Is this marriage doomed due to differences in parenting styles?
First of all I want to say I am new to this site and am so glad I found it! I googled "can't bond with my step-daughter" and found this site! I am hoping this is somewhere I can not only come to vent, but maybe find some solutions via advice and learning from other people's experiences. Now, please pardon the length of my initial post because this will be my first time telling my story on this site.
Let me say up-front that I don't "hate" my almost 19yo SS and 11.5yo SD, I just don't "love" them either - at least not like I love my own almost 6yo BS and both me & my husband's just turned 1yo BS. I do "care" about my step-children in the same way that I care about my friends' children in that I wish them only the best and that no harm will come to them, but like my friends' children, I'd like not to have to see them, provide for them or even hear about them unless I choose to do so, but when I married a man who had full legal and physical custody of a teenage boy whose mother had been absent both physically and financially since 9mos, and informal joint custody of daughter who was the product of a "friends with benefits" relationship and whose mother decided that having a child with an involved father meant she was free to be a half-assed parent, I guess I can only blame myself for getting into this mess!
I don't think my step-children are "bad" children, I just don't think they are particular "good" children either. They are basic, average children who are the product of selfish and "guilt" parenting without structure, discipline, guidance, and direction, so of course I cannot hold that against them. They are are a teenage boy and a pre-teen girl who had no bedtime until step-mom instituted one for her own sanity! Who can listen to whatever kind of music they want, watch whatever movie or tv show they want, surf on the web on any site they want, and talk on the phone to whoever they want for however long they want without any monitoring or supervision. Who can eat anything they want and of course opt for snacks and fast food at every opportunity they can, and are never encouraged to eat anything healthy. Who think the floor is as good a place for garbage and dirty (or clean) clothes as any trashcan, laundry basket or closet because of course going to the trashcan to toss out garbage requires too much effort. Who eat and leave dirty dishes, tables, floors, countertops and appliances for someone else to clean up. Shower, and leave scum rings and wet floors and towels for a full-term pregnant and sick with hyperemesis step-mother to get on her hands and knees to clean up after because they or their father won't do it. Who still need to be told to brush their teeth and shower on a daily basis, and can go days out in public without doing so if not told - even sleeping over with friends without clean underwear - and 11.5yo SD has already begun having a monthly visitor! They are are teenage boy who barely graduated high school because he had a father who encouraged him to drop out upon repeated receipt of failing report cards rather than even once bothering to ask to see and/or offer to help with homework. A teenage boy who is too sick to go to school one day, but well enough to go hang out and have fun on daddy's dime later the same day. A teenage boy whose father will help him find resources to flush his system of marijuana before a drug test and swap tales of his own experience rather than take a stand to forbid or at least discourage the activity. A teenage boy whose father will pay his fines when he is caught stealing or when he gets his girlfriend's car impounded for driving without a license rather than make him earn money to pay it himself, but on the other hand would not let son use his car so he can get a license because he didn't want son behind the wheel of his expensive car! A pre-teen girl who has been conditioned to expect to eat out for every meal, do something fun, and go home with something new upon every visit, and is disappointed on the rare ocassions when this does not happen. A pre-teen girl whose father will yell at her after she's caught by her step-mom surfing porn on the net, but then is allowed to waltz right back to her room and resume surfing the net unsupervised until step-mom comes in and shuts it down! I could go on, but you get the idea! I feel sorry for these kids because I know the potential consequences of this type of parenting. My father had a similar "guilt" parenting style for visits and when I eventually went to live with him as a teenager, but unbeknownst to me it would be that very structure, discipline, guidance and direction that my mother established for me at a young age and that I rebelled against as teenager that saved me from a pitiful adult state! Unfortunately my step-children did/do not have that balance in their own mothers and it is already too late for my SS who moved out as soon as he turned 18 and has it seems had nothing but struggles since then as he tries on his own now to learn how to be a responsible independent adult, and I sincerely believe it is too late for my SD too because daddy refuses to see that she is just a younger, female version of my SS but rather he thinks she is "special" and "different" so he hasn't changed his parenting style bit! My thoughts? Keep rewarding mediocrity and that is exactly what you will get!
