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Gave DH divorce papers tonight

christinen's picture

I am sitting in my living room about to burst out in tears so I figured I would write about it on here. My DH and I have been together 3 years (living together for 2 of those years, married only 5 months) and things have progressively been getting worse. Actually, nothing has really changed; I have just been getting sick of putting up with it. My DH has a real "my way or the highway" attitude which is funny being that he's the one with all the baggage. I'm just disgusted with him. Today I printed out the papers I need to file for divorce and brought them home from work with me. He saw them on the table and called me crazy and said a bunch of other nonsense. He's basically blaming me when I have done everything I possibly can to make it work. What it boils down to is he's a lazy manchild & a guilty dad & I can't stand it any longer! If you read any of my other posts, I talked about all the things I have done to try to help him/motivate him/make things better. He refuses to compromise on anything. I have been the one who has had to compromise on every single issue we have ever had because it was either give him his way or leave. He really gave me no other option. Now I feel like I am finally ready. I still love him with all my heart and it's killing me inside, but I don't deserve to be his doormat any longer. Sad

WTHDISUF's picture

I'm sorry to hear this. Divorce is always sad but we do have to take care of ourselves by any means necessary so if this is what you need to do to save your spirit, then by all means. Hope things go as smooth as possible for you.

StickAFork's picture

Aww. You know what, you're doing this early on...which means you were smart enough not to waste years and years in an unhappy marriage. Kudos!
Good luck with your new life.

AlreadyGone's picture

I'm sorry that you are having to go through this. I know how hard it is, as I made the exact same decision recently, after 9 yrs. of this step-parent hell. It is heartbreaking to lose the man you love and the life you built with him, but compromise is a 2 way street and if he truly treasured you, he would make the effort to resolve your issues.... together.
Hun, we simply can't fix what we didn't break, and it gets damned tiring always working hard to keep things together, alone. Have a good cry and know that you have to do what's good for you right now. My heartfelt thoughts go out to you. Best of luck in the journey to your new life. Smile

emotionaly beat up's picture

I second AlreadyGone. I do understand your feelings and I am truly sorry for you on one hand, but I have a sense of relief that you are not going to waste years of your life trying to fix something you didn't break and your DH is comfortable with and doesn't see any need to fix it. You can't win doing it alone, either he is on board or not. It would appear his my way or the highway attitude is something he will never change. I wish you all the very, very best.

anafiodorova's picture

Been with the type of guy you describe . He needs a lot of help and you are not the person who can give him that help. It is not your responsibility - he needs to be accountable to himself and do what he needs to do. He is a danger to himself at this moment because he is not accountable to anyone.
You can control only your reaction and be accountable to yourself. By leaving you are taking responsibility for the choice you are making and taking your power back. Focus on regaining strength and building on positive emotions in your life. Learn the lesson from the relationship and move forward with your dignity and integrity intact. My lesson is to never abandon myself and to take care of myself first.
Enjoy life and be happy! Rejoice in all love and light around you! Do the happy dance and smile! I am excited for you and the great things that are to unfold in your life! Sending you love and light!

christinen's picture

Thank you all so much for the support. That means a lot to me.

DH’s reaction was basically to call me crazy and turn the whole thing around on me to make it look like my fault. I told him how I am tired of being treated like crap and he asked how he treats me like crap.

I made the mistake of getting into a discussion about it but after a few minutes, just realized he is never going to “get it” because we just don’t think the same. Just like the rest of our life—he thinks everything is great and he is completely happy and comfortable and content—I, on the other hand, am miserable.

He said “it sure seems like you have a good time with me”—and that is true; however, there is more to life than having a good time. And for as many good times as I have had with him, there have been twice as many bad times. I am so TIRED of trying to make everything better when he does nothing. Heck, he doesn’t even think anything is wrong so I guess I can understand why he wouldn’t be trying to fix it.

We have been to counseling—that seemed to help for a little while, but that time has passed. I hate the thought of being divorced, but I really don’t see any other option. Someone mentioned an annulment, and I will definitely find out if that is possible. If not, I really see no other option.

I mean my DH and I don’t have the same life goals and that has been a big issue.. SD of course is an issue.. But it really comes down to his attitude. His “take it or leave it” ways really make me sick. & on top of all that, he’s not really even NICE to me-- the most basic of things. I’m just tired. Sad

firefly25's picture

I am leaving too! This is hard but not as hard as putting up with being second for the rest of my life. Time heals and we will get over it.