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I don’t want to spend time with my SS

stepemma's picture

A little back story - my Partner had a one night stand with a girl he didn't know very well and it resulted in a child (she seemed to have planned it out, but that we will never know for sure). She told him she could be involved if he wanted, but she didn't really care either way. He chose to be involved, and we have him every second weekend (SS (4.5 years now) and BM live about an hour away from us). My partner and I have 2 daughters of our own - 2 years and 2 months - and have been together for 3.5 years. Every time my stepson comes over I am absolutely miserable and I can't wait for us to take him home. Now my partner wants to start taking him more often, and I don't know if I can handle it. I want to spend my weekends with my daughters without having an extra kid. I am finding it extremely hard to forgive and forget bad behaviour from SS and I've had to explain to my partner that I don't have the same unconditional love he has for his son. I want my girls to bond with each other and I feel like when SS is around my older daughter isn't interested in the baby. I feel like my family is being invaded every time we have SS over. I know this isn't right but I can help feeling like I don't want him around. I feel like maybe I'm not the right fit to be his step mom, maybe I don't have it in me to love another child who is not my own. 

JRI's picture

I dont have much advice but I want to empathize, 3 kids under 5!  That's a lot to handle!  I had a hard time accepting my 3 SKs but they were older than your SS.  I don't think any of us is cut out to be a SM, its hard.  I do want to mention one thing that happened with me.  When they were coming and going back to BM, that was the hardest time.  Once all 3 moved in full time (long story), i saw them differently.  I know that's the very last thing you want but just know you might feel differently if that were to happen.  The move in coincided with me going to counseling so maybe that was a factor.  Good luck, Stepemma.

stepemma's picture

I have thought maybe I need to start going to counselling, do you mind if I ask if you're seeing a family counsellor - someone who specializes in blended families etc? 

JRI's picture

Im 75yo and my SKs are in their 50s so I've graduated from counseling.  Lol.  But I clearly remember those days which is why Im on ST, to work thru the memories and understand the dynamics.

But to answer your question, back in the 70s when I went, I don't think there was such a thing as a counselor who specialized in blended families.  But if I were going now, that's what I would look for.  My big takeaways were more engagement (contradicts the often-stated ST recommendation to disengage) and more one-on-one time with DH.  I lucked into a great counselor, thank you, Dr. G wherever you are, you changed 7 lives ( me, DH, my 2 & his 3).

Dogmom1321's picture

Same here. SD is 10. Her behavior makes her just unpleasant to be around. Even DHs family agrees. She was supposed to do a "grandparents trip" last summer, but they cancelled on her due to her poor behavior. DH wasn't surprised. Wherever we go (grocery store, neighbor's house, trip, grandparents, etc) all she does is complain and mope around. She is inconsiderate and doesn't understand when things "don't go her way" or if the group wants to do something different. 

As she has gotten older, SD secludes herself in her room when she comes over. Obsessed with technology instead of hanging out with friends. Being a hermit doesn't help her poor behavior either. DH totally acknowledges it. They are polar opposites and sad to say but SD is a carbon copy of her BM. DH made a poor choice when picking her (acutally an accident) as her mother. 

stepemma's picture

SS is very similar, also pulls the emotional manipulation of "I want my mom" if something doesn't go his way. 

nengooseus's picture

Except that he's 11 and I think there are developmental issues, as well.  

DH asked him recenty why he just stays in his room.  He told him that it was like he was on break from his mother (who is HC trash).  LOL

tog redux's picture

Well - does your partner do the parenting when his son is there? If not, perhaps that's the place to start, with him taking over parenting the boy so you can focus on your girls.

