I need some advice . I live with my same sex partner and her 9 year old daughter . We are all going on hoilday for two weeks on 2 days . I am dreading it ! . Her daughter gets on well with me although I find her very attention seeking. She will not play alone and won't even be in a room alone if we are upstairs. She demands constant interaction . I find this very draining . I am not sure how I am going to manage this for 2 weeks 24/7. I have tried to talk to my partner but she gets very defensive and thinks I am either putting her daughter down or her parenting. They also argue alot and so the constant noise and stimulation really grates on me.
When my partner gets defensive I feel very unsupported and unappreciated . I feel resentful that I have taken on more responsibility, chores , financial burden all to be with her and yet she won't support me . I guess I feel so irritated by her daughter that I blame my partner and I think she spoils her . We argue alot about this and I can't see how this hoilday will be a success as I truely don't want to spend that much time with her daughter
I feel resentful that I have
I feel resentful that I have taken on more responsibility, chores , financial burden all to be with her ...
This might not be the relationship for you.
I wonder what made you agree
I wonder what made you agree to spend 2 whole weeks with your partner and her daughter, knowing that you would find it difficult? I never ever went on a holiday with my DH and two SDs, knowing I would hate every minute of it.
It sounds like your partner has absolutely no appreciation of your position, nor any desire to understand, why you might feel the way you do, about her daughter and about their interactions. Do you really want to be in a LTR with someone who has no interest in where you are coming from? I wouldn't.