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How should I deal with SS doing these things

Biostep7777's picture

DH saw SS's text message to him mom. He was taking pictures of things we have in our house (like affirmations we put on the fridge) and they were making fun of it saying "what is that.....omg hahaha" And "LOL...okay" just being mean. They are truly mean people. Other things he does is just constantly trying to cause upset. Like, my kids are 1/2 black so they wear BLM shirts so he tries to debate them saying blue lives matter too you know and he is SO SO SOOOOO condescending. I have literally never met people more condescending then him and his mother. She has told him he is the smartest kid on earth and everyone is so jealous of him because of how smart he is (Puke) so when he talks to us about anything he says things as if they are fact rather then his own opinion. He laughs and rolls his eyes and chuckles like we are sooooooo stupid. I hate it. I talk to my kids of course and tell them what he's doing is not okay and very immature but I just hate being around him! DH puts him on his place immediately and  tells him to knock it off but I just want to tell him to STFU! Anyone else deal with this and how do you cope? 

Rags's picture

Time to play the game to win.

If BM has this kid spying and documenting things in your home.... start salting the house with things like photo shopped bills of sale for expensive jewelry, cars, expensive vacations, boarding school for your kids, etc....

When BM blows her stack you can honestly say that none of those things have been purchased or even considered.  If she brings it up in court, tell the truth. None of things have ever been considered and no business of any kind has ever been done with the businesses she is bringing up.  Of course, they do not exist. I doubt BM will even check.  She will run with what you feed her.

Have fun.  Idiots are extremely fun to play.


Maxwell09's picture

A classic technic when dealing with snooping skids. Always one of my favorites because of how effective it is. 

ndc's picture

So is your H going to court to get more time with these nasty kids or just to spend less money on them? I hope for your sake it's the latter. I wouldn't be at all happy with his kids taking pictures of things in your house and making fun of you to BM.

I would tell H to deal with his kid and shut down the disrespect - even if he's worried about how it will look in court.

Biostep7777's picture

Well they don't know he looks at their texts and we have to not tell them because this is good evidence for court. 
I wish he wanted less time. I honestly can't stand being around them. 

ndc's picture

I don't know - he doesn't look like a great parent if he looks at their texts to gather evidence for court but then doesn't correct the bad behavior evidenced by those texts.

Biostep7777's picture

Parental alienation. We have a lot of  proof. Her telling them she will take them on a special trip if they ask dad if they can come home early, making fun of us, bad talking dad to kids. It's awful 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

DH should deal with it by taking away the phone. The logical consequence for misusing the phone is SS does not get to use the phone for a period of time. I realize both SS and BM will loudly complain, but your house - your rules.

Biostep7777's picture

Well we can't let them know he's looking at texts because obviously this is good evidence for court. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

That's a dangerous situation. What i mean is, when DH is so worried about the outcome of court that it affects his parenting in a negative way. He is afraid to address issues because they may cause him to lose access to "evidence." He is afraid to address issues because if he upsets the kids they may prefer to be at BM's and testify to that in court. He is  not addressing issues. These issues grow and the kids are wined and dined into intolerable little shits. I've seen it. Even if you "win" more time with them, you lose. 

Biostep7777's picture

They are already intolerable littld shits. These children are the most selfish, rude, unkind children I have ever met. There's no hope for them. They are too far gone. But, I get what you are saying! 

ExhaustedByItAll's picture

We have the rule with SD and SS that they cannot take pictures with any device outside of their bedrooms. We had to make the rule because even though we bought them perfectly nice, new, brand name tablets to use here with full on parental controls, they were brining devices from mommy's house so they didn't have to follow our rules and we couldn't lock the devices (I did however block those devices on our WiFi router so she had to pay for SIM cards!). I don't know where those pictures may end up and our house is none of BM's business. So fine, you want a picture of your messy bedroom? No problem. But BM doesn't get to size up what laptop I have, what tv we have, etc.

Ours act as little spies as well though so the idea of putting out brochures for new cars, real estate, nice jewelry-all of that is good for the little spies to report back. Someone also recommended I leave a pregnancy test in the bathroom, that one was gold!! I haven't gone that far yet, but I have left out a few brochures for new homes near my parents place. Waiting for those emails to start coming in accusing us of moving or buying property and not giving BM more $$, lol!

tog redux's picture

Well, if you can't tell him you saw the texts, then you can't do anything about it really, can you?  Sounds like a typical alienated kid. Beware that using his texts in court doesn't get you in trouble - it can because you are monitoring his conversation with his mother.  Also, we were told texts are useless because anyone can pick up a person's phone and send a text that appears to be from them.

Winterglow's picture

Catch him red-handed taking photos and confiscate the phone for violating your privacy. Thereafter, take it off him every time he arrives and give it back when he leaves. He has absolutely no reason to be taking photos of your home.

As for him knowing everything, respond every single time with "SS dear, nobody loves a smartarse" and be sure to do it in a condescending tone and don't forget the eye roll.

ndc's picture

Remind me  - how old are your DH's kids?  And do you actually have a court date and an end in sight to the custody fight?

Biostep7777's picture

They are 12 and almost 15. No court date yet. It's a nightmare. We did have a temp hearing though. 

Maxwell09's picture

Honestly if it's just the affirmations he is just taking photos of I would let it go. He is probably making fun of them because that kind of positive self talk and praise is out of the norm for him at BMs so he makes fun of it. For this part I would start choosing affirmations that would make him reconsider his own actions. Like avoiding gossip, malicious talk and humility. If he is taking pictures of it, then he is reading it. And BM will consider whatever you do as a threat no matter how simple it is (like affirmation notes on the frig) so she will minimize to convince him it isn't something he should like. Let her have it...In fact a little note about avoiding malicious people and their effects on their peers would be my first note. 

As for the racism.....thats really a big deal. She is turning him into a racist. The best response to his "All lives matter" comeback would be to ask him "who said they don't?" and "yes, and when one of them are wrongfully murdered or injured we ask for change to help stop it from happening again so why cant we do that for everyone else who isnt a cop?" I think you need to figure out if your SS is an indoctrined racist already or if he is simply repeating what he is hearing from BM and his peers without actual hate for minorities. When he says racist things I would ask him what makes him feel that way or did you hear that from some else and thats why youre repeating it? As a teacher I cannot tell you how many students (and I taught High School so they were old enough to be aware of their words) repeated dumb shit from their parents not realizing what they were saying was racist and minimizing to miniorities. So speak on it. If he says something thats racist say it to him Calling someone a racist is identifying their words to a sterotype and he will either accept the identifyer or reject it and therefore avoid saying those things to avoid the label. Education (like print out actual articles and facts) and KIND confrontation coupled with patience in explaining and listening is the only way to combat children who are being indoctrined by racist parents. You won't change him by attacking his (developing) character but you can make him think about things. Letting them connect the dots and drawing their own conclusions help solidify their believes as their own so BM can't come back and try to sway him back. 

I think your children could use some tools to deal with potentially racist family members as well. Books, a therpaist, something.