My nightmare life, fighting cancer and this crap - Please help don’t know how much more I can take!!! Lying, stealing, drinking
This is my first post, even though it is long overdue. My situation is so complicated. Any feedback on this you feel like giving would be appreciated. Sorry long. We have many issues but lots of them have been helped here from your posts, so here goes, please help!
SO is a Disney dad with his children high on petal stool with NO boundaries, just because he's their father he will make excuses for them. SD12 SS10 rule the house and our lives. I moved in to SO house last yr with BD16 and had to leave my BS14 move to his BD house since SO doesn’t like him & my health issues. SO doesn’t have a reason why he doesn’t like him but just says he rubs him the wrong way, but that another issue so is SD12 spoiled mini wife, another story..
SS10 is so out of control emotionally manipulating & stressing everyone out. When he was 8 he was hospitalized for a week for behavioral issues and put on meds & therapy which he is still on and doing. Both bio parents don't really want to recognize how out-of-control he is. It’s easier to look the other way then to just accept the truth. SO lets the issue go too easily & doesn’t follow thru with disciplining lots of waffling / backing down because he not a normal kid & is not right, he has issues. That line is getting old! SO thinking is you have to pick your battles with him because you won’t win so just let it slide under the rug. What bull who’s the boss or rule maker? Oh wait not the dad because he can’t / won’t take off the kid friendly gloves and take charge. If SS doesn’t want to do it he will have a fit then that’s the end. Ex: Big fight with SO, BM & Skids when I asked them to start washing their hands & to take vitamins to help me stay healthier during my chemo. That lasted less than a month only time that is done now is if I tell them to. “Come on how hard is it to wash your hands after using the bathroom” but I’m told I’m in the wrong here from both BM & SO. Uuggghh :jawdrop:
SS10 acts like he is 5- Baby talk and fit throwing if he doesn’t get his way. Both Skids are extremely jealous of each other and also of me they fight each other for attention from SO. They follow him around like little puppies. If SO gets up to get a drink they will follow, he takes a shower they wait outside of the door then try to come in while he is getting dressed. SO sets alarm so he is up before them because if not SD is texting him “are you up” or SS is knocking on our door or making lots of noise so he will get up. SS has to sit next to SO for meals or on same seat for tv time or relaxing time. This is a big issue SS & SD vented to BM about this so now if I’m sitting next to SO and they come into room I must get up so 1 of them can sit down next to him. SS is still mad at the fact that while on vacation SO and I slept in the bed while girls on the sofa bed and he on sleeper chair. This caused such a fight with SO and I because I would not sleep on chair so they could sleep together. I’m at my end of the rope with the rudeness, lies, constant running in the house, can't ever talk in a normal volume or rambling on about no nonsense stuff that’s so far-fetched it’s just stupid just to talk so no one else can… I did bring this up a few times and SO is finally getting it. While talking the other night SS jumps in starts talking and smirks at me so I just made a face to SO (which he got) stopped talking and said to SS we are talking here and you will have to wait. OMG finally!
Think my problem is that I’m involved with a Disney dad, typical protective, enabling, guilty dad that thinks his kids are great. My son does no wrong, well SO is eating that crow now. Problem is SS is in serious trouble and needs help yet I’m the one for months now saying this get on board and help him instead of thinking it will fix itself. Here a snap shot of the mess.
Feb. SS9 at the time gets busted with beer bottles, stolen house items, lighter with lots of burnt items, his sister’s stuffed animal with its throat cut and knife shoved in its belly and pain pills in room. BM is told he is grounded for 1 day & Room is cleaned and closet is locked. Later more items are found, he gets talked to and counselor is filled in. More items are noticed missing but are not found yet. BM is missing Vodka bottle goes on hunt. Lighter from our house is found in SS closet at BM house, SS lies says he doesn’t know how it got there tries to blame his sister. No punishment. BM finds smashed vodka bottle and bottle of champagne, SS lies then comes clean is grounded 1 day no tv. More items found at our house SS gets a talk. Lies says he doesn’t know SO tells him the items are going to police dept to be fingerprinted SS come clean on only found items, No punishment just talk. Grandma is missing lawn mower key.. key is found in SO truck SS comes clean and has to call grandma and apologies that’s all. More liquor is found he gets the talk. Kitchen Ipod is missing lost to the house SS gets his Ipod taken to replace the kitchen one. Has been told when it comes back he gets his back. SS swears he doesn’t know where it is. Funny how only happens when it’s a kid night or weekend. SO gets mad and turns defensive toward me. I’m sick of items being taken and not returned SO starts to say that my children are doing this not his son. This blame shit goes on for months as items are taken and found hidden in our home. School calls because SS took a bullet to bus stop gives it to another kid that kid keeps it for a while then passes it to another kid which his mother finds it questions the kids and turn out came from SS. It’s the end of school year so School district does nothing parents are to handle it. SS get a I’m only one having an issue with all this?? BM and SO just saying kids will be kids. More items found in our home, my son is blamed. There’s no proof of it so I do nothing, yet get my ass handed to me because I didn’t ground him for it. It’s just an attempt to get heat off the real person who took it cuz SO is having to face reality that son is far from perfect.
End of June I come home from hospital only Skids home beer found. SO eats crow cuz I can’t get around without his help and SD didn’t drink it. SS is busted yet lies gets sent to room they talk SS says he did it and gets to come out, like nothing happened, wonder why we still having issues. I’m done at this point this crap with SS is over top stress is too much and chemo is kicking my butt. No help SO and I are fighting bad cuz I feel he needs to do more than talk and have him go to therapy. BM is no help (doesn’t happen at my house so it’s your problem) nice. Bottle of meds are missing found in SS room his room is checked he once again gets a talk. I’m blue in the face what needs to happen kid ODS on meds before we do something here??? Was told not my kid not my issue so stop it he (SO) has it under control.
July-Kid night SS ipod gone from draw I assume SO returned it to SS since we bought new Ipod for kitchen. SO and I go on road trip since I’m feeling better it was nice trip after little fight. We get back to find new ipod gone. SO jumps all over saying that he knew we had another person stealing our stuff and not SS. Causes huge fight. My BD16 swears she didn’t take it but she was the only one home. She was told not to let anyone in while we were gone. Truth always comes out in the end. She had 3 girlfriends over. I’m glad she told me makes me proud she doesn’t lie to my face like others. SO wants me to ground her for 4 months and pay for ipod. 4 months??? Really how fair is that… well turns out that in the rush I was in before leaving I scooped up the ipod in with my bill notebook my bad Had to talk to BD and worked things out. Yet SO gets mad at me cuz I didn’t ground her for 4 months for not listening and letting friends in. I’m so not going to win. Yet while on hunt for Ipod we found more items in SS room my ipod SO ipod SS ipod, food and lots of many other strange things that shouldn't be hidden or hoarded. All stashed in weird places as well. WTH? SS gets a talk. His room is clean
Aug- Everyone acts like nothing is going on. Beers are now counted in frig hard liquor cabinet is locked wine cellar is locked. SS door is now taped to see if he leaves the room at night. I feel like an outsider in my own home all because of SS that’s out of control and won’t stop. Feeling happy because kids are going home early cuz SO is leaving for work so only have to be alone with them for 30 mins. Weekend is going well until lighter is missing. SO freaks out on me says I’m picking on his son he wasn’t out of his room so he didn’t do it and I’m so wrong here. Well with that I snapped back said our door was locked at night so he didn’t take it during the night had to happen during the day. Much more said but think you all get the point. SO goes to prove me wrong goes into SS room to look not even 5 mins go by and he is yelling for SS. They have talk and he calls BM she just says oh and told him to check his room. SO is going to be late so he leaves. On wed I go to give myself my injection and my pen is!! so I go on the hunt look in SS room find tons of burnt items and melted items yeah he didn’t leave his room cuz he was burning shit all night… I tell SO at this point he is so stressed out with SS crap, my health issues and work can’t deal with it. He call BM they fight SS won’t tell where my injection pen is “he forgets” I’m so done he is now putting other in harm’s way. So off to the hospital I go cuz of his stupid ass. SO is on the road so nothing happens. Half of his job cancels so he gets to come home 3days early. Sat is a big event and its SD turn to go but she has made plans already so SO says he’s going to take SS. WTF Really let’s just keep rewarding bad behavior. I lost it and in the end he saw my view. Then on Sunday goes to spend day with SD and SS for his birthday.(10). When he gets home I asked if he said anything about the issues at hand.. Nope it’s his birthday didn’t want to upset him same thing happened on Tues night. Whatever! So Friday rolls around and shit hits the fan once again cuz I’m pushing for something to be done its totally out of control and no one gives a shit. SO and I fight, wish he could just see I’m trying to help him not work against him. He snaps back and says he spends more time in one day with his kids then I do in a month with mine. Very low blow .. war is on, he can say that but he’s the reason why my son is not living with me.. total blow out during the night ends with me saying it his issue and he can deal with it alone. He still saying my kids are part of the stealing and drinking crap also, so my come back was he doesn’t have to worry anymore cuz I will take that option out and that I’m done moving out for my piece of mind and health and when the shit keeps on happening it’s all on him, I will just laugh when I see the house burned down or feel bad for him when I see his sons obituary.
Sat- beer bottle found in trash can SO and I fight SS is grounded to room. Which its unfair SD12 pays the price for SS issue, so I stepped in had BD babysit SS so that SO SD and I could do something. SS put in room freaking out upstairs doors locked /taped. SO tell me he can’t go cuz SS is to upset really?? SS crying having fit saying his stomach is hurting its unfair for us to go without him. Wants his dad to wave to him when we go.. only on road 6 mins get the call he stomach hurt he can’t do this and needs him to come home.. SD and I both voice in. Movie was good come home to broken tape on guest room door SD forgot and walked into her room so we couldn’t tell if he was in there or not.. I go into bathroom then SS goes in later when I go in pill is on the counter??? Didn’t say anything until next morning when it was still there told SO. It turns out to be one of his- bottle is removed from bathroom but no one put it there,,, yeah right! SO talks to SS about it nothing is done. Day goes on.. SO still has not learned yet 530 comes room check time.. OH what is found… pills some under rug and in his bag going home to BMs.. think its setting in now? SS room is emptied out more items found then more items found in sister’s room. He has the talk again and 30 min talk with BM & SS. They go home. BM is calling SO cuz SS can’t stay awake and eyes are bloodshot. Oh now she’s on board cuz its happening to her.. long story short SS took meds wouldn’t say how many or what. BM SO fight end result is our house is unsafe and Skids not allowed here anymore because of this.(this wont happen because BM wants her alone time, even has SS call SO on her weekend to come get him) Now SO is mad at me cuz they were my pills but where the hell were the boundaries. The child is who needs to be held accountable for his actions stealing things, sneaking out of bed at night, etc... time for him to face the consequences. I don't know if I want to take that chance with a child who lies and gets rewarded for it/no consequences. Let’s be deceitful and sneaky as well it's like nothing ever happened and he's right back at the same old stuff. It needs to stop. Wonder what excuses will come from SO for SS now.
We battle these issues monthly and I don't know how much longer either of us can take it. Please help with any advice! Even if you think I am wrong I need to hear it!! My SO and I are at constant odds with each other because I am stressed, ill and very angry that he refuses to see my points of view, refuses to believe that this child is rude, disrespectful, ill-mannered out of control and needs help.
This situation with this boy is literally draining what little life is left in me. I'm at the point that things have to change between me and SO or I will have to leave. I know I don’t have enough strength in me to fight the cancer and this.
Call the cops. This kid
Call the cops. This kid needs a long stay in juvie.
Hi fairyland, so glad you
Hi fairyland, so glad you posted. I dealt with a sson scenario similar in some ways to your's but way different in other ways. My ss19 when he was 17lived with us for a yr and a half, he was way out of control with drugs, alcohol, spice cigars, pot, stealing prescrip meds from DH, stealing allowance $ from my boys, lying, etc. We had to lock the fridges, the pantry, our room and finally the boys' rooms to the point where he was only allowed in the rec room and bathroom and he still found ways to break in and distroy and break and steal and lie. Luckily for me he was older and graduated (but didn't have enough credits to actually get his diploma - no surprise there). He moved back in twice after initial moving out and last time moved in with his pregnant gf who it turns out was not pregnant but was lying so she could have a place to live. Sooooo much crap went down that finally I said NO MORE and OUT.
Your situation is so different in that your ss is younger and it sounds like he honestly has some mental issues (I'm not a doc or psychiatrist but did also raise my adult disabled daughter and she had bipolar rages and had to be heavily medicated for me to handle her and finally at age 13 we had to put her into a care home).
If you plan on staying you and SO are going to have to seriously get some professional help BEFORE one of you loses it and ends up in jail. Or he loses it and you or SO get charged with his crime. This is serious stuff, the courts take all this crap really serious. Get him help through the juvenile system. I am no stranger to the juv system b/c my bs18 had to go there as well for behavior probs caused by serious PTSD from my divorce. (it's still hard for me to forgive my xh for all he did to our family)
If you plan on leaving, you should leave soon so you can finish your cancer treatments and heal. My DH just finished chemo and is healing and I cannot imagine what it would be like going through what he went through in your situation. I believe you are feeling desperate. You could talk to family and ask to stay with someone for the time it takes to go through treatments, talk it over with DH and make this short term but a necessary medical holiday for yourself. You could try to go to a retreat for awhile or MOVE into your own tiny apartment for a year or so and see how things go. I know you love your SO but you also have to think of your bios. Your bs must be very upset that you have put yourself into this situation. My bs18 cannot stand ss19 now b/c of what he put me through. They don't say things like this or talk about it but it'll come out one day. Your bios need you, your steps are not yours and not your problem to raise.
I have my own house, rented
I have my own house, rented it out. so that's always there when lease expires. when I was first diagnosed had less then 2yr stage 4 cancer had surgery in Oct plan was to get my BD set here so she wouldn't have more crap to deal with. but then Dr said they got most of it, wish that was true. In June I had a double mastectomy and am fighting cuz I so don't want my girl left here with all this bull shit. I have not worked since the surgery so money is very tight & I have no medical insurance so got dr bills out the butt. So I'm stuck. trying to make the best lemonade out of the lemons I was given. MY ex is not supportive at all he is a royal pain went after me for child support.. nice would gladly support him if I had it.
I love my SO just have some issues to deal with. the ss being the biggest. I feel like this could've been avoided if nipped in butt along time ago.. I don't know how to help them. Feel like he needs to go away and get help because what has been going on for the past 6 months has not helped.. Lets keep trying the same thing hoping for a better outcome ..
I just don't see anything good coming from this.
Problem is he and his kids are dysfunctional. The writing is on the wall :jawdrop:
Just wanted to give an
Just wanted to give an update... SS has not been allowed to come to our home since 8/25/13 .. SO & I have done a sweep of the house found so much stuff, Just want to cry.. We still are finding items.. Still mad at SO for making resaons for SS.. (he doesnt know what he was doing)... lol really! He did & does, kids that tape pills under furniture know what they are doing..
Its been a little over a month now since he has been here. There is a peace in the house feels good.. Nothing has be stolen and nothing has been burned... SO still visits with ss and kid weekends are different SD comes and she is not so bitchy or acts as spoiled. I feel bad to say this but I really loving life with out ss. Does that make me bad? I know he will return, not sure when but hope he will have his issues fixed when he does... I know it wont be any time soon, cuz problems like he has dont get fixed over night.. I know SO misses seeing him and BM is bashing SO for not doing his part and taken him... think that is more so because she wants her free time, which she doesnt have right now becuase she still has 1 kid when the other goes to our house.
worried that SO & BM still have their heads up their butts on this matter.. I guess time will tell, but for now I will enjoy the calm peaceful time without SS.
any advice for what might be ahead? :?
Jebus, this is a terrible
Jebus, this is a terrible situation. Take care of yourself. I would run for the hills, but I know that is not always an option.
Best advice I can give is
Best advice I can give is never let your SS into your home again. His mother and father had the fun of making that child, they are therefore responsable for bringing him up.
Good luck with your health, cancer is a hard battle and the one you need to focus on fighting. Save your energy for that.
And tell your DH "It's SS's visits or my life".
well I guess I spoke to
:jawdrop: well I guess I spoke to soon.. BM made an issue and SO gave in so sunday was SS first time back. Only was in house for a few hours. SO watched him made sure he was not alone, execpt for bathroom trips. Thought it went well until I noticed that a soap box & empty toliet paper roll was missing out of bathroom trash. Wasnt going to say anything but it really bothered me, so I opened my mouth and SO jumped all over me said I was picking on him & the Dr said people would do this crap and he got all worked up.. Said SS didnt do it, old cover bull crap.. Am so freaking mad over this. Nothing has changed same shit just new day and SO still has head up his ass. SO had to eat crow when both items where found hidden under towels in bathroom drawer. Dont know why he did it execpt that we found a lot of these before, was saving & burning them, Guess he thought he should start collecting again..
SO & I are fighting now cuz all SO did was "have the talk" which is bs. SS said he didnt do it, which we both know is a lie yet SO just lets it slide like it didnt even happen- just look the other way it will fix it self..SO Just says "I have it under control will just have to watch him all the time" Like thats the answer.. Fix the problem kid not make excuses for him and cover it up. I know I shouldnt care not my kid, but its like watching a slow train wreck happening..