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Fiancés daughter???

Maryz's picture

Hi everyone! I have a question. My fiancées two daughters, ages 12 and 17 came to visit us for 3 weeks and it was great. I fell in love with these two little girls. When they left we were all crying. When they went back home everything was fine, we were texting, emailing, FaceTime talking, and snapchat thing everything. Then one day they both stopped responding to everything I sent. When I got on face time to talk to them with my fiancé/their dad they started acting odd. They will talk to me, but almost acted scared when they did. Nothing happened between us. I'm lost as to what happened. One of the daughters have even taken me off her Facebook and snap chat and I think I'm blocked. I want to ask what happened but my fiancé said to just not worry about it. My thing is, if we are going to get married and they will come again to visit us, then should I let it go, or should I ask them what happened, or should he ask?
Any advise? I really came to care about these two little girls.

AliceP's picture

I go through the same thing. My skids are wonderful loving sisters/daughters when they are here. They made us a cake that said "We love you" They got me a little gag gift and said it was cause I was an awesome step mom etc....but when they get home, when we call they are too busy to talk, too short with us etc...