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If I could turn back time...I'd RUN!

Katillathehun's picture

I'm not sure how many of u feel the same or will even admit it but this blended family stuff just really isn't worth the aggravation! I have come to the realization that its practically impossible to be a family when there isn't at least one biological child related to all skids! We have 6 total but none together and every issue u can imagine! It goes from the 12 yr old SD that dresses and acts like she's 17and no one seems to do anything about to both of us with ex drama and issues that shouldn't even be an issue! I can't even say anything negative about his children bc of course "I'm picking on them" yet they run around like crazy, are spoiled rotten, and have no rules! How fair is it for me to discipline my own children for the same actions that my skids are aloud to do? And don't get me started on the $$$!! Every other day it's a shopping spree, he pays his support, buys all their clothes, sports fees, allowances, extras, etc while baby mama lives off the system, food stamps, HUD, heating assistance, free day care for her other 2 children she had after the split, yet nails are done, hairs done, and always has money to "hit the club to find the newest boyfriend of the week" working 3 days a week as a waitress! and when I say something I'm told he does it for his kids! The same man who will complain if I ask him for a gallon of milk! I WILL NEVER DATE A MAN WITH CHILDREN AGAIN!

Katillathehun's picture

Thank God I'm not the only one! I feel so horrible when I say I will never date a man with children again but I just don't feel the stress is worth it! I know in my heart this relationship is destined to fail and it is bc of the kids and our different parenting styles!

Doubletakex3's picture

These men should come with warning labels. Mattresses are required to have warning labels why not men?


- crazy psycho bitch ex
- I don't believe in discipline
- I will do what my whittle princess commands
- I don't care how much it costs me, I WILL buy my kids' love

oneoffour's picture

My DH only said it once.."Well your daughter..." I just gave him The Look that meant "One more word Mr and you will be sleeping alone for the res tof your stupid life."

I know my kids shortcomings. But at no time was my family doing dishes while he sat around with his sons and watched TV. Not.One.Day. Never. Not happening.

Still_Frustrated's picture

I know how you feel. If I could do it all over again I would never get involved with a woman. We have on Biological daughter together (and we live with her son) so hard for me to run bit if you're not married and have no kids together maybe it's not too late for you to RUN !!!!

herewegoagain's picture

PS it is NOT any better if you have a child just resent the ex and skid and DH more.

ItAlmostWorked's picture

I am still here because it was just recently that I realized the problem wasn't one of immaturity that would improve like with OSD. I also have a bio who I will have to uproot again. I probably will go bankrupt in the process as well. These are details that will be worked out, since I am not goingvto spend the rest of my life being the target of a hateful person.

Katillathehun's picture

I stay bc as crazy as it is my children love him and he loves them. One thing I have learned is part of being a grown up is trying to be as grounded and stable as possible for your children. My divorce was hard enough on them and how many times can u "change daddy's"? My issues w being a step mom have nothing to do with the quality of life that my boys have. They are happy and for now that's enough. I think we all to often just quit relationships to soon. With that being said I swear to u on everything holy I WILL NEVER DATE ANOTHER MAN WITH CHILDREN AGAIN!!! Smile

blendedwith9's picture

herewegoagain is right. I have 2 from my ex, my husband has 4 from his ex and together we have 1. He ignores our baby so that the other children dont get jealous. I actually resent my husband alot for it, but I also believe we all quit too soon and so I will work on it and communicate till i am blue in the face. i love my family even if we are always "under construction"'s picture

I just posted in another thread that I don't see how ANYONE makes a blended family work. OMG it's just not worth it!!!! If it is not too late for you, don't move in, don't get married, and DON'T even introduce the kids! Trust me...'s picture

I just posted in another thread that I don't see how ANYONE makes a blended family work. OMG it's just not worth it!!!! If it is not too late for you, don't move in, don't get married, and DON'T even introduce the kids! Trust me...'s picture

I just posted in another thread that I don't see how ANYONE makes a blended family work. OMG it's just not worth it!!!! If it is not too late for you, don't move in, don't get married, and DON'T even introduce the kids! Trust me...

findingserenity's picture

Unfortunately I feel the same way as wverybody here does. And its more resentment to my husband than sk...

savana8975's picture

Girlfriend I feel the same way! Those lifetime movies about step kids killing everyone their father or mother dates i think totally happen in real life.. A lot more than we hear about! I would never tell my husband this, but I would run too. Although now I have a beautiful 2 month baby boy out of this, and an amazing relationship with my husband that I could have never dreamed of, I would have run at the beginning had I known I would resent a kid this much. As an adult it messes with your mind.. But here's a positive spin- you already, in a way, lose so much because of a step kid (getting accused of hating them, picking on them, resenting them), you can't give up another thing you love because of those nasty step kids! I love how "evil" step mothers get a bad rep, but to hell with it, it's the kids fault!!!!! Can't stand the blended family bullshit, but wouldn't give up MY husband or OUR son for anything.. Not even a POS kid! Sorry kind of harsh!