This is a tough one, because like it or not, he's your girls' brother, and he'll always be part of your lives.  But definitely set limits on DH having him for more time unless he's going to step up majorly in the parenting department. 

stepemma's picture

He has started taking more responsibility, I've started telling him that I refuse to be alone with the 3 kids, and he needs to take his son with him if he's running errands or anything. But because I came into SS's life so young, he also looks to me as a parent so sometimes I do have to discipline and he expects a lot of affection from me. When my partner and I first started dating, it was only SS so we started our relationship in a loving way and thought of him as my own. It's only been since having 2 children of my own that the resentment has started, as I've realized it is a completely different type of relationship. My partner's family also expects me to take the responsibilities of parenting on for SS (if he needs something, bathroom responsibilities, disciplining). As we've had more issues with his bad behaviour, and more issues with BM, I'm finding my patience wearing thin and my want to be around him is diminishing fast. 

tog redux's picture

Well, your partner's family can pound sand. Your DH needs to be the primary parent for SS with you helping as needed. He doesn't get to dump his kid on you to care for just because you are a woman. 

strugglingSM's picture

I've found that it's near impossible to accept another person's child as part of your household if they do not operate under the same values that you have and that it's near impossible to impart your values on a child who is only with you EOWE or who operates under a completely different set of values in the other household. 

My SSs are whiny, lazy, dirty, entitled brats who expect to be catered to. DH doesn't want to be the heavy because he only sees them four days a month. For this reason, they will always be annoying houseguests to me. I think I've accepted that, but it doesn't make my life any easier. There's also the whole "pretending" to think theyr'e wonderful when other people are around, because any adult who finds a child annoying (unless that child is their own) is a demon in the eyes of outsiders. 

Dogmom1321's picture

This 100%. It's almost impossible to ENJOY being around another kid, that has totally different values. For example, I'm a teacher. I highly value education. BM tells SD10 "School is lame. Your teacher doesn't know what they are talking about. You don't have to listen to them. School isn't for everyone. D's are still passing." etc. etc. etc.' SD has eaten this up and believes it 100% just because her mom told her. As a result, SD has zero goals or dreams as what to do "when she grows up." She is lazy. SD is the complete opposite of DH and I. It truly makes it difficult to enjoy time with her.  

MiserableSM101's picture

I feel this exact same way about my SD4. My husband and I just had an ours baby back in July and I don't want SD around my daughter at all because her behavior is so bad. My SD and I had a good bond when she was smaller but now I can't stand being around her. She is with us 5 days one week and 2 weeks the next and I dread those days and can't wait for her to go back to her mothers so I can enjoy my new baby with my husband. DH's family has made comments too about how I "leave out" SD because I don't post pictures of her on social media and only post pictures of my DD. I posted my baby for national daughters day and DH grandma commented saying "what about your other daughter?" I made it very clear to DH that sd4 is not mine and she's not gonna take away from me having my FIRST baby. I'm to the point as well that I don't think step life is for me. I'm tired of having my home invaded by a disrespectful brat who screams and hits and cusses. 

shellpell's picture

Block your Dhs family from social media! How dare they make judgement and try to take away from you and your daughter? I would have responded back: she has a mother. I'm not it. My sil did that once because I posted a pic of my then 6 month old and not SS so I blocked her. I don't need ppl judging me for living my life the way I want.

MiserableSM101's picture

Trust me, after that comment I definitely blocked them all. They always make comments like that. I don't even let dd around them much because they favor sd over her anyway and they make it known. 

stepemma's picture

My partner's family clearly favours SS over our 2 daughters as well. Grandma especially puts way more effort into her grandson than she does her 2 granddaughters (ie driving 45 minutes to go visit SS but NEVER driving 30 minutes to come visit our girls; giving SS and other cousins all the same special thing for their 1st birthday but my girls don't get anything)

stepemma's picture

I was confronted by my MIL about how it's wrong that I refer to my stepson as "your son" when I talk to my partner about him. It is hard because I don't want SS to feel alienated, but at the same time, I did not give birth to him. I want my partner to bond with our daughters as well. I think it's really hard when you start out as a stepmom and then become a bio mom after the fact....