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Need Help with out of control 12 year old SD

punky13's picture

I have a 12 year old SD who of course she believes she is 21. For the last 10 years, my DH and their BM have had a schedule where the kids spend every other week at the other's house. So Monday to Monday. This has worked well, and since it has been so long, neither of the kids know of anything else.

Since I was blessed to enter their lives as a point where they were not already set in their ways and beliefs our blended families worked very well. We all participated and communicated. There were issues of course, but they were worked out between adults, not by putting the kids in the middle.

However, in the last few years my relationship has gotten very tense with both kids. Mostly SD. My SS is autistic and does whatever his sister tells him to. SD has formed a very unhealthy relationship with her 19 year old cousin. We took him in as he had no where else to live, but quickly had to ask him to leave after too many calls from school, and visit from legal authorities, and the compulsive lying. One of his whoppers was that I was having an affair. This while my husband was out of town and I had 4 kids to mind. The only time I had to myself, was when I was finally able to go to bed and catch some sleep. I still cannot figure out where I had the time and the privacy, as I take my BD with me everywhere when I am the only adult around. My husband found humor in this, because he also wanted to know when I was doing this. He discussed with the older 3 and let them know this never happened. This is when things started going downhill fast. Did I mention his nephew thinks he is an aspiring gangster?

Once he left SD continued communication even though DH and BM specifically forbid. I will not allow nephew anywhere near my house or my BD. His influence has taken over my SD mindset and wants to be just like him. She tells her mother that I neglect her, picks on her on purpose and yell at her all the time. When confronted by me, BM and DH, she says everything is okay, she doesnt have any issues.

Prior to this the BM and myself had gotten along and communicated well on behalf of the children. Once nephew spread nasty rumors, she discountinued communication and was nothing but rude and condescending. To this point I had a good relationship with my Stepkids. One the BM was proud to brag about to other divorced families.

In the last few days my SD has taken it to an all new high, she has taken it upon herself to - for some reason - take me out, or something of the sort. In short, she has lied to her mother with one lie, then lied to me with another. Then denied all of it to her dad. My DH has had to pick up an evening job to help out due to the economy, so he is home less.

First it was how bad I treated them, then it was how bad their father was when they were in trouble - stern and authoratative, not abusive. Then they had a meeting with BM, DH, and both kids and all was worked out. The minute they left, they came up with the following which I was informed of via email this evening that my step kids do not like me, do not want to be around me and if I am here alone they do not want to be here. This is heart breaking for me. I love those kids. We have always had fun, goofed off, played games, enjoyed life. I refused for them to run the house, as there are rules and respect being the biggest one. They refuse to listent to me and adhere to house rules, purposefully pick on my BD to watch her cry and tell BM that my BD lies all the time, they would never do that. They have completely convinced their mother of every lie.

I am torn as what it is I am to do from this point forward. I am very emotional, I am heartbroken, and very depressed over the whole situation.

I am not sure how to handle this going forward.

HELP - Depressed and confused.

lynn2008's picture

I am sorry to hear about your situation and can understand your heartbreak.

Reading a little between the lines here, it sounds like BM is encouraging the SKIDs to display this kind of behavior. I really don't believe that kids could think this up on their own. DH has been also been targeted, although you have gotten the worst treatment. It really stinks and you do not deserve this.

Possibly even though things outwardly seemed good between you and BM/SKIDS in the past, they probably harbor some bad feelings. From experience, I can tell you that no matter how nice you are to them, how much you love SKIDs, etc., there is very little you can do to change this "witch hunt". The more you react and deny the allegations, the more they'll continue. It will fuel their frenzy.

There are two things you can do. You and DH need to put up a united front and let BM and SKIDs know that they are not welcomed in your home until this "witch hunt" ends. Secondly, you need to disengage. It's hard to do, but if you don't, they will win. Once they see that you no longer care and that you and DH will not tolerate this treatment, they'll move on to other things.

My SD tried for years to destroy my marriage and vilify me. At one point, I loved her, and her treatment hurt to the core. By disengaging and letting her know that I would not tolerate her behavior, I took control back over my life and emotions. I stuck to it. I had to do it several times.

I hope this helps and I wish you well.

Most Evil's picture

If they want to stay away, let them. If BM is the one encouraging the distance, let her babysit her own kids!!

Be glad you are no longer being manipulated by children, and enjoy your family time alone with DH while you can - this will probably blow up on them and they will be back.

Don't sweat it, they are trying to upset you and rejoicing that they 'got to you'.! IMHO

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

SM#1's picture

My SD9 has done the same thing. It started when my BS was 6 months. She lies about every thing, basically everything you mentioned is what she says as well. I am sorry, I don't have any advice, I am in the same situation.

It has been exactly 1 month since I was last lied about. My BS is now 2. So SD has been at this for 1 1/2 by now. It is so stressfull. I have tried everything but nothing seems to change her behavior. SDs BM and I were on good terms for 3 years prior to SDs lying. BM believes every word that comes out of her mouth. I am at a loss.

The only good thing is that our Hs back us up. From what I have been reading on this site, many Hs don't do that.

punky13's picture

Thank you all for your support. I cannot put into words how helpful it is just to have a place to talk, let alone to other individuals dealing with similar situations. Bless you all!