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Fed up with step daughter hogging my son!

Joebloggs's picture

I have 4 skids. 17, 15, 14, 10. My son is 15.

Don't see dss aged 14. Dsd1 and 4 live with us a third if the time and dsd2 lives with us full time and visits mum 1 night a week.

Dsd2 just moved in with us last year. Complete surprise. No warnings at all. Still hasn't really been discussed as to why she is here apart from "I don't like mum".

All skids follow my son around. When we lives in old house they would literally sit outside his door in the mornings like little puppies. They all use his bedroom as a communal room. They use his room as a corridor to get to their rooms when they could walk round.

My son goes to a different school to dsd2 who Ives with us. He walks in the door and dsd will appear and literally stand by his side and follow him from room to room. His behaviour changes when she's around because she's bossy and a piss taker, so he won't be "himself" and will put on some bravado to stop her taking the piss too much. So having any sort of decent conversation when she's there is virtually impossible.

She has a boyfriend and I honestly don't think she fancies my ds, I think it's more of a power thing.

My ds and partners relationship has had issues in the past but all seemed to get better a year ago. Basically my dp was jealous if me spending time with my ds. I've only just realised why it got better. Dsd2 has become a gooseberry and effectively stopped me from even having a five min conversation with my ds in a day.

I've asked dp to support me in asking her to not sit in ds room constantly or use his room as a corridor but he won't.

Ds is like a doormat and let's her treat him like her personal entertainer. He's 15, he can't even get any peace and quiet to masturbate!

I'm jealous and resentful that this girl has snatched my relationship away whilst I have to give my energy to 3 girls and 1 boy all the time! Everything is about skids, my ds is babysitting his skids so he doesn't have to parent them. If ds isn't around my dp will step in and encourage dsd to see friends or her boyfriend of over a year, but makes sure she's home just before my ds arrives.

I really don't know what to do. It would help massively of my ds was onside buy he just says he doesn't care if they're all in his room all the time. Even if ds has friends round, she's still in his room sitting between them!

I just feel so angry at their sense of entitlement over my ds life and other things in my life and my home.

I know ds is growing up and I don't expect his company that much but 10 mins in a day is too much to ask for apparently.

I feel angry and very sad.

mannin's picture

Sounds like you and your son need to grow a backbone. People only treat you the way the do and/or act the way they do because you let them.