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my blended family

lonniemaye's picture

I met my lovely wife and 2 stepkids in 2003. My ss and sd was age 4 and 6 so things was good between us after developing a serious relationship. The kids didn't have their fathers involved so that wasn't an issue. The problem was my mother in law, she had plans for my sk's to become Jehovah witnesses like her once they gotten old enough to particpate. I became an instant threat to her because I was teaching them different about church, xmas, and birthdays so when the kids visited her she would promote division among us all teaching them to not accept me like she doesn't. My marriage didn't mean nothing, the fact we had 3 kids together meant nothing. She never tried to get to know or like me basically looked for negative things to build against me to justify her negative actions towards me. She basically influenced my sk's to not accept me, bond or love me. I didn't allow mother in law to convert my sk's into her religion which made her despise me, and made her set out to go behind our back bringing them material to their school and sneak it during visits to our house because after warning her several times we are not JW's and to respect us she still chose to force it on our kids so I shut down the kids going to her home from lack of respect. She still came to our place causing problems promoting division and openly favoritism to my step daughter over the other 4 kids trying to buy her to go into her way. I kept order even had literally thrown them out my house once,I told them Sunday wasn't a good day to visit which was our family time she got pissed and started telling me what she was going to and what she wasn't going to do in my house. I asked them 4 times to leave and they refused so I pushed her and her son out my door and closed it. They called the police but I didn't do anything wrong! So that took them beyond hate towards me. A month later my home phone was temp off so the school called her to pick my ss up from fighting. The school is 3 mins from our house she was suppose to bring him home, she decided to bring him to her house a hour away sent her other daughter to our house saying she had him. I got my new cell later that day called her home left like 5 messages, we drove out there she was dodging us for 2 days. I called the police and they made her bring him home that night saying kidnapp she bought him back he came in the house I slam the door in their faces and that was the end of that. My ex-wife and I have a 15 year old son and I have primary joint custody to her secondary joint custody since 2002 she became disabled in 2008 getting social security benefits and started targeting my son check to supplement her household income. She kept him on a summer vacation started false abuse claims to switch custody but I ended up getting him back. She decided to pull it again Dec 2011 kept my son and false abuse claims. My ex stabbed me in the back the whole time acting as if we were cool up till the day she kept him. She contacted my current mother in law knowing about our drama and had her come to court jan 11 signing affidavit against me they both teamed up with hopes to destroy our family where my ex, can get my son's check, and my MIL can get me out of her way to convert my 2 sk's into jehovah witnesses. I knew my ex would get temp custody it's normal when abuse claims are involved. My mil same day influenced my wife to walk away with our kids saying dss was going to take them for being with me telling her I was guilty my ex gotten custody. My wife left and mil went to work on her influenced my wife to hire same lawyer my ex is using to divorce me. I don't have family in SC so I ended up having to leave our residence couldn't afford it and all the bills without my wife. I could of left SC to family, but I decided to fight for mines I didn't do nothing wrong. I lived out of my van, and set out to find housing I could afford by June I was straight new apt, furnished still fighting both cases. My mil had her wish access to my sk's for 10 months making those kids worst towards me. We had a decent relationship spite my mil earlier interference the kids respected me, we had something good, but this 10 mths, constant hate, putting negative stuff in their heads during this time. They took my sk's to conventions, kingdom hall, door to door forcing her religion down their throat. By July both kids stop participating which hit a nerve in mil. She wanted my wife to divorce me, and to stay away regardless she hates me!!! She caused my wife to lose her section 8 just to keep her in that trailer access to her kids. my wife and kids life were going down the breakup effected my son he stayed back in 2nd, the other kids almost was kept back switching schools, kids gotten rashes, it was a mess. I tried to save my marriage and her mother has put fear in my wife heart and soul it seemed my wife would let love influence her to want to save our marriage but her mother would change her mind(FEAR)from a child this woman dictated her and sibling and her father to be under her control. My mil over the years just had her way with my wife and sk's before me and couldn't stand to lose it. My wife pushed me to the brink of walking away letting her mother control her to make them happy instead of her own happiness. She finally gotten the strength to dig deep in her soul to break away from her mother negative influence but I tell you it wasn' easy!!!!! I swear my wife and I went to the court to have that legal sep and divorce dismissed it was done, Her mother seen that we was together one day and she yelled, she went off on my wife I was told. The next day my wife said she was having cold feet. She was having cold momma influence. At that moment I was like I'm done!!! A few days passed she called I'm coming home to you. I picked them up oct 31. She didn't tell any of the kids so first we went to the elementry school my 3 kids they were so so so so happy!!! We went to the middle school get my ss after he was told walking to the van we was back together he didn't say nothing but his face was red as a apple mad. We went to high school