On the other hand, my number one goal in life once I had children was to strive to raise the best young adults I could! I care about their education. I care about their hygiene. I care that they live in a clean home in a safe neighborhood and even that I do my part for the environment to help protect the world my children live in (something my husband thinks is silly!) I care about setting a good example for them to follow and encouraging them to be the best they can be, which is why I work my butt off to provide a comfortable life for them now, and why I want to leave something for them rather than my debt to pay when I'm gone! I THOUGHT this was what ALL parents wanted to their children, for the children to have a better life than they had, but also to teach them the values that will allow them to get the same for themselves, but I guess I was wrong. Instead, I now RESENT the presence of my step-children because of 1) what I believe is a poor example their presence sets for my children, especially because my SD gets preferential treatment over my children, 2) the fact that the step-children undeservedly reap some benefit from the comforts I've worked so hard to be able to provide for my own children without their own parents having to put forth any effort to provide it, and 3) that it feels very disrespectful to me for these children to be in my home and not only be able to ignore my rules without repurcussion while my own much younger child cannot, but to know that this probably will never change, and that I will have several depressed days and battles on my hand for the next 6.5 years every time my husband wants to spend time with his daughter in my "space" unless one of us decides to go ahead and call it quits before then!
So here I am trying to figure out if this marriage can be saved while every effort I make to try to come together with my husband to correct the situation ends an argument where I am accused of not liking his kids. He still doesn't get that it is his poor parenting that I don't like, not his kids, even though I say this every time! Meanwhile, his continued attempts to be his daughter's friend rather her parent out of guilt for not seeing her everyday at expense of neglecting our baby son together and extreme opposite strictly parenting my 6yo BS has pushed me to the edge! When I was pregnant with our 1yo BS I was so hoping it was girl because I hoped that would at least bump his daughter from being his "precious baby girl", especially since he never loved her mother and I know he loves me, but now I'm not so sure that would've made any difference. I realize now that one of the very things that attracted me to my husband, his role as a father, was not all it appeared to be. I know now that my while my husband's picker got better going from a piss-poor mother of his first child, to a half-assed mother for his second child, and now a great mother for his third child in me as his wife, I fear my picker has gotten worse, actually going from my first husband who didn't have or want to have children but fully stepped-up when he had one, to my second husband who thinks parenting means providing the basics when you have to, and then do whatever else that feels good to everyone rather than what's best for the children! Unfortunately I know now that my husband was just the "default" parent, picking up the slack where his children's mothers did not and overcompensating for it, and since his youngest child has a great mother in me, it appears that my husband feels he doesn't have to do much at all except play with 1yo BS and try to discipline my 6yo BS when I'm "being too soft", leaving all of his focus on his own daughter and of course himself and his own needs, but where does that leave me? Where does that leave my children? Where does that leave this marriage? I do love my husband, but it does not look like this marriage can be saved...can it? I really need some solutions - and FAST! Please help!
NOTE: Our home is mine, I owned it and paid all of the household bills on my own prior to the marriage and I make more money than him even though he makes decent money, so I am not financially dependent on him - I just LOVE HIM and want to be with him! Please help!
Well first welcome...I am new
Well first welcome...I am new also! And relieved to find others at least Somewhat like me! YOU seem the closest yet! I too am the breadwinner, and "our" home is mine really, but for different reasons. My husband and I have both only been married once, to each other, and I only have our 2 daughters with him. HE on the other hand has a 14yo son from a fling (and I"ve been battered for that term, but to me it's not meant to judge, it's meant to summarize: no relationship, no broken family, visitation since day one, etc). I could go on and on with my story, and how I totally relate to you, believe me! I believe my "job" as a mother is a big time serious one, and apparently DH is able to step up and do the same with our DDs, but for SS is a whole different set of rules.
The caveat being that 2.5 yrs ago, DH "admitted that his life had become unmanageable and surrendered to a higher power that he had no control over alcohol" and has been sober and a different person ever since. We got together 12 years ago (SS was 2), married 10 yrs ago, and divorced 2 yrs ago after many many separations and problems. All along we loved each other and I could see the "good side" of him, but when the truth of his addictions came to light, it made a lot of the past make a whole lot more sense. I was never dealing with a fully lucid and consistent personality, and I didnt even realize it at the time. Nutshell is, we were able to reconcile in EVERY way EXCEPT where SS is concerned.
