibrant and very well kept. when i was in high school, there were a bunch of thugs, a bunch of druggies, some slightly timid normies, and some weird people. i don't remember there ever being a group for me to fit into. when i look at high school kids these days i feel like i see a lot of people who i could probably fit in with. was i also born in the wrong generation? i guess it might be because i am completely different than i was when i was in high school. so it's like a different perspective.
sigh, okay i'll be blunt. i see a lot of top shelf high school girls that i would totally get moist with, if you know what i mean. i live in canada so it's technically legal if the girls who catch my eye are at least 16. since i'm not actually doing anything i guess it doesn't matter if they are younger. it's a biological thing. i have no control over it. i'm a simple man. when i see a cute/pretty/hot/sexy girl, i want her. for those of you who are wondering, i am not just attracted to young girls. also the attraction is not dependent on their age. it's about the individual. i like to think that i have an eye for people that i have a good compatibility with.
so i see these girls and it seriously pisses me off that i am not their peer, since that would make it a lot easier to just casually chat with them. this does seem contradictory to me, because i'm not just attracted to girls who are in high school. over the past month i've seen dozens to hundreds of girls anywhere from ages 18-30+ that i am attracted to. so why do i only feel this way about high school girls? if i had to guess, perhaps it's because they are in a world that i can't go to anymore. nope, i cannot go back to high school, and my high school years were mostly shit.
this also seems contradictory to me. i don't actually want to go back to high school. what i want right now is to move forward with my life. so i guess this feeling is born from one of the toxic baggages that we are discussing. maybe the most sexually frustrating time of my life was when i was in high school, so seeing very attractive high school girls subconsciously puts me into that frame.
so my theory for getting rid of most or all of the toxic baggages is to continue becoming healthier, stronger, and smarter. eventually i will reach the point where i can start actually living and acquiring meaningful experiences in life, instead of just being stuck here.
however, i noticed that whenever i try to live for the future, i eventually start to feel empty as if my days are meaningless. i think this is because i am not living in the moment. this is difficult for me to tackle since i can't actually do anything right now. i don't exactly have any friends, not much money, and my knee still hurts a little bit. it would be really awesome if i could play sports, but i can't do that until i solve my knee pain. but solving my knee pain is part of getting stronger which is a long term goal, which is what partially causes the feeling of emptiness. so it is very important for me to find ways to make each day more fulfilling while moving towards a better future.
so when the time comes when i can start living to the fullest and acquire meaningful experiences, the fulfilling things will slowly wash away the bad baggage until it is all gone. perhaps.
of course becoming more social and making friends will be very fulfilling.
and of course, i need to form a special connection or bond (preferably a bond) with a girl that i find to be very attractive, and have sex with her at least once. this should completely relieve all of my sexually related toxic baggage. a younger girl might have a greater effect on getting rid of baggage.
if some sexually related baggage is left, perhaps growing new foreskin will get rid of the rest.