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I'm about to throw in the towel....

hiddenemotions06's picture

My DH left for 2 weeks on a work trip and I have his SD and my son home with me. Shes home 50% of the time so she came home last night and will go back to her moms on Wednesday. Well while he was in flight yesterday I receive a text from him saying SD has the throw up bug my son had last week. I asked if she was coming home and he said yes. She came home and is sick as a dog. I was honestly in shock her mother would drop her with me in her condition. Shes home from school today and still throwing up and fever and all and today is my birthday. DH text me this morning checking in before he had to go to his all day class and never even wished me a happy birthday. Spoke of SD and other house and class related items but no happy birthday. I mean im 28 years old and my birthday is no huge deal but im kind of upset that he totally forgot today is my birthday. And on top of it im worrying and caring for his very sick daughter and he is acting like its no big deal. Ugh rant over. This day can't get worse. Am I overreacting? Should I be upset he bascially forgot my birthday and am expected to handle so much while he is gone?

hiddenemotions06's picture

My son had the bug last monday so it may not necessarily be from him. It could be. Idk. She said alot of kids at her school have it. At this point I just have to deal with it and take care of her but im furious and my DH doesnt seem to understand. He goes kids get sick its life. It'd be one thing if she had a cold but a stomach bug is a major deal to take care of when its your own kid let alone someone elses. I'm waiting to see how long it takes him to realize he never even said happy birthday to me. If he doesn't by tonight I will say something.

notasm3's picture

Why did you let BM drop her off when your DH is out of town? You are not her babysitter. Do not be a doormat.

hiddenemotions06's picture

no my son is not his. Idk i think last night I was in such shock that her mother actually did show up with her daughter like that. I mean DH got me cake and gifts on Friday night before he left and we celebrated but that doesnt forgive that you definitely forgot its today and didnt say shit to me. I guess I'm gonna have to have a major talk with him. Honestly don't even feel like talking to him today at this point im so blah.

hiddenemotions06's picture

Thank you. I mean I felt like she was dumping her off and didn't want to deal with it and SD said she'd rather be with me so I do feel bad for her being so sick. I just wish DH would acknowledge that I'm doing ALOT on my first night and day with the kids alone and show some appreciation oh and maybe atleast acknowledge my birthday but it is what it is. I was supposed to have family over for dinner but I guess I'll cancel that since she's still puking. Ugh what a day. Happy Birthday to me. I get to go home and sanitize my house and pray I don't catch this crap.

hiddenemotions06's picture

Thanks everyone. Im trying to calm myself and not let it ruin my day. He text me on lunch break and said SD is really in bad shape...what should we happy birthday again or no thank you for taking care of my extremely sick child. NOTHING.

Jelly2's picture

There's no way in hell I would've answered the door if my h was out of town and I was going to be expected to take care of the BM's puker for a week. I guess I am just a horrible person. Wait, no I'm not. I just got shat on by h, the BM and all the skids for 5 years. That's what made me the bitter, uncaring bitch that I am today. Cept today I'm free, free, free from all of them!!!!!!