Since I HAD to get a place I could afford on my own in the best school district by us, we live in a VERY small house which I rent in my name. DH has moved in and this is the longest we've lived in the same house as a family (2.5 years)! But DH goes back to his mother's house EOW for visits with SS because A) the situation is so tense and
there simply is not room. We have 3 small bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and living room. The girls actually change clothes in the living room because for space they have loft beds and cannot sit on the edge of them to get dressed. They are ages 7 and almost 9 (yes, 19 mos apart, I practically raised 2 babies alone for years) and I"m sorry, but I just dont think we need a teen boy in the house on a regular basis if it can be avoided.
Especially because I completely disagree with how he's been raised, and his own parents dont want my input (never did), so it's on them how he's turned out, but believe's night and day compared to my girls! My girls are academically brilliant, in sports, girls scouts, and very active with friends, school, etc. My own sister says they are "freakishly well-behaved" and she doesnt mean they are like robots...they are just very pleasant kids. That doesnt just "happen" either! I worked HARD for that and take full credit!
Anyway...DH and I seem to be back at square one again, him saying he's "this close" to leaving because I am uncomfortable around SS and when I did agree to TRY in small doses to do things together to try and integrate SS to our family, DH couldnt hold up HIS end of our agreement and kept trying to add on to it, extend it, get mad at me, etc and finally we just threw in the towel on trying. It's like he finds all these people who agree with him that I'm just a cold hearted B and that I hate his kid, when all Ive ever said is if he would PARENT that kid things would be different. The reality he sees is completely different than what I see.
SS is barely passing school, is not involved in ANYTHING, no interests whatsoever - except video games and these really queer trading cards? I dont see why a kid cant turn in his homework when he does NOTHING?? We have soccer 5 days a week and my kids get straight A's?! SS hates his homelife and plays up on DH for sympathy and it works like a charm. SS wrote the 4 letter F word on a wall at home (quite large) because he got mad that he had to clean the bathroom. He's never had chores, bedtime, rules, homework, siblings, no responsibilites during visits with DH, so of course he tries to go to grandma's every chance he gets. Lately it seems more and more, cuz DH and MIL think they need to "save" him from his horrible home life! MIL is making everything worse.
Well I am short on time here and would LOVE to continue chatting and possibly helping each I will surely be back! I just wanted to get a response out to you asap.
Hello again! So where was
Hello again! So where was answer your question, I wonder the same thing! And I do tend to believe that different parenting styles can be a BIG deal, even when it's just your own kids together, but to have one person act like they hold a "trump" card over the other totally sabotages the mission of presenting a united front (which I strongly believe in). And for us, having DH act one way with "his" kid then another way with "our" kids...just for me is unacceptable. I get a vote with our kids, but he has always undermined me with SS, and what message do you think that sends to our girls?? No way will I let that go on in front of them.
And DH will actually debate the facts with the point where any argument ends up being me repeating back what he said, then what I said, and it's ridiculous!! He was THERE! Why do I have to go over it? But DH simply refuses to see reality when it comes to SS. DH thinks he parents SS, and that SS is "a good kid" but when I ask what that means, he cant tell me. He just gets on me for being critical.
In my book, a "good kid" doesnt consistently take advantage of his father and grandmother, steal from them, lie to them, get bad grades, get bad behavior reports from school, the list goes on. This kid is pretty much the poster child for abortion - he never shouldve been born. His life sucks, he has been a pawn from day one (meal ticket for his mother), he's been shipped back and forth between people who are Trying to move ON with their lives, and while people may feel sorry for him, I sure dont feel sorry enough to sacrifice MY kids' futures and well-being for him! I surely didnt cause his problems or ask for him to be born any more than he did? Neither did my kids - so why should WE have to pay the price? ya know?
Thank god one of your sks is over 18...cant you just kick him out? Hell I wont even let SS come over my house! Let alone live there, and beyond 18? Nope. No way. I'd sooner let DH go, and he knows that.