next my sd, on the way out the school she seen my van and was told we were back together. She started crying, and became rebellious saying she wasn't going! She started saying all the stuff grandmom was instilling in her. She was a mess acting if she was grown I told her to get in the van she refused so I went to office had the coutesy officer come out and he told her she had to get in and go. I guess she thought she would get arrested so she got in and was crying. I let her calm down during our trip back to upstate. I said name 5 things I ever done to you for you to act this way! She couldn't answer. Well honestly I thought my hands was full assuming she would cause problems. I was shocked later on that night she was talking carrying on like in the past. We couldn't stay long in my apt, so I found my current place like 3 days later and we moved. My sk's damage is done from mil influence and they are holding on hate because their GM hate me which its sad for these kids to have to carry that burden especailly when I never did anything wrong to them been around 9 years trying to be their father love them treat equal as other kids involved. They don't appreiate me, they were taught not to bond or accept me as their father. They used to call me daddy, but not any more. My ss is worst because he is going through puberty, he get into trouble at school, he lazy don't want to do chores, sd too! at mil house they didnt do nothing but eat, sleep and my ss wanted to go back based on that trying to cause problems. My mil kept her promise if my wife ever returned to me that she would call DSS which she did but they need evidence beside heresay so that is history. My ss said he was going to tell his guidance counselor it was abuse so he could go back to his gm trailer. I expressed to him it's not her place to raise you and if you think causing problems going to get you to her house you wrong it will get you in foster care so he gotten off dss tip. He has been not doing his school work, getting inside suspension 2 times the last month and recently. He didn't even tell us the school contacted us so I put him on punishment the first time and I tried to show him I hate doing that and I am fair gave him a chance to get off early. 2 weeks later the same thing not doing work putt inside suspension this time I punished him no video games and 1 day in the room. He's currently on punishment. During that discussion I asked him did anything happen in school recently, he looked me straight in the eye, straight calm voice saying no!!!! I just gotten the mail letter of suspension. I was shocked to see him straight up lie, I tried to tell him you cant do that it's evil; you can't try to lie, trick, fool the people that care about you.he gotten his report card saying he didn't his homeroom teacher was absent, he bought it the next day tore off the comment by the teachers. That if you do it now when you get older you going to do it and end up in prison or dead trying to get over on people. So he kind of started talking back the last 10 months to his mother which I don't tolerate for a second so I told him to watch his tone and what comes out his mouth to me. He said you still the same, you told me to put my shoes on when I was outside and i did but you still spanked me. I didn't remember that at first it was back in 2007. I thought about it after awhile it came back to me, yeah I told him to put his shoes on and come in the house, he waited like 15 mins to come in so that's why he gotten spank. So he said I'm still the same person, and I said yes I am when you don't comply with rules and regulations I'm going to correct you. He's too old for spankings and I just take away the things he enjoys but he is holding on hate based on his gm influence and the fact both my stepkids want my wife to themselves they have mastered minpulation soon as he gotten on punishment he targeted my wife saying in a quiet voice where I couldn't hear him but I did. He said you don't care about us, you never did, grandmom put that mentality in those kids head, the sd does the same too when she get disaplined or mad at my wife behind anything. My wife be given into that but I have shut it down making it known what they are trying to do. Telling my wife she has to be tougher with them be that parent. Her kids witnessed how their gm dictated my wife and controlled her so they try to do it but I don't let none of them take advantage of my wife and really they just want her to themselves without me in their way. But I'm not going any where they got me for the next 100 years and need to blend, removing that hate, bitterness, selfishness, and division instilled by their GM being the beautiful family we are!We live now 160 miles from mother in law so we can have time and space to bond without negative influence. I go to court pre trial conference Feb 5 for my oldest son my ex blocked my 1 day court ordered visitation 13 months now, shut down all contact parent alienation hoping to get my son check for the next 2 years.

jennaspace's picture

I'm sorry MIL was the driving force behind so much negativity. I can relate as my MIL was too. I read the first third or so of your paragraph but I have a load of stuff to do tonight so I didn't read it all. You may want to rewrite it with paragraphs. It's hard to read without them.

This site is not like FB where you can't press enter without posting. You may get more responses if you copy this and paste it into a new post and add in paragraphs.

Kes's picture

I agree with jennaspace - I took one look at your post and decided it was too long and too hard to read, sorry. You want to make it a lot shorter and use some paragraphs.

overworkedmom's picture

I couldn't read it all, sorry, I kept getting lost. I did however get that your MIL has been a horrible influence in the lives of your wife and child. I am so glad that you were able to move away and hopefully this will help you have the strong family bond that you guys really need!

Good luck!!

lonniemaye's picture

I'm sorry if I'm not educated like most struggled in school my whole life 1-12 special education classes but I was simply trying my best to express my blended family.