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My husband, his daughter and I

JJO's picture

Hello everyone, I am new here and i would like to share my problem with you, hoping that you will be able to advice me on how I should deal with our "little" situation.
First of all , i should introduce ourselves. My husband and I got married a few months ago. He is divorced and has a 5yo daughter,while i have no children of my own ( and i am not sure if i want to have any....)

The two of them:
My hubby and his daughter used to have an amazing time together before i got into their lives. They would play all day, watch movies together,sing,share daddy's bed.(!!!)
He was all about her and she knew that very well. He would say , "I am here at your disposal ,you can do with me whatever u want.I love you." (Sadly these are his actual words).

Her behaviour - result of his attitude 100%- :

So she knows she has the right to manipulate him, right? And that is exactly what she does! She has turned into a SPOILED BRAT,crying and whining when she doesnt get it her way,sneaking in the bedroom , waking him up 3-4 times every night because she wanted to say i love you daddy.She wont eat anything healthy ,she is selfish -doesnt share- ,always wants to be the center of attention- and when she is not she cries and makes a scene- and she has even reached the point where she even yells at her father. (!!)and seriously now .... SHE IS ONLY 5!!!

I cannot accept this. I am embarased to have a whinning child in a store or at a friends house. I want to slap her when i hear her yelling at him and him just pretending its no big deal. It is a big deal , and she will grow up to become a pain in the butt!

He denies to see it.
He wont take advice.
His heart breaks when she cries.

Please tell me how should I deal with it.
Insist more on rules and discipline? or Just step back and let him raise her like that ( and eventually avoid going anywhere with her)?
Which one will have the greatest effect on my marriage?
Is there really a way out of this?

AlexandraL's picture

Please, speak up. I was in the exact situation you're in minus the married part, and I bit my tongue over and over. When I finally spoke my peace it was too late for resentment level was off the charts.

Not speaking up has caused my relationship with my BF to deteriorate to a point that I don't think we can recover from.

I think as his wife living with his daughter you have every right to voice your concerns. I agree with need to know whether your husband is willing to make changes to make things better. Really, he is doing the girl a disservice and the changes your asking for will benefit the girl as well as you...a win-win situation.

If he's willing to look at the situation I'd say you should find a good therapist familiar with stepfamily issues. We've gone to one and it's much more effective having a third party point out the problem (the therapist) vs. you...he's less likely to become defensive if things are delivered by a therapist.

If he's unwilling to make changes, then I guess you'll have to decide whether or not you want to stay with him.

I'm sorry you're going through this.

Btw, Momzilla is right re the teen's difficult to ride the drama even with your own kid, never mind a stepchild.

Let us know how you make out...good luck to you!

glynne's picture

Yes, deal with this now. The child is acting out and needs to be parented. If she isn't - it will only get worse.

glynne's picture

Absolutley Spunk. That little girl is scared and acting out in the only way she knows how to. JJO, you and DH need to show her what a family is all about. Give her love and boundaries and see her grow. Good luck.

now4teens's picture

Agreed- Speak up NOW!

Ok, you're married. You can't go back. You maybe should have seen the "red flag warnings," but you either chose not to, or thought he'd change, or whatever- hindsight is 20/20. Don't beat yourself up over it. Move forward with where you are TODAY...

And that is, you have a classic "Guilt Daddy." And he is in DEEP denial when it comes to his Precious Princess. You see it now. And trust me, biting your tongue is only going to breed resentment between you and him AND between you and his daughter. And it WILL doom your marriage.

If he refuses to see it, he's going to have be TAUGHT to see it. Get into counseling ASAP.
And no, "disengaging" isn't going to work, because this problem WILL get worse, and at age 5, these behaviors can actually be corrected pretty quickly if he's on board! Plus, it drives you crazy, and from what you describe, it doesn't sound like you'd be comfortable with just sitting back and letting this continue.

I tried the "biting my tongue" approach for years until DH finally saw the light. Let me tell you- it was a VERY BAD way to handle things with his three Precious Princesses, and by time he was ready to pull his head out of his butt, things got WAY out of control and I was almost ready to throw in the towel more than once. It was over FOUR YEARS of drama, nonsense, fighting, tears, and wasted time. Don't let that happen to you!

PrincessFiona's picture

I agree with everyone else, speak up early, don't let your resentment build. However maybe speaking up in a way that doesn't make him feel you are picking on his parenting. Maybe tell him you don't agree with his method of parenting, but you understand it's his child and therefore his decision. You do however expect respect in what is now your home too and ask if he is willing to compromise on a few things that really make your blood boil.

Pick a few behaviors that are obviously not appropriate, discuss how each of you would personally handle it and then find an acceptable compromise.

For example, coming to the bedroom at night. This affects your sleep as well as isn't healthy for her to develope good sleep habits. If he can agree to discuss with her that it's not acceptable, and that he will immediately return her to her own bed with no discussion. She wont' stop immediately but you'll know he's working on it.

Tackle just the big things and only one or two at a time......if he is willing to make any concessions.

jojo68's picture

JJO...You and I on the same song different verse....Princess is 10 and lives full time with us. She seems to be getting worse. Smartass attutude and is complete oblivious to authority. I have learned to just ignore her and that just eats her up because she absolutely has to be the center of attention and when she is not she'll do some of the most inappropriate, ridiculous things I have ever seen to get attention. She used to be kinda sweet but that has started to be less and less. I can't even imagine what it will be like later on in the teen years.

So yes...definately try and talk to your DH...maybe you could make a difference.

JJO's picture

thank you all so much for your prompt answers .
What surprises me is that most of you suggested councelling! I never thought it was that bad.
Now to answer your questions we have her every other week for a week(50-50 deal).
And yes , he is a classic case of "Guilt Daddy" as he admits in our conversations.
Guilt Daddy, because the child went through a lot when they were getting a divorce with her mother , and "make it up for her" Daddy as her mother doesnt spend any time with her , or play or do anything a parent would do to a 5year old.
And honestly i would too, be on board to make it up for the lonely hours she has to spend at her mom's , if it wasnt for that selfishness,and the attitude she has adopted from TV shows and her friends at school. (i guess she is mimicking the Diva attitude from someone).
So I would have to say , yes , i saw the behaviour at first, but i thought it was a"trying to adjust to the new situation" phase. Plus she was saying that she loves me very much,still does occasionally, and i thought i would be able to give a lot of things to this child, to add my spices to her character... Silly me you will say. But i only have good intentions.
She -on the other hand- she claims her daddy from me, - we havent even told her yet that we are married :? .She doesnt listen to me at all. When i tell her sth she doesnt like , she just ignores me and goes to her daddy to ask for approval.

Its nice to hear that at this age her behaviour is fixable, cause i think she is a lost case.

LMR120's picture

You know the whole "he/she has been through a lot with the divorce" is a bull shit answer if these divorcing parents would keep the kids out of the divorce they would be half and messed up as some of them are. Why not sit the kid down and talk to them about what is going on and let the kids express how they feel about mommy and daddy not living together anymore. NOVEL idea isnt it! Sorry to go off like that but thats one of the excuses that my BF used in the begining. Hes been through so much. Yea because you and BM drug them into every apsect of the divorce. Give me a break. As far as your situation you need to try and talk to him calmly about it first so you dont get acused of being jealous of his daughter LOL. Sit together and look on the internet about children and bed time and children yelling at thier parents and guilt parenting and you could even show him the responses to this post. Its not ok and sometimes they just need to see that its not you being a cry baby its a real problem.

now4teens's picture

OMG 100% AGREED!!!

DH used to trot this little ditty out all the time:

"Oh, they have been through SO MUCH since the divorce."

Translation: A COPOUT for LAZY PARENTING! DH maybe had good intentions, but it led to disasterous results with regard to the behavior in his "delicate snowflakes"! (BARF)

Yes, I agree, there IS a period of adjustment when divorce happens with kids. Just not a period of NINE YEARS! My kids went through a divorce, too (and my oldest son has Down Syndrome). It is even more important to provide a sense of NORMALCY so they know what to expect from day to day. Having rules and simple expectations in place is actually COMFORTING for children!

THIS is why there needs to be required classes before people should be allowed to REPRODUCE!

JJO's picture

oh LOL!!! of course he has accused me of being jealous of his daughter! and I think he still believes so...

(Although , just for the record, one of the reasons why I wanted to marry him was the fact that he looked such a considerate parent. )

stopandchat's picture

I feel for you...I'm in the same situation with my 6 yr old SS, and my guilt parenting husband. At least your husband still sleeps with you when your SD is over - mine sleeps in SS's bed with him! Sickening...

jojo68's picture

Oh hell no...I put up with a lot....I deal with a lot but when I first came into the picture...BF daughter insisted on sleeping with us. I just got up and slept on the couch. A couple times of that and BF actually put his foot down and set up a boundary. Besides a 10 year old is WAY too old to be sleeping with anyone especially her father.

JJO's picture

I agree 100%.
I did have to put my foot down about her sleeping in the bed with us.But she still wakes up and comes in the bedroom a few times every night. Thankfully he doesnt let her stay , he takes her back to her room. But you know... If I did what you were doing ( sleeping in the couch) she would consider it a victory (!!) and then i would be out of my bedroom for good!

Good news about this issue , he told me last night that the night before he didnt even get up , he just told her to go to her room and she DID!!
If this is not progress then what is??? Dirol

jojo68's picture

It is progress...definately and it shows that he is putting your relationship first in that aspect. It might be babysteps but it is a step in the right direction. I have also seen a difference when we go out somewhere. He used to let her hang all over him and just be down right embarrassing. I walked away and went to another part of the store a few times when this was going on and I have noticed now that he doesn't allow her to do that anymore so I stay with him and he holds my hand and doesn't allow her to break our hands apart anymore...again, babysteps but a step in the right direction.
Good for you on your situation...I am seeing that it just takes time and a lot of patience but I think eventually it will be better...definately not perfect but better!

JJO's picture

Well , OK! So what do you do??

i know a case of a father that he broke up with his GF because his son didnt like her. He ended up alone in life ...

How is this fair???