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HELP! Baby stressed out over skids???

jenny8675309's picture

I have a 6 month old ds and sd5 sd7 are here inconsistently. sometimes for long periods of time (few days to a week) or short (few hours)

I'm starting to notice a difference in his normal behavior when they aren't here, after being here for a few days. Do you think my baby is feeling anxious over the inconsistency of having siblings on and off?

He is normally extremely happy and content to play with me and by his self. Recently after they go he just seems to cry when i put him on the mat to play by himself. He can be having a totally off day while they are in school and then perk right up and be normal when they return. then repeat next day until he's alone again for a few days then the cycle starts all over when they return in two weekends...

It's making me nervous for his emotional stability. Sad

Should I be worried? Does anyone have any experience with this?

Is my baby stressed out because my skids aren't here consistently?

askYOURdad's picture

I agree that it has a lot to do with the routine.

The best thing would be to try and have the same routine regardless of who is around. The same way you would have the six month old lay down for a nap at naptime if you were at grandmas house, make sure naptime, feedings, stimulation etc. are all on or close to the same times regardless of the day and who is around.

Orange County Ca's picture

If the baby consistently acts this way in rhythm with their visits then it seems likely. I think its unlikely this is going to have any long term effect on your baby. I mean he's not going to get so stressed he's going to go off his rocker in the future. You don't have a future nut-case in the making over this.

I do think that if you could keep every other part of the babies schedule the same that will help. Feedings, naps, etc. all should be as close to normal as possible. Sounds like baby is missing the fun and is just complaining about that which is a part of growing up.

Frankly I think you're stressing more about the baby than the baby is stressing about missing out and babies definitely are attuned to stress in the mother. So lets top doing that. What can you do about it anyway?

twoviewpoints's picture

You might try getting baby into daycare one or two afternoons a week. Gets baby out and about other wee ones his age, gets to inactive with others and would keep him more consistent with having socialization with children.

Baby is developing likes and dislikes. While only 6 months old baby still realizes that it's 'more fun' to have other stimulation other than just mommy all day, day after day. If the skids were 'stressing' him out, he'd not be perking up when they arrive and little grump butt while left on floor to play all lonesome. Floor by self and quietly playing was great before baby discovered there's other people in baby's little world. Children who will get down and play with him, make him smile and giggle or just be entertaining to his little environment.

My nieces baby (7months) just started daycare and he's totally excited. Lights right up when his mom takes him in and squeals like crazy at time to go home and leave his new found friends. He had a great time last weekend playing with and getting lots of attention with DD14 and GS12. He sat on floor and looked all over the room when they left my niece said. Every noise of someone entering the room had him looking to see if his 'friends' were back. With nephew as young as he is, he's realizing his world doesn't consist of just baby and mommy alone all day.

jenny8675309's picture

Thank you all so much ! Smile I want to go back to work after we get married this June. So daycare will most likely be started around or before his 1st birthday. I hope by then it's not too difficult. we do lots of outings and he loves interacting with people. Guess its all apart of growing up and raising a baby Smile

Thanks ya'll

ctnmom's picture

My oldest DS24 was a PERFECT baby. But when SS36 (then 12-13) was over, he and DH would completely ignore little DS, and he would make this high pitched, weird scream. Of course DH and SS would think he was being a brat, but he only made that sound when both DH and SS were around together. (